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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. Maybe they remember you.
  2. Okay, none of the protestors fired a gun inside the Capital building, and none of the protesters was shown to have carried a gun into the capital builtlding. Do you disagree?
  3. Brunswick Corporation BC Huntington Ingalls Industries HII Honeywell HON
  4. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya
  5. Minus at least $1,000 a year, just to keep it. And 95% do not meet the first standard, and 99.99% do not meet the second. Having an old muscle car is great if like old muscle cars (I do), but there are a lot better investments. My sister in law had an ‘67 Olds 442. She bought it from her older brother when it was a few years old and had it for 45 years, bone stock, full service record and only serviced at Olds until they went tits-up, had all the documentation and whatnot. Somebody boosted it a few years ago.
  6. And that policeman effectively murdered the small, female, unarmed veteran.
  7. No guns were fired by protesters, nor did any protester carry a gun into the Capitol building. Do you disagree?
  8. It absolutely does, but a popular sixties muscle car in good condition rarely pulls more than $100k in the US. Mint, complete, matching number up th $200K, unless it’s really something special.
  9. Realistically, old cars are not much of an investment.
  10. And your point is that women are too stupid to be responsible for themselves, correct? To clear, I’m all for holding men responsible for their children.
  11. Sounds a bit light rum-ish?
  12. Does it taste similar to anything you know of? the ratio of alcohol content to price is generally the best way to determine the attractiveness of a given spirit….
  13. Taking down a few refineries won’t do much, but shutting production down kills their economy.
  14. Tesla’s on display at Mega Bangna. Could be a bit roomier…
  15. I do not disagree that air pollution disproportionately hurts the poor. Only history That do not meet regulations to operate in Europe or the US.
  16. Kill a million babies a year, and then brag that births are down, typical leftist.
  17. You are conflating birth rates with pregnancies. Nice try. Pre sex ed would be the ‘50s…. What percentage of children grew up in two parent homes in 1960 vs today?
  18. Written by the rich. Who will end up not being able to afford air conditioning or be able to drive? I can buy a new EV when it’s mandated, the working poor? Not so much.
  19. Let me guess, tax the rich and more crumbs do the poor.
  20. I can’t speak to CM, but BKK is absolutely better than 20 years ago.
  21. I used to use COD, now I only ever pay with the Lazada Wallet and reload it now and the. Never any problem with refunds or returns.
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