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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Geez, man, give it a rest. I've been around Thais long enough to know when someone is making stuff up (quite common on TV). Firstly, a darker skin Thai girl will want lighter skin just like a fat girl in the west wants to be skinnier. It's a feminine beauty thing, nothing to do with racism as we define it in the west. I know plenty of darker skinned Thais and by their title and position, they certainly do not get looked down upon. Now among friends, a Thai girl will certainly tell her friend "hey, you're getting darker. Did you hang out in the sun?" Or "hey, you've gain some weight. Maybe you need to cut down on the som tum." The MaeJo dude has an agenda, always has.

    Being fat is a choice as no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to eat too many calories while being "light or "dark" skinned is not a choice as "you" were born that way.

    And "definition of racism" in the west is basicly this: if you are "white" you are a racist regardless of what you say or do. If you are anything but "white" then you are never racist regardless of what you say or do.

    "Being fat is a choice as no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to eat too many calories"

    That statement alone makes anything you have to say very questionable.

    Being "fat" as you call it, is very rarely, if ever a choice.

    Two people can consume the exact same number of calories and one may gain weight and the other may lose weight.

    Metabolism can have a lot to do do with your weight.

    The causes of obesity may be genetic, medical, psychological or just a matter of a lack of control, self discipline or control.

    I have never had a weight problem, but I can understand those who do.

    I truly believe that most "fat" people do not choose to be fat.

    Why do you think there is a multi billion dollar weight loss industry?

    There may be a few, but damn few people who choose to be overweight and unhealthy.

    I don't think you think....

  2. Or Plan B increase productivity,I see a lot of shops with 3 assistants filing their nails,yet a simple purchase can take forever while they check price and change 3 times I realize they may be on commission only and have to make up any losses but there and in many government offices I see plenty of folks who could exert themselves a tad more without exhaustion.

    Oddly in a nation that needs to improve language skills it is illegal for many native speakers to give even voluntary lessons and they cannot be employed at age 60 when at the peak of experience


    Not so.

    I am 62 and still doing it.

    My age is not an issue.

    Retirement age is 60 for Thai teachers,

    But not for foreigners.

  3. I don't see Thais as racists. That's one of those American liberal labels that they use to throw at someone they don't agree with so it has no meaning to me . What Thais are is nationalistic and the U.S. could learn a lesson or two about protecting its borders.

    My wife (Thai) once refused to sit at a table with a girl (Thai) who was very dark skinned.

    That seemed racist to me, especially when she said, black skin low class no good.

    I was in a club dancing with miss dark skin one night, when a miss light skin came up to me and said, "why you dance with low class girl like that".

    I didn't even know miss light skin .......... complete shocker, seemed racist to me.

    Apparently that poor girl had been subjected to that kind of treatment all her life.

    Sorry, but I don't believe a word of this. Thais are not that direct. And a light skin Thai girl would never put down a darker skinned Thai girl. Certainly not in the manner that you speak of.

    Excuse me?

    Isn't assuming and stating that all Thais are the same a rather racist statement in itself??

  4. Cheerleaders?

    What happened to the cheerleaders for that loser, Hillary, LOL? Cat got your tongue? tongue.png

    They are not needed if you have facts.

    facts...The author of 'Clinton Cash" has just admitted he has no facts to back up his allegations!

    It's just another piece of GOP propaganda.

    " On April 23, ABC News explained that their independent review of the source material used for Clinton Cash ‘uncovered errors in the book, including an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated.’ The book purports to reveal connections between Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, donations to the Clinton Foundation, and paid speeches given by the Clintons, but Schweizer reportedly admits in the book he cannot prove his allegations.

    ABC, who first reported on these lies, wrote:

    The author of the newest hate-on-Hillary book can’t prove his own allegations?

    That steady flow of income has come under scrutiny in recent days, as it formed an element of a book by author and conservative think tank fellow Peter Schweizer called “Clinton Cash,” due for release in coming days. ABC News received an advanced copy of the book, which highlights instances where domestic and foreign companies with pending interests before the State Department made large donations to the Clinton’s charitable enterprises or, in some cases, helped underwrite the former president’s speeches. The book offers no proof that Hillary Clinton took any direct action to benefit the groups and interests that were paying her husband.

