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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. They’ve been pardoned, time to move on. But but but Biden issued over 8,000 pardons, so Trump has a long way to go to catch up.
  2. No, the jury only has access to the evidence the judge allows them access to.
  3. “You’re the only one that said that.” means no one said that but you.
  4. You’re the only one that said that.
  5. Okay, “woke” refers to privileged, narrow-minded condescending people that are generally racist, sexist, heterophobic, ignorant, arrogant, gullible, incompetent, over-educated, misinformed cultists that project all their traits onto anyone that dares to disagree with them. Is that more clear?
  6. So we should take advice from a woman whose whole life is dedicated to convincing people that there is a fairy in the sky that will take care of them. Why does she just not ask the fairy in the sky to take care of the illegal aliens and the lgbt crowd, rather than asking Trump? The left are all hypocrites.
  7. A lot of people think it’s unconstitutional, including me. But that has nothing to do with the professor’s false claim.
  8. They are someone’s opinions that you regurgitate here.
  9. Saying you don’t want to is not the same as saying you won’t, except in lefty la la land. He’s said all along he doesn’t want to.
  10. This has to be the dumbest post of the day
  11. See? This proves I’m not smart enough to be a leftist. I used your when I should have used you’re…
  12. I don’t have to play dumb, I know I not bright, but I’m not pretending to be.
  13. I got them to work as well, but they do not support the poster’s claim.
  14. Your the one posting links that don’t work, that go to a site that does not support your false claim, not me. It’s aways the same thing with you. You make something up, and then post a link to something that does not support it.
  15. You posted links that don’t work, that go to a site that does not support your false claim. You don’t even know what it says. You mean about Medicare covering your reassignment surgery?
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