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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. A "senior Thai official" says Thailand has been removed from the list. But a proposal will be made to the FATF at its June meeting for final approval to remove Thailand from the blacklist.

    So, in fact, Thailand is still on the blacklist.

    So which senior Thai official was telling porkies?

    "Which senior official is telling porkies?" Well that's easy, all of them.

    I challenge you to find one that isn't! wink.png

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  2. Hells effin' bells. Just when you think that government statements can't get more stupid, you're immediately proved wrong. Where are the brains of these people?

    What's the Science Ministry got to do with the International Anti-Ageing Medicine Institute?

    It's just Children, educating Children, who in turn have to educate their Children.

    ...and so it goes on.

  3. If you live in the upper Sukhumvit area and want to go anywhere other than the airport or the upper Sukhumvit area it can be a nightmare. I've been refused by over 10 successive taxis in the past. I can't see it changing in that area as the driver's there will assume foreigners don't know who to complain to. Not to mention they are more aggressive/nasty than your average Bangkok driver to start with.

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  4. The police "replenishment" program was in full force during the former Democrat era.

    The projects appear to be localized in the southern regions, which coincidentally are Democrat party strongholds.

    In consideration of the above, I hope that before anyone points a stubby little finger at the current administration, that he/she considers the history of this project. If I wanted to spin this, I'd say oh look, the much maligned DSI is taking on corruption. I won't because I am not that naive.

    It's crap like this that prevents the Democrats from being taken seriously when they raise the issue of corruption. IMO, all of these buggers are tainted and corrupt: The police and their political cronies in all of the parties.

    It's crap like this that prevents anyone with half a brain taking any Thai political party seriously when they raise the issue of corruption.

  5. I don't know. I think Thailand could be ready by then. What with the high speed train and BTS extensions all completed by then. Traffic congestion will be greatly reduced as motorists commute to work by mass transit. A lot more people will be speaking English by then. Who knows, corruption might even be in check. 8 years is a long time......

    .............oh, who am I kidding sad.png

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