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Posts posted by Gone

  1. Best steak I have ever had in Thailand was at "Eagle House" guest house & Restaurant on soi 4 Jomtien beach rd. On soi 5 is Eagle Bar but they are the same, you can enter either way.

    Steak with all the fixings I think might be 350 baht now.

  2. I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

    wow! three weeks ago

    they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

    they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

    that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

    i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

    there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

    seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

    in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

    it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

    anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

    Not taking your meds these days?

    Yes I "go" almost every year to work Internationally for 3 months then return.

    If you have been here for as long as you claim then it bewilders me as to why you still go to beach rd?

    Isaw your advert for your bike sale

    You said you were selling as you were leaving thailand

    Bit misleading if you are only leaving for work every few months

    Especially as in the advert you said you wanted to be honest

    I take my insulin meds every day

    Same as you

    I go to the beach every day except two days at songkran and Xmas day

    Why would my 15 year duration have anything to do with it?

    So back at you , Why live near the beach and not use it?

    Bewildered even more now?

    I can't stand Pattaya Beach and would NEVER go in the water there. I prefer to go to Na Jomtien when needed. The reason I never go there is the same reason you started this thread. I have never seen it clean.

    Just figured after 15 years here you would have found the more decent beaches to go to thats all.

    I see on your posts that you do get around everywhere quite a bit and that is good because I have also seen you answer many questions here on TV and give some great info however on the flip-side, you do seem to have a dark side also. No pun intended.

    To each his own of course where one likes to go however I just can't stand that beach and these days it's even worse with the traffic and all. I call it a sesspool not a beach.

  3. I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

    wow! three weeks ago

    they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

    they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

    that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

    i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

    there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

    seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

    in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

    it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

    anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

    Not taking your meds these days?

    Yes I "go" almost every year to work Internationally for 3 months then return.

    If you have been here for as long as you claim then it bewilders me as to why you still go to beach rd?

  4. Lost count of how many evening venues have been ruined by wannabe Bob Dylans, Elvis's or the like.Turning up acting like rockstars, and expecting us to be thankful when they are craving for attention.

    It normally results in my group of friends and others, simply upping and leaving to a more suitable enviroment.

    Shame really as we are generally good spenders, and tip well for good service.

    As for the stereotypical Russian bashing, sick.gif like all nationalities takes all types.

    That was the exact point of playing a Dylan song and it worked hahahhahahahahhahah.

  5. I think to many people here read my OP and then make comments rather then reading the later posts.

    Maybe I should not have used the term "Private Party" as anyone who wanted to join was welcome. The thing was (and quite obvious with the stage set-up) that it would be a live music venue.

    I will also say again for the 3rd time we welcomed them to stay and even handed them a microphone and asked if they wanted to sing a Russian song and we would try to accomodate on our guitars.

    In Canada we also have a multi-cultural population and wether it is Thais or Greeks, Brits or Africans etc. I have never seen any nationality who would walk into an obvious live music venue and just walk on stage past all the equipment and start running the computer on their own and play music from their own country.

    I will also say AGAIN that they didn't seem like a low class group and AGAIN we all tried to respect their visit and tried to make them feel welcome however THEY chose to have nothing of it.

    Call me stupid but I would never go to ANY other country and do this just for fear of being classified or more so......beaten on.

    • Like 1
  6. you play the keyboard ,have you tried busking ,? 20k a month our son gets nearly that much and he shares a room at uni up in bkk ,and he is always broke.

    Foreigners cannot busk in Thailand.

    I was joking,but have you never seen the guy with the parrot on beach road? he charges tourists to have their picture taken with it ,been doing it for years ,doubt if he has a work permitsmile.png

    Naw never seen him but then again I don't go to beach road. Yeah I thought you might be kidding lol. I know some farangs do that but they are taking a big chance of a huge fine, deportation, blacklisting and even jail.

    Alex 777: Prices of water and electric vary depending where you stay so can't really answer that.

    The condo where I stay now for 6k is surisingly nice and big with a corner unit and wrap around balcony, huge olympic sized pool etc. I use tons of electricity and water with my PA, Computers and tons of electric things and bill is around 1,100 per month.

    Some charge for water by the square meter and others by the square foot so be careful when asking.

    If you want to play some music with us let me know. We don't really play around in bars etc. due to the legalities however we do the odd charity events and are safe that way. Just fun to get together and play over a few woblly pops once in awhile. Keyboards are always welcome.

  7. so OP, did you have a WP & your friends to do your gig ?

    One doesn't need WP's when one knows the proper steps to take and is associated with a Charity;

    Step 1) Go to the charity and get permission to use their logo and set up a charity for them

    Step 2) Take that to City Hall and get approval

    Step 3) Go to Immigration and let them in the loop

    Step 4) Enjoy and help charity

    It also helps if one has done this before and it is not me but my musician partner who has set up several Chrity events.

    Is that ok with you Belg?

  8. It might have to do with the Class of Russians they are.

    To be honest I have only seen them around tukcom etc but this group were not a group of "drunks" and they were just out having fun on x-mas eve and we understand that. There were couples and they wern't the "no t-shirt in a Speedo" type of a crowd I think.

    I think it is just their cultural ways maybe and they don't realize they are being ignorant to other cultures and maybe if they spoke decent English it might have been different.

    They seemed like a decent group to be honest and like I said were maybe tipsy as many are on x-mas eve and only out for a good time however they could have showed a bit more respect to others I feel.

    We wern't trying to make it an "us and them" type scenario but just wanted them to understand and maybe it is cultural like I say but to just point at their chests and say "Russian Russian, NO No" wasn't the nicest way to be part of a group.

    I am not prejuduce in any way and I might even end up working in Kasakstan one day but I will tell you, if I do, I won't be walking into a bar there and taking over their bar and putting Newfie music on without asking permission.

    • Like 1
  9. I am in a nice condo now but for 6,000 and it is 39sqm and came with a fridge, TV etc however I have all my own things. Before that I stayed in a decent little apt for 2,800 per month and it was 30sqm and actually a great place for a single guy. Had Cable, furniture (no fridge) and internet for 350b per month.

    So yes it is possible to find these places.

    I am also a musician and if you want to play some keyboards with us send me a private message and we can hook up.

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