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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. Loving war, death and big pharma. Trump’s comments about McCain were despicable, but the suckers and losers is just one of the lies the Trump-onsessed haters love to regurgitate.
  2. Why do you not care that both Clinton and Biden were both draft-dodgers? And you loved Tim Walz that abandoned his unit the moment he found out they would see combat. Hypocrite
  3. I want Vance-Bondi in ‘28
  4. So which part of his speech did you want to comment on ?
  5. FDR was the true Stalin lover.
  6. It is for Russia to pull out. Though we know it did not happen for three years whilst biden supported Ukraine. Remember Biden cancelled the Trump approved Javelin missile shipments to Ukraine. Biden also lifted the sanctions Trump had imposed on Russia. All to appease Putin….
  7. But if he were a coward, why would he not just keep quiet? I imagine if it looked like someone was going to smack you in the mouth, we’d never hear from you again.
  8. Yes, they did, they really did. That they all lie now is not surprising.
  9. Yeah, the left loved him until he beat Hillary. All you have is name calling.
  10. And not just the KKK branch, but all branches of the Democrat party.
  11. That’s why the left largely quit teaching civics in the US.
  12. Wait, what? I thought all of Europe was backing Ukraine now, no?
  13. How old are you? Everyone that does not hate Trump obsessively worships him, is stupid, and is a Putin lover, yes? The Trump-obsessed haters project.
  14. You state something as fact repeatedly that you have no way of knowing. That makes you a liar.
  15. Yeah, none of the Trump-obsessed watch it, but they’re all talking about how terrible it was. Like the Zelensky meeting. They saw a two minute clip and that’s all they need.
  16. While I agree the bone spurs are likely phony, you have no way of knowing they are, which makes you a liar. And Trump may have had bone spurs but has them corrected, so that glhe golfs means nothing. Clinton fled to Canada to avoid the draft, and Biden’s father got him a medical deferral. Why are you so obsessed with Trump? I bet you’re the coward.
  17. Correct. He was shot on stage.
  18. He might have just been a draft-dodger like Biden and Clinton, but he might have just had them removed. What $250 million?
  19. On to Moscow!
  20. “It is true that improper payments have been made, including some to dead people. But the numbers thrown out by Musk and the White House are overstated and misrepresent Social Security data.”
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