    An independent review of source material by ABC News uncovered errors in the book, including an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated.

    How about providing links to the source of your quote?

    I understand.

    We all have trouble believing things we do not want to believe.

    Try this:


    Remember, it all GOP propaganda,

    Like Obama is a Muslim who was not born in the USA....

    Like Obama isn't a far better President than the GOP has produced in decades...cheesy.gif

    I looked through your "Addicting Info" site and saw nothing of any redeeming value except this:

    29 Military Body Paint Babes Who Will Make You Salute

    I must admit I found this rather enjoyable. The radical left wing articles left me a little cold however.

    You might catch up by reading the NY Times article written by a Pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter rather than some obscure blog.

    It does wonders for your posting skills.

    Excuse me, but the article was quoting ABC News.

    ABC is probably the most trustworth of the American Corporate News broadcasts.

    But let me guess, you probably prefer FAUX NEWS..unfair and unbalanced is how you like it?post-147745-0-30463800-1430111354_thumb.

  5. Countdown to Hillary's withdrawal announcement.


    Only if you buy the GOP propaganda.

    They are in a panic.

    Cruz, Bush, Walker....Palincheesy.gif

    The GOP has nobody to go up against her that has a chance.

    Homophobic, right wing, religious wingnuts, haters and warmongers....

    The American people are not ready for that , again!

    She will still be here when your clock has stopped.

    • Like 1
  6. What happened to the cheerleaders for that loser, Hillary, LOL? Cat got your tongue? tongue.png


    They are not needed if you have facts.

    facts...The author of 'Clinton Cash" has just admitted he has no facts to back up his allegations!

    It's just another piece of GOP propaganda.

    " On April 23, ABC News explained that their independent review of the source material used for Clinton Cash ‘uncovered errors in the book, including an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated.’ The book purports to reveal connections between Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, donations to the Clinton Foundation, and paid speeches given by the Clintons, but Schweizer reportedly admits in the book he cannot prove his allegations.

    ABC, who first reported on these lies, wrote:

    That steady flow of income has come under scrutiny in recent days, as it formed an element of a book by author and conservative think tank fellow Peter Schweizer called “Clinton Cash,” due for release in coming days. ABC News received an advanced copy of the book, which highlights instances where domestic and foreign companies with pending interests before the State Department made large donations to the Clinton’s charitable enterprises or, in some cases, helped underwrite the former president’s speeches.
    The book offers no proof that Hillary Clinton took any direct action to benefit the groups and interests that were paying her husband

    An independent review of source material by ABC News
    uncovered errors in the book, including an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated

    The author of the newest hate-on-Hillary book can’t prove his own allegations?

    How about providing links to the source of your quote?

    I understand.

    We all have trouble believing things we do not want to believe.

    Try this:


    Remember, it all GOP propaganda,

    Like Obama is a Muslim who was not born in the USA....

    Like Obama isn't a far better President than the GOP has produced in decades...cheesy.gif

  7. Another consideraqtion..

    If your manure, or "dung" as you call it, is too fresh, it will kill your plants.

    This can be due to a high salt content in the manure from animal urin.

    The best manure, has been age for a year, by then the salts have been leached out of it.

    Also, never plant directly into manure..it is a soil amendment, not a soil!

    A minor correction to your "animal" urine. These tend to be high in alkaline so are great for neutralising salty soils. There is also the possibility that the mineral content of the water is not suitable. For example. If your water comes from a borehole then there will quite likely be high concentrations of magnesium and iron both of which a plant needs but not in excess.

    Sorry for the misinformation.

    All I know is what I was taught at the university when studying for my degree in horticulture 40 years ago, and my experience since graduating.

    Maybe the composition of urine has changed in 40 years?

    Last time I did a taste test......

    Maybe not misinformation. I thought that the smell of bovine urine, which is almost overpowering in the milking parlour, was due to the high alkaline content. If thats not the case then please can you enlighten me?

    You got my curiosity up too, so I did a little research online.

    It appears they yes, fresh manure is high in salts and alkalinity, but, the big problem is the high ammonia content. It is also high in pathogens that are harmful to plants.

