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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Some western ways like capitalism and consumerism are a ticket to hell for most people. The capitalists are building goods that do not last and the consumers are constantly replacing them therefore keeping the consumers in debt and making the capitalists richer.

    No, no, no!

    Capitalist are buying cheaply made Chinese goods that do not last to resale in the west and the consumers are constantly replacing them.

    Can you say "Walmart"?

    I knew you could.

  2. Warm.....


    A more realistic reading might be with the thermometer out of direct sunlight! Or is that shadow from a light bulb?


    As an ex wildland firefighter who's duty was to do hourly weather reports from the field...

    Temperature officially is always taken 3 feet above the ground ( guess a meter would do ) and always in a well shaded area.

    • Like 2
  3. I am a NES.

    I don't have a broad accent.

    I have an excellent understanding of the English language (psychological testing - 97%).

    I have created and delivered countless training courses to various sized groups during my 30 years in management.

    I love to help people develop and better themselves.

    I don't drink or do drugs.

    I have an Associate Diploma in Marketing.

    I intend to live in Thailand indefinitely.


    Disregarding the above point, why am I not allowed to teach English?

    You are allowed to teach English in Thailand.

    If you are as qualified as you claim to be, it should not be a problem.

    Get out there and get to know the schools, the English Teachers and the Directors of the schools.

    Prove your knowledge and your worth.

    Maybe volunteer to assist an English teacher or two.

    If you are half as good as you claim, you will be hired and paid.

    It worked for me

    I have established some great contacts and a pretty good reputation.

    When my previous school lost funding for foreign teachers, the Director contacted three other directors ( I had already met ) and all three offered me positions teaching English at their schools.

    I had my choice.

    If you are good and easy to work with, the school can make everything work if they really want you.

    No degree?

    No Problem.

    Work permits?

    No problems.

    If you start with a defeated attitude, you are already defeated.

    I hope you are as good as you say...

    Thai schools need and want people like you.

    and I wish you good luck.....Choke dee!

  4. While we are at it, how about making the rule that the PM must be truly elected, by an electorate and not by the party list. Then all candidates can be publicly scrutinised, which would be far better than getting some party hack, or a billionaire megalomaniac who buys his way to power.

    Can we take it one step further?

    Let's have an election where people are not paid for their votes!

    People are to be elected on their qualifications and convictions,

    not their financial ability to buy votes!

    A real democracy, for the first time ever!

    • Like 2
  5. Not practical. Stopping bikes to check their engine sizes.....only for the rider to reLise their 500 super speed is actually a 498.5cc power plant. 555555

    Actually it is possible. Not easy, but it is exactly what happens here.

    There is an obvious difference between the average scooter or food delivery vehicle ect. and a solo motorcycle over 500CC

    Yes there are always going to be those who fall just below. But that is the same with any such rule. Winners and loosers.

    Just the rule makes more sense with today's modern large capacity bikes both fully able and capable of maintaining higher speeds on express ways.

    If you want to argue for a law like this you have to make a reasonable argument.

    If you feel there is somewhere better to draw the line then that's fine, but it needs to be drawn somewhere.

    In the US, the only limitation is if you can you go fast enough to meet minimum speeds. Bicycles and mopeds aren't allowed on the expressways because they can't maintain at least 45 MPH. My MC in Dallas is the 250cc version of my Bangkok Honda CBR 150 and I am allowed on any street or highway; including Interstate highways; I can also use any lane I choose. My Bangkok bike would also qualify for any street or expressway in the US. I don't understand the rationale for keeping bikes to the left or for banning bikes from flyovers or banning larger/faster bikes from the expressway. It can't be safety related as they let my friend drive his Mercedes Benz and he is a maniac on the road (he is a maniac off the road too). Do any Western countries ban motorcycles from flyovers or the inside lanes?

    How did a thread about police suspending CAR use morph into a thread about motor cycles/ scooters and the size of their engine?

    No matter how large the engine, a motorcycle is not a car!!

    P.S. I am American and am guessing that a lot of you guys are Britts or Aussies...can someone please explain <deleted> is a "flyover"?

    This thread was about cars, then motorcycles...now it's about aircraft too?

  6. US, Japan cautiously rebuild ties with Thailand

    Oh, tiptoe through Thailand with diplomacy,

    and tiptoe through the tulips with me.

    And if Obama kisses Prayuth, in the moonlight,

    will there be an amnesty?

    Just tiptoe through the universe with me!

    courtesy of Tiny Tim. Lyrics modified somewhat

    Tiny Tim's version was only a "cover" of a 1929 song.

    People were just amused to see a freak perform it in the 1960s.

    ‘Crooning Troubadour’ Nick Lucas’ recording of "Tip-Toe Through The Tulips" hit the top of the charts in May 1929. The song he introduced in the 1929 musical talkie Gold Diggers of Broadway

    ​This makes your expertise on diplomacy suspect as well.

    • Like 1
  7. Most of us do have a camera / video option on our phones now.

    You will be pleasantly surprised how fast some people's behavior will change when you start your cam.

    More times than not, the sleazy will just stop and leave...

