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Posts posted by thehelmsman

  1. TigerWan -

    I'll have to ask around some more when I get back to Thailand about the word Farang. I was just stating my experiences with the people where I stay. I've never had anyone directly call to me saying "Farang" If it is a derogatory term ? What's to be done.

  2. This is ridiculous. Noone directly says: hey farang when speaking directly with me. The villagers do use my name as they learn it. And, how this discussion starts talking about Blacks is absurd. Just like in America people say African American. Because a person has dark skin he's an African American is equally ridiculous. They are black - that's it. From now on I'll stay away from the Haters.

  3. First I want to say I'm honored and humbly proud to post my words next to such brilliant minds. I have a good lady and a newborn baby girl. We live in a small village way up north. The word farang doesn't faze me at all. don't understand what all the hoop-la is about. What else are they supposed to call me. Nobody yells out farang to get my attention. At the market when I would buy something the old lady would yell for her grandson and the word farang was used because he could speak a little english. So, I learned numbers in thai and the words for what I wanted. Now I can do business directly with the old lady. Makes life much more pleasant.

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