    As I stated in my first post, aged or composted manure is your best bet, for whatever reason we choose.

    "The use of cattle manure, or cow dung, in the garden is a popular practice in many rural areas. This type of manure is not as rich in nitrogen as many other types; however, the high ammonia levels can burn plants when the fresh manure is directly applied."

  8. I came to Thailand when my Thai wife became very ill.

    I was not pleased with how the western medical system was dealing with her illness and felt she would receive better treatment in Thailand...( She has)

    At the time, I also felt that being close to her Thai family support system would be very beneficial to her recovery. ( It was )

    Now that we have started a new life here, we are content and plan to stay.

    *** I must admit, being fed up with the corrupt political system and the atrocities of the Cheney / Bush administration made my decision to leave the USA easier.

  9. Most people are racisit; it's in our genes, civilised peoples apply intelectual reasoning to supress the overt expression of this base genetic nature. In discussions such as this I prefer the term bigot which to me is the overt expression of our natural racist tendencies.

    I believe it is human nature to find others to look down on in order to feel better about ourselves.

    I also believe that is why those on the lowest levesl of the ladder of accomplishment are usually the most prejudiced and bigoted.

    I would love to say that I am not a prejudice person,

    But in all honesty I am prejudice.

    I can not tolerate bigots!

  10. What happened to the cheerleaders for that loser, Hillary, LOL? Cat got your tongue? tongue.png


    They are not needed if you have facts.

    facts...The author of 'Clinton Cash" has just admitted he has no facts to back up his allegations!

    It's just another piece of GOP propaganda.

    " On April 23, ABC News explained that their independent review of the source material used for Clinton Cash ‘uncovered errors in the book, including an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated.’ The book purports to reveal connections between Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, donations to the Clinton Foundation, and paid speeches given by the Clintons, but Schweizer reportedly admits in the book he cannot prove his allegations.

    ABC, who first reported on these lies, wrote:

    That steady flow of income has come under scrutiny in recent days, as it formed an element of a book by author and conservative think tank fellow Peter Schweizer called “Clinton Cash,” due for release in coming days. ABC News received an advanced copy of the book, which highlights instances where domestic and foreign companies with pending interests before the State Department made large donations to the Clinton’s charitable enterprises or, in some cases, helped underwrite the former president’s speeches.
    The book offers no proof that Hillary Clinton took any direct action to benefit the groups and interests that were paying her husband

    An independent review of source material by ABC News
    uncovered errors in the book, including an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated

    The author of the newest hate-on-Hillary book can’t prove his own allegations?

    • Like 1
  11. "A lot of immigrants in western world complain that we're racist. Our laws welcome people in, grants them citizen ships, voting rights and all the entitlements that natives enjoy. However when we immigrate to say Asian countries such as Los we can never become one of them eg citizenship and the like. Our laws forbid racism but these countries don't. Just wondering what others think. "

    Los you can get citizenship, no matter what race you are. Not granting people citizenship is not racist. We the western countries don't protect our culture. Letting in uneducated people or people with culture we don't want is plain stupid.

    Thinking someone with different skin color is stupid is racist. To think that some religion/culture makes problems in our society isn't racist. There is no catholic, muslim, buddhist race.....

    And how are we different from foreigners in our own countries ? We don't have the same culture as the Thais.. and if you read this board we want to change things in Thailand for our good. To expect foreigners to completely assimilate in your home country while we as foreigners here in general retain our own culture is a bit hypocrite.

    You even got foreigners here trying to convert Thais to Christianity, just imagine the uproar if Muslims would do the same standing on the streets trying to convert Christians back home.

    Foreigners back home should respect the original inhabitants (often heard complaint) Anyone reading Thaivisa knows how much foreigners here respect Thais.

    The only difference i see is an economic one we don't cost Thailand money.

    I guess this argument goes over the head of many.. and many just don't want to see the parallels. <deleted>

    Sure its not totally the same.. but just think about it a bit.

    I of course am not for loads and loads of freeloading immigrants.. but I don't have much problems with those who work and build their own life without support of the state. They are in fact much the same as us living here.

