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Posts posted by thehelmsman

  1. 'Guys of substance'!

    That's about the funniest thing I've ever read on here!

    In the states a 50 yr. old guy rolls up in a $70,000. car - Another 50 yr. old rolls up in a 20 yr. old $1500. car tell me who will be noticed more. Who will the ladies look at as the more suitable husband material ??

    Depends on the woman in question. You do realise they have individual personalities and opinions, right?

    Not everyone worships the money god. Not everyone who has money feels the need to show it off to make up for shortcomings elsewhere.

    What really made me laugh, though, was the idea that the kind of guy you see frequenting the bars of Thailand would be considered by anyone as a 'man of substance'. Utterly hilarious. Keep them coming!

    You're simply making up statements that aren't true, Never said men who frequent bars are "Men of Substance" I said women from all over the world prefer "Men of Substance"

    But, you prefer to take one liners and twist them into your own pathetic view. Be happy, I got to get back to work..............

  2. 'Guys of substance'!

    That's about the funniest thing I've ever read on here!

    In the states a 50 yr. old guy rolls up in a $70,000. car - Another 50 yr. old rolls up in a 20 yr. old $1500. car tell me who will be noticed more. Who will the ladies look at as the more suitable husband material ??

    Friends of my lady in Thailand, guy is 65, wife is 32 together they have a 2 yr. old baby and a successful business - both are Thai. Do you think when she was 18 she laid around dreaming of marrying a guy 33 yrs older?? Probably not, but life happens and she choose a good life with a good man who provides well. Not saying this is the case with all foreigners in Thailand. We've all seen the old fart farang with a stunner. Will that last? Maybe not, but if both are happy who are you to judge??

    Funniest thing you ever read, nah, I remember the one about the umbrella and food court table. You still win........

  3. I'm here because I like it.

    Seems a better way to be than live in a country you don't like to satisfy your dick and your ego.

    You're in Thailand or you're on TV because you like it. The language you choose to use says alot about you and your character. You can't have what others have for whatever reason, possibly you're unable to have relations with women. For that I'm sorry............

  4. If you had normal women in the West, then you'll probably have normal women here.

    If you were unable to in the West, you'll find a woman here that will pretend to love you and be your wife for a salary and you can then hate Western women to your heart's content. You're the winner now, eh.

    A very strange (and fallacious) argument,

    When we were in our 20s in the west we all had normal western women in their 20s.

    Now we're in our 60s the normal western women in their 20s no longer seem all that interested.

    What bit of that don't you understand?

    Or are you expecting us to all sleep with normal western women in their 60s?

    Of course you younger types like SB and CH may have had problems in the west, but not us older men.

    Tell us why are you here again, Temples and highly paid employment opportunities?

    Well said........hoppy

    • Like 1
  5. Fresh chiles dried in sun and run thru a blender..........yikes

    Why "yikes" ?

    Besides my self & Thai girl, most of the locals grind dried chilies in a blender or food processor.

    We live in a very rural part of Isaan, however being 2015, most of the locals do have some modern appliances.

    Would be interested in knowing why you feel this practice is "yikes"

    Just as a matter of interest, we use the blender to make rice flower from grain. Quick rinse after the chilies or rice or whatever else & ready for fresh coffee beans. Kinda thought that's what one did with a grinder / blender.

    Chilies, garlic, ginger, coriander, onion & some Soi sauce + whatever else takes your fancy, & you have a great marinade for chicken or pork.

    Happy grinding.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    Yikes only meant very spicy.

  6. So basically, it's this -

    Young farang women = not interested in you.

    Young Thai women = not interested in you, but willing to pretend to be for a price.

    For someone whose not attracted to thai women you always have comments to make. The way I see it is you're either gay, which is fine. No judgement here. You're tied down to a farang wife with no escape possible. Which is it Bikey?? what makes you so angry and judgemental....

  7. SP, you can sit there and chew the cud until the rest of the buffaloes come home but if I didn't have better things to do with my time, I'm sure I'd find it easier to back up what I said with empirical evidence than you would to back up your ridiculous assertions that 50% of Thai couples have a wife that doesn't work.

    If your sure please do....I gave the source of my empirical data - observation of a limited sample, and I am sure if your assertion is correct you can do the same, its easy you said so yourself.

    but as we stand my assertion in the absence of any form of verifiable data from your good self is that your pulling your assumptions out your bottom.

    I don't have to because my original assertion - a husband financially "supporting" his wife is an old-fashioned notion - was correct.

    Hell Yeah,

    I'm ready to tell my 3 yr. old to go get a job as well, no gold brickers allowed.

