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Posts posted by aletta

  1. Here in Nong Khai the only place for a guesthouse is near the town with all the visa run guys passing through.

    You would have to be an idiot to set up a guesthouse anywhere else in Nong Khai as no one passes through or comes to visit sites.

  2. I think Patrick is spot on with a Coucal,makes a whooping sound from dense undergrowth.

    On every forum there is always someone who loves to come along and hammer the average IQ of contributors

    Do not worry.It comes with the territory.If you are going to post to a forum there will always be those whose mental age stuck at single digits and think it's funny to post idiotic ramblings.It takes very little to amuse such a small brain so just filter it out.In My Controls down on the left hand side is a manage ignored users button which can,if you wish, rid you of moronic scousers.

  3. The fact that he stuck a huge model of a chicken on his gate post speaks volumes.

    I know where you mean,a large rooster on one gate post and a big eagle on the other about 8 km outside Phon Phisai.Know the seller and he still tells the story of how he bought the land for 300,000,filled it and sold it to a farang a short while later for 3,000,000.Chock dee.His relatives own the 10 rai up for sale nearby.No rush to sell as they have a employment agency sending chaps to Taiwan.

    I would avoid that stretch anyway mate even if it was cheap as it is on a sharp outside bend of the Mekong.You don't have to have a degree in potology to realise an outside bend on a large powerful river will have heavy bank erosion and in twenty years the plot will be gone.Further up the river in Ban Had Bai they lost 100 rai of land along the riverbank.Heavy rains and water release from the Chinese dams creates havoc.

    I would suggest that you survey for a plot on one of the inner bends where you may even have sediment deposits and your plot could get larger. :o

  4. Bina,i saw some large goat herds around the North Bangkok area roaming freely along the verges of roads ,probably catering to the muslims in the city.A goat farm could possibly also work in the far South.If you set up in Isaan you would have high costs to reach your market.

  5. Don't believe the copy price is going to put any of us into the poor house

    I am naturally mean so the sixty odd baht was ten times local amphur copying price.

    Those new to Nong Khai immigration might like to know that they do not take kindly to raised voices and demands from farang who walk in.Every time i go there is someone going nuts and last time a guy from London was shouting"Do you know how much property i have in London,do you?"Well they said his application would be done by the end of the day and this was early morning.Also there was a German demanding to see their superiors and he also was told no one was available until the afternoon.He wanted a signature to say he was seen to be alive for his insurance policy.

    If you feel a little stressed there is a nice garden and pool out the front in the shade of trees so take a deep breath and pop outside.

  6. Every year when i go to Nong Khai immigration there are slight variations on what needs to be copied depending on who processes the documents.

    Last time as well as two copies of Passport front page and visa page with TM card number,they asked for copies of every confirmation pending stamp.

    I think they must have shares in the photo copying place out the back. :o

  7. sezzo,we have had a lot more road blocks in Nong Khai Province for a while now.Used to be only on the main road to Udon but now have them locally along the Mekong.

    I understand that heavy drug suppression on the Burmese border means lots of drugs are being brought in by Laos and Cambodians and there have been some big shipments intercepted in Nong Khai.Also some dealers in Bangkok have named their big supplier as being from Nong Khai.

  8. I would guess most tv members are expats with a few quid,but in case there are some who are "kee niow" or find themselves stuck in Nong Khai overnight with no dosh there appears to be a 99 Baht per night hotel.Good for backpackers if any stumble across this web site via a search engine.

    It is just outside Nong Khai on the road to Phon Phisai,a hundred yards past St Pauls school on your right.There is a large row of shophouses on elevated land with one section having a green 99 Baht a night hotel sign on the roof.

  9. If you are patient it would appear that Thai interest rates are up an uptrend.Once Thaksin has borrowed all he needs there wont be any spare dosh left in the system and so rates will have to rise to encourage funds to switch.Also rates are rising to control Thai inflation,25 basis points on Thursday last.

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