    "Foreigners back home should respect the original inhabitants (often heard complaint)""

    Yes, people "back home" will agree with this as long as they believe they are the "original inhabitants".

    Look how well the foreigners from Europe, back home ( for me in America), respected the original inhabitants, the Native Americans, the ones the Europeans misnamed" Indians".

    They respected them so much the almost wiped out the race.

    And to my friends from Australia who's ancestors were foreigners who immigrated there from Europe, how well did they respect the "original inhabitants"??

    Perspective, arrogance, and ego have a lot to do with this topic.

    Let's try to mix in a little honesty too!

  12. If you look at what we did for over 5 centuries , Slave Trade , Colonization , East India Company,Clive of India,Slaughter of aborigines, Opium War and much , much more, we shouldn't really cast stones at countries who may have been one of our previous victims in one way or another. We have laws like we do because of our past and to be honest most people are a bit racist

    I didn't do any of that, and I suspect you didn't either.

    So stop saying 'we' and speak for yourself.

    Do you still blame the Italians for the Roman invasion of Europe?

    Do you still blame current day Germans for what happened in WW2?

    Do you still blame current Japanese for what happened in WW2?


    Yes, I blame and hold responsible for what they did all of the above.

    I also blame and hold responsible for:

    The exploitation and atrocities committed by European nations in their failed attempt to "colonize" most of the globe.

    The atrocities committed by Christians in the crusades, the inquisition, and their attempt to exterminate all of those who they could not convert during Europe's colonization period.

    I also blame and hold my home country responsible for all they did to Native Americans, their treatment of Japanese American citizens during WWII and countless other horrible acts they have committed.

    Every nation and group has done things to be ashamed of and many are still doing them!

    These things should never be forgotten or forgiven.


    If we forget the past, we have not learned from it.

    There are many different "We s" and 'Us s" in this world.

    That is why I asked the OP to define "we" when he started this thread.

  13. Another consideraqtion..

    If your manure, or "dung" as you call it, is too fresh, it will kill your plants.

    This can be due to a high salt content in the manure from animal urin.

    The best manure, has been age for a year, by then the salts have been leached out of it.

    Also, never plant directly into manure..it is a soil amendment, not a soil!

    A minor correction to your "animal" urine. These tend to be high in alkaline so are great for neutralising salty soils. There is also the possibility that the mineral content of the water is not suitable. For example. If your water comes from a borehole then there will quite likely be high concentrations of magnesium and iron both of which a plant needs but not in excess.

    Sorry for the misinformation.

    All I know is what I was taught at the university when studying for my degree in horticulture 40 years ago, and my experience since graduating.

    Maybe the composition of urine has changed in 40 years?

    Last time I did a taste test......

  14. To answer, we would need to know what "we" you refer to.

    What country are you from?

    My country, America, has many laws against being racist, maybe more than any other country.

    But America is full of racist, many who would swear on their bibles that they are not racest.

    Look how many Americans vowed, and kept their vow to do anything they could keep their current president from accomplishing he attempted.

    They failed, but they did try!

    And their only reason is that he is half white!

  15. The beggars are hired from Burma and Cambodia and driven to work in the morning by van and picked up at night. They give part of their earnings to the beggar boss who recruited them and keep part.

    There will always be "scammers" begging, and yes, in Thailand many of them "work" for organized crime.

    There are also many legitimate, poor and handicapped who get no help from the government and do genuinely need help.

    I disagree with statements some others have made here.. I do see many Thai people give money to those they believe are in need.

    I, myself will make small donations.

    Not too all, but I do to some, especially if children are involved.

    Something I started doing in Mexico years ago, and sometimes do here in Thailand:

    If a child is begging and I suspect they are being forced to ask for money, I will smile and walk on by.

    I will go to the closest food vendor and purchase some food.

    Then I return to the child and give them the food.

    At least I can be fairly confident the child will eat.

    In a country where there is no social system to assist the poor and disabled, someone needs to help, and in Thailand, many good people do help.

    Unfortunately, I have read that the Thai government plans to "crack down " on begging soon.

    If they do, they need to come up with a system that will help those legitimately in need.

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