    A dash cam is also helpful to disprove the " Farang driver is always in the wrong" rule in Thailand.

    It's cheap protection.

    Just be sure to remember to turn it on!

  8. Time flies like the wind.

    But fruit flies like bananas.

    Keep your refuse sealed up in closed plastic bags and dispose of your refuse often

    Remember, one insect can lay thousands of eggs if they find the right place ( your refuse ) to lay the eggs.

    Even if you spray everything, you are not killing all of them and as I stated..it only takes one to start a new infestation.

    Good housekeeping is the best preventive...especially in the warm tropics.

    Choke dee

    • Like 1
  9. Would be nice if Thailand could start producing real mozarella cheese.

    I have read that it takes many generations of selective breeding to get buffalo that produce enough milk and will permit themselves to be milked in order to produce good mozzarella cheese.

    Italy has been doing this for centuries.

    In recent years attempts are being made in California to produce herds of milk producing buffalo by using bull seaman imported from Italian bulls.

    They claim is is successful, but progress is very slow.

    In my area of Isaan, there are still many herds of buffalo, mostly tended by women.

    I can not imagine why they have so many Buffalo in Thailand.

    It is very rare to see one working on a farm or pull carts, as they use to do here.

    There is little, if any, dairy production from buffalo here.

    Some tell me that some of the "beef" sold in small markets is actually buffalo meat,

    but that can not account for many buffalo used annually.

    The only current use I know of is the old " Please send more money...Kwai mai sabi! " scam used by the Thai girls.

    Maybe it is not a scam?

    Buffalo populations are dropping.

    Maybe Kwai is really mai sabi!

  10. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    PS - Come to Chiang Mai you 'pussys' in BKK who are complaining about scooters delaying you getting to your next Latte/Chardonnay. Being tailgated or overtaken in the bike-lane by a big 4WD/UTE doing 120+km on a local road (not a highway) - NOW THAT'S A KNIFE !!! whistling.gif

    Fearless, proud and stupid..

    Have you considered enlisting in the military?

    You are the kind of guy they want in uniform!wai2.gif

  11. I would like to see it go further stoped at check point

    No driving licence car impounded

    No insurance car impounded

    Not road worthy car impounded

    car or motorbike only returned when all legal requirements are met.

    They would need a bloody big impound yard.

    You must be joking. Even if they suspend the cars plaque or do all that you say! What difference would it make. Most checkpoints that catch you without your yearly sticker or without a license or insurance will just add bribe money to let them release you back on the road again... First they need to get real cops on the road who are not doing their job to make a fast buck. Then maybe laws can be made that will be enforced

    If they were to pay law enforcement enough. that taking bribes is not worth the risk of losing the job and not necessary for the officers to support their families, they could build a good police force.

    The root of the corruption is the low pay.

    Money generated from impounding the vehicles of traffic offenders could be used to increase pay.

    This would also motivate the officers to enforce the laws.

    • Like 2
  12. The department of motor vehicles does not have computerized license records for two good reasons. One, influential people would show up on the radar with unregistered imports. Two, it would prevent graft, and at policeman's pay (so low many have to buy their own gun and motorcycle) no one could afford to be a cop.

    Revoking the licenses sounds like a good idea, but they do not even have unique plate numbers, to make the whole mess even less transparent. I can have a plate with the exact same number as someone in Surin, with the only difference being the very small Thai writing that identifies the issuing Amphur.

    The whole system is deliberately rigged and everyone knows it.

    Revoking a licences, yes a good idea if they actually have a licences to revoke...

    Start taking the vehicles off the road, and if the fines are not paid in 3 weeks crush them.

    Better yet, auction the decent ones off to licenced, insured drivers.

    • Like 1
  13. If this were to happen and was actually enforced....

    It would be a bold leap into the 20th century for Thailand.

    Unsafe parking practices alone ( double parking, blocking traffic) that create definite safety hazards, can cost about over 14000 baht after paying towing, storage and impounding of a car in my home country.

    Think of how good all the new work for tow trucks, drivers and impound yards would help the economy!

    Money is the main motivator for Thais...this may get them to think about what they are doing!

    Avoiding the high cost of impounded vehicles might make it worth while to park in a safe place and walk 20 meters to your favorite store!

    Now, think of what this could do to improve the situation with unsafe driving and unsafe vehicles.

    Thailand could become a safe place to travel!

    Since it is currently the 21 century...

    A leap into the 20th should not shake up too many Thai people.

    • Like 2
  14. My wife, a university graduate, could read and write in English very well when we met.

    At the time her speaking skills were very poor.

    Much of the problem stemmed from being taught to speak English by Thai English teachers who really did not speak or understand spoken English well at all.

    ( this is still a big problem with Thai English teachers in Thailand )

    Often, to this day, when I correct my wife's grammar, sentence structure or pronunciation, ( she has asked me to correct her when ever I can ) her first response is, " but that is how my teacher taught me to say it".

    now she adds.."They were wrong about that too,I guess."

    When we first met, if we had something important to discuss, we would write our conversation down, and we understood each other perfectly.

    Now, after living in the U.S. for six years and speaking almost exclusively English there, she does pretty well when speaking English.

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