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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. She gets great guests, and she’s sharp as a tack
  2. Actually, I was listening to Megyn, and Charlie was on. No, “Dr.” Jill running would not be a disaster. “Dr.” Jill winning would be a disaster.
  3. I say if Biden bows (or is forced) out it’s Michelle Obama.
  4. How about Jussie Smollett? The left loves him and he has great name recognition. Ilhan Omar would be great as well.
  5. How about Al Sharpton? He’d nail down that Michigan vote.
  6. My two best lines when I was single in the US: ”Got two nipples for a dime?” ”Hey, I know how you can make two dollars real quick.”
  7. 12,865th day off grass, life is good…
  8. The aerator makes the flow much nicer. If you can get it off you can just clean it up. Soak it in vinegar for an hour or so and rinse it off. Pay attention to how it comes apart. It looks like the whole sink and tap could use a cleaning. The “Duck” brand bathroom cleaner works pretty good.
  9. Everyone knows only straight guys go for ladyboys..,
  10. Yeah, the left does not care about blacks killing each other in ghettos, their focus is on penalizing law abiding citizens, not their constituents.
  11. Yeah, I heard crime was virtually nonexistent in London, great news that.
  12. I thought guns were banned in Britain
  13. I was talking about room safes, not the hotel safe. It has been my experience that even nicer hotels typically have safes that are not very secure. But you go ahead and trust them.
  14. Most just require a strip of sheet metal. In any event, everyone in housekeeping knows how to open them. If you have valuables, hide them. The safe is the first place to look. 90K baht is only about US$2,500, I travel with that and pay everything with credit cards.
  15. I wonder if people that never had a car are happy they never had one because of the risk of car trouble?
  16. Room safe, that’s hilarious.
  17. I suspect you are a Trump cultist. Stormy said Trump liked to call her Ivanka and wanted her to call him daddy.
  18. There’s no such thing as left biased media here. There is only extreme right biased media, like Fox, and unbiased media like CNN, CNBC, Vox, NPR etc.
  19. No, why, do you think it unusual that Joe Biden liked to shower naked with his teenaged daughter? Again, just because Joe Biden was showering with his teenaged daughter, does not mean he had sex with her. And just because his daughter claims she was molested as a child, does not mean it was by Joe.
  20. If it helps Biden it is, if it helps Trump, it’s not.
  21. Never know around here…
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