  8. No, I don't have to quote anybody here. Why is it that so many feel it necessary to belittle and go the name calling route for those who have different view points.

    I'm happy to say those few farang I come in contact with are relatively normal and don't seem to have the biased views of most of you.

    Are you saying, the few farang you contact inside Thailand, or outside Thailand, are normal.

    Because, I think you are wrong in either case, and both cases.

    For the record - I'm never wrong, it's always someone elses fault.

    I was referring to foreigners in Thailand. Geez, just remembered those oddballs I sometimes see at Makro and Big C, But don't really include those as coming "in contact with" I'm one of the fortunate ones who has put down roots in Thailand, but am able to move back to the states at will. What I've spent on my home in Thailand won't stop me from moving if that's what we think will be the best for the kids. It's nice to have choices.

  9. No, I don't have to quote anybody here. Why is it that so many feel it necessary to belittle and go the name calling route for those who have different view points.

    I'm happy to say those few farang I come in contact with are relatively normal and don't seem to have the biased views of most of you.

  10. We know nothing about Bob. We know nothing about that business. We know nothing about Bob's background. Hearsay and speculation. Why are posters so "concerned" about Bob's anticipated loss? Maybe, £15000 is peanuts for him.

    This type of concern can be experienced in many ways. Just tell your buddies that you want to spend 4 million Baht on a decent middle class car from Mercedes, Audi or BMW. They might get concerned that you are wasting money. They might suggest to buy some Thai assembled Japanese pickup truck. They will explain why they made their own smart decisions and how much they saved. They just want to help.

    In your own eyes, a 4m model could be a modest choice. In your home country and in your home circles nobody cares. In the expat community, a melting pot of all social classes, people get "concerned".

    Leave this Bob alone! Mind your own business, if you've got one.


    maybe read the previous posts first before you comment, it was mentioned the 15k was an important psrt of his life savings. And yes I have my own business.

    If it truely is important then Sum num na Bob

  11. Well he soon will be joining other foreigners on the streets of Bangkok begging for money. Besides what is wrong with 30 baht Thai food ? Guess you don,t get out much and eat at Burger King every day.

    Jealous of Bob ? And the thousands of other alcoholics sitting in foreigner bars throughout Thailand day after day in a non stop stupid daze. What are you drinking ? Must be rocket fuel.

    Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

    If people weren't jealous of Bob having the $$ to piss away they wouldn't be posting so viciously, at least ole Bob isn't trying to scratch enough money together for his next order of 30 baht street food.

    Some guys come to Thailand not because they can't afford their home country but because they want to try something different. Some guys have serious money backing them up.

    Jealous?? Yeah me thinks many are...........

    It's a good 2 hr. drive to nearest Burger King, wife is a great cook. You'll have to try a different one..............

  12. Well he soon will be joining other foreigners on the streets of Bangkok begging for money. Besides what is wrong with 30 baht Thai food ? Guess you don,t get out much and eat at Burger King every day.

    Jealous of Bob ? And the thousands of other alcoholics sitting in foreigner bars throughout Thailand day after day in a non stop stupid daze. What are you drinking ? Must be rocket fuel.

    Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

    If people weren't jealous of Bob having the $$ to piss away they wouldn't be posting so viciously, at least ole Bob isn't trying to scratch enough money together for his next order of 30 baht street food.

    Some guys come to Thailand not because they can't afford their home country but because they want to try something different. Some guys have serious money backing them up.

    Jealous?? Yeah me thinks many are...........

    It's a good 2 hr. drive to nearest Burger King, wife is a great cook. You'll have to try a different one..............

  13. Jealous of Bob ? And the thousands of other alcoholics sitting in foreigner bars throughout Thailand day after day in a non stop stupid daze. What are you drinking ? Must be rocket fuel.

    Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

    If people weren't jealous of Bob having the $$ to piss away they wouldn't be posting so viciously, at least ole Bob isn't trying to scratch enough money together for his next order of 30 baht street food.

    Some guys come to Thailand not because they can't afford their home country but because they want to try something different. Some guys have serious money backing them up.

    Jealous?? Yeah me thinks many are...........

  14. why do we say "go back home" ? it s because for years USA government said the same to foreigners. it was just insulting, being called an alien is an insult. only USA call people alien in this world.

    now many people get their revenge, since you have now to pay your tax, many us guys are coming back home. so just go home and let us live in Thai paradise.

    enjoy your Sunday shopping at shittty Wal-Mart!

    Newsflash - When you enter the USA without proper documents you're an "illegal alien" They'll stop being called that when they stop entering the country via swimming, hiding in engine compartments, shipping containers etc, etc etc

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