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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. This will sound offensive, but it`s not meant to be. You don`t come out for 10 years and that`s your guide on whether tourism is down or not? I mean what an idiotic post. I have many friends, along with myself, with tourist dependent businesses across many parts of Thailand and let me tell you for a FACT...tourism is down. But `down` compared to what? well certainly last year for a start.....massively.

    Like I said, I really don`t mean to sound rude, but unless you have a business relying on tourists you just aren`t going to understand.

    I do understand that those in the tourist industry want more tourist, or should I say more revenue from tourist?

    I also understand that revenue may be down due to huge numbers of tourist ( mostly Chinese ) coming to Thailand on cheap package tours and spending very little, as well as more Euro/ American tourist touring on a shoestring budget.

    But, from what I saw this month while traveling the tourist areas, the number of people is up.

    After hearing tourism was down, I was looking forward to seeing smaller crowds and enjoying the beauty and experience of Thailand more.

    I was very disappointed.

    Many places were so crowded that they were uncomfortable and you felt like you had to compete with the crowds to even get a good look at what you came to see.

    Many places have been so wesernized, they did not feel like Thailand, they felt like a theme park in the west.

    The bigger the crowds get, the less enjoyable the Thailand experience will become.

    I think many first time visitors to Thailand will never come for a second visit.

    This will eventually result in not only a drop in revenue, but an actual drop in the people who want to visit Thailand.

    The problem facing those of you in the tourist industry is not just how to increase the number of tourist, but to increase the quality of the experience and attract tourist willing to spend good money for that experience.

    Good luck with that.

    I sincerely hope you can pull it off!


    Example: 500 sq meters of beach on an island with 200 tourist ( rotated every 20 minutes) on it is not a quality experience!

  2. We have all been reading that the tourism industry in Thailand is suffering and the number of tourist is at tan all time low.

    I live in rural Thailand where we see very few if any tourist at all.

    A friend from America just came to LOS for his first visit and I spent three weeks showing him all the places I enjoyed visiting as a tourist.

    I haven't done any touring in Thailand for over ten years and found the changes interesting.

    The thing that impresses, and disappointed me that most whas the increased number of foreigners everywhere we went!

    A couple of examples,

    In Krabi / Ao Nang I saw more white faces than I have since I left my home country and huge numbers of Asian tourists.

    Twelve years ago it was very common to meet local Thais and get a taste of the local culture.

    Now, the only Thais you meet are working in the service industry ( and many of them are Burmese, not Thai).

    The only music you hear is western rock and roll, and only a small percentage of the food venues available are real Thai food.

    Day and night, the streets all looked like Main Street Disneyland, or Walking Street in Pattaya, all speaking either English, Chinese or other European languages.

    The sidewalks were so crowded with tourists, it was difficult to walk

    Twelve years ago, this was not the case!

    In Bangkok, even in the seedy areas I have enjoyed in the past, there are white faces everywhere now. I do not believe most of these faces are expat residents, dressed and acting like foreigners on vacation.

    Hotels were packed with loud groups of Chinese.

    Places like The Grand Palace were so choked with tourists it was difficult to get around and almost impossible to take a photo that was not full of people.

    If there were any more tourist present, I do not think I would even enter!

    Agian, it was not like this ten or twelve years ago.

    So, my question is, is tourism really down in Thailand, or is this just another fantasy?

    It seems to me that number of tourists has increased, not declined!

    I tried to avoid photographs with a lot of tourists, but here a couple.



  3. To find the answer to your question, you need to realize that morals and ethics vary from culture to culture.

    It is not that their morals and ethics are bankrupt, they are not.

    Their morals and ethics are just different from where I ,and probably you come from.

    It's just a different value system.

    • Like 1
  4. willyumiii, on 18 Mar 2015 - 21:31, said:

    This is old news...last December!

    Does it really matter?

    You can now do your 90 day report online!

    Why go to any immigration office to report?

    Decembers old news, comes as new news in March, when you only report every 90 days.

    I suspect that even when online reporting is available, they can still refuse if you haven't crossed the 't's and dotted the 'i's.

    I have been traveling and have not been on TV for about two weeks.

    I may have missed something.

    I read on TV about a month ago that they had started online reporting for 90 day reports, but still had some "bugs" to work out.

    I know if I read something on TV, it must be true! 555

    Now it sounds like it may not be available yet???

    My next 90 day is in May and I hope it is up and running by then.

    Anyone have any details on this

  5. I don't like going to Homepro, they are too hard sell, too many staff and always choose the highest priced item, I think because I am farang. Naturally because they are Thai the wife believes them, but doesn't ask hard questions and I end up walking out and going to one of the smaller stores that I know where the staff are usually much more knowledgeable. Watsadu has so much stuff it's rather like Bunnings, if you know what you want fine. I think the staff there are shy of engaging with farang. Nevertheless I prefer going to hardware stores on my own. I think they make money from buying from China on a huge scale and them marking it up. Don't forget their customers are overwhelmingly Thai, we may think they are probably undertrained however training does not replace experience and really most of them just don't have it. In the local hardwares I know staff who've been there the entire 6 years I've been h

    " I think they make money from buying from China on a huge scale and them marking it up."

    Exactly as they do in USA where I am from.

    It is difficult to find merchandise in the US that is not produced in China.

    Can you say "Walmart"/?

    The largest retailer on earth???

  6. I have always found everything I need in Korat.

    Op is looking for a day trip for shopping and some farang food.

    Why all of the wana be Lonely Planet reviews of culture, bars, populaion, architecture and the like?

    For what he asked about, Korat is very convenient.

    Go to the "Power Mall" or " Klang Plaza", or both..they are close.

    You will not be disappointed.

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