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Posts posted by thehelmsman

  1. and that in Thailand...Don't know what some crazy US cop would have done....
    shoot him if he were black...

    Why is the US always thrown in the mix?

    Not sure. Where there is smoke there is fire?

    Not necessarily - We use smoke simulators for fire drills

    Think the point was that nowhere is perfect. Wish to compare another country? Most have their stereotypes. US was mentioned but probably because they are often used as a benchmark for other countries behavior.

    Won't be long before the brits and yanks are at it again

    • Like 2
  2. Dogs in Issan are generally treated like crap. Don't understand why you would even have a dog if your situation isn't stable. Why would you want to live with her parents? Rent a house and start your own life. If you can't do this for finanicial reasons then my advice for your lady is to boot your ass out or for you to stop whining.

    • Like 1
  3. People's fasination with the US won't stop in the foreseeable future. This is where people immigrated to in pursuit of their dreams. In my families case we came to escape the repression of socialism. My father, all of us, came to a country where hard work was rewarded, as did every single immigrant who passed through Ellis Is.

    It's nice to see America hasn't lost it's touch. Come on now, please admit this all about jealousy.

  4. May be we can say that first they come for sex ( thai pussy, as said above ) and when they know better the country, they are interrested by the rest , too

    if after 10 years, they still know only the pussy, sad for them sad.png

    So after 10 yrs of living here we should no longer have any interest in the ladies, is this your thinking?? We should only think of .......................of what?

    The guys who have the money to chase the girls, spend money like water..... They don't preach,

    The ones who shout the loudest against the guys who like the ladies, are the ones with small bank accounts. They're jealous, but instead of being truthful, they come out with crap. Bikey is a prime example............

  5. so, such a big country,,,,, such a perfect country,,

    you dont even have your own language,,,,


    A big country - yes

    A perfect country - no

    Ask people in the USA - What other country would you consider moving to for some of the ways of life we enjoy here? Australia and New Zealand would be picked by many.........England...nah I don't think so.

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  6. Living in the sticks, far far away from Pattaya the price of a plot of land including a house which you can live in, is already close to one million. Close to Pattaya you won't get anything which fits your dreams. Come down and see Thailand as it is.....


    When I relocate down in that region I'll rent first and take my time finding a house. I just want a place with some elbow room is all.

  7. Do any of you posters live in a mostly Thai only village? Not the cookie cutter new developements but villages with tradional type houses with chanote titles. I would imagine a decent thai style house on a decent sized lot could be bought for well under 1 mil baht in the surrounding pattaya region.

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