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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. Thailand's salary increase is comparable with Malaysia (5.5 per cent), South Korea (5.35 per cent) and Singapore (4.5 per cent).

    But they do it organically, you've just had a mammoth increase and shouldn't really be comparing with such countries. That there is such low unemployment is more a case of lack of skills, too many foot-shufflers doing one job.

    Most people don't register for unemployment in Thailand as well. There is no benefit in doing so for most.

    It's more likely they will go home to work on the farm or take 'time off' until they find a new job. The 1% figure is basically meaningless.

  2. "It was a typing error," Sermsak told the House"

    It's literally this easy to try your hand at corruption.

    I am flabbergasted. I mean really. It is that easy. blink.png

    I think you will find that it was an honest mistake, it happens all the time.w00t.gif

    And it's just a coincidence that the mistake always just happens to make the number larger.... never smaller.

    • Like 2
  3. Considering that most luxury imported cars are owned by criminals and/or corrupt officials it shouldn't be too hard for the police to trace their source.... if they were so inclined.

    Exactly. Truth is, they don't want to know who owns them. By that, I mean they know, but won't admit they know. Therefore they don't know. That's how things work over here.

    • Like 1
  4. The world moves on, while Thailand is held back by its own dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders...

    That should be CORRUPT & WHOLLY SELFISH dictatorship ruling political mafia leaders. How can a country grow when those who are responsible for taking care of it are in reality only taking care of themselves?

    • Like 1
  5. It's been 3 years and their only just getting photos released and witnesses interviewed?? blink.png

    They were waiting for the big reward by Thaksin, which was just announced a few days ago. Once Thaksin puts up the money, the wheels got rolling.

    The reward comes with the precondition that those arrested claim no affiliation to Thaksin & the Red Shirts, and acted purely of their own volition. Seriously, you wait and see.

  6. Is that all the army has to offer?

    A virtual self imposed house arrest.

    If I had children working as teaching staff in the deep south I would be doing all I could to get them out.

    It shows remarkable dedication that most are still there for the kids and they deserve much more than advice to lock their doors.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Agreed, that the teachers deserve more, but the people causing the trouble (like their brethren the world over) are not really open to negotiations..... that is, unless they get everything they want.

    • Like 1
  7. Here's an idea, now remember it's just an idea...why don't they try picking up customers and working instead trying to cherry pick everyone? Then they can make their $15 a day...

    With exceptions, I think the above mainly refers to those who hang around the tourist/farang areas. Outside my condo in Soi 11, taxi drivers sit in their cabs with engine & air-con running, playing on their smartphones while they wait for the next set of Arabs to rip-off. Obviously these poor drivers are suffering. bah.gif

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