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Everything posted by arick

  1. All the African and the rest of Asia will be sending their children to Thailand to be killed and collect the benefits.
  2. They can keep their 50,000. Give me back the money this country stoled from me
  3. Three years back a Thai thief( charged property fraud) with his yellow Porche was driving at very high speeds and killed two people on their motor bikes in Hang Dong. He had no mandatory insurance & no tax. He walked away free and wasn't fined.
  4. Maybe it's time to leave some government wants to keep checking your bank account every 90 days I suggest maybe you leave and go to another country
  5. They have £1500 in cash and all the phones and laptops. Whatever <deleted>
  6. Imagine all the rice soup leaking out inside your body
  7. What crap it's from burning sugar cane. Not from anywhere else. Offer the farmers $30 more a ton for not burning .
  8. Only children that have had dengue fever before should be vaccinated according to the CDC
  9. The percentages aren't the whole picture and not factual it's just a marketing gimmick
  10. Doesn't work. Or if it does just for a couple of months. not recommended. That what I get from reading the scientific papers. The private hospitals are just offering it for the money or to get rid of old stock.
  11. Do the Chinese get a free trip to the DSI after purchasing their corrupt units
  12. 10 times that amount they lost in Thailand in 2019 from one project highly doubt they will repeat the same mistakes
  13. arick

    Isaan Funerals

    Are you sure you weren't in the north of the Border ?
  14. ORIF open reduction Can I get a job writing these articles ?
  15. And accident not a disaster. A orthopedic surgery not an emergency surgery. Should be out of the hospital within 48 hours. I am curious how much the hospital bill will be I am sure will find out soon enough.
  16. Sue the local government and maybe the governor.
  17. Hang Dong again!!!! No comment on their local government affairs.
  18. Licenses from the United Kingdom do not need an international driving license however you need a motorbike license she's only licensed to drive anything under 50cc
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