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Posts posted by aletta

  1. Some of the things he says are spot on though:

    "Unless you have a specific reason to be there, there really is not that much to get excited about"

    "What about the farangs in Korat? I can't say I know that many, but I do know a few. They can largely be put into two groups - teachers and alcoholics"

    Where i live it's slighly different.They are divided into alcoholics and religious zealots riding bikes and wearing "men in black uniforms"

  2. Often as i drive around i see motorcades of several minivans with a few traffic cop cars as escort hurtling down the road lights flashing.

    Recently the traffic has been stopped for a mototcade of about ten big bikes and no cars except the police escort.I'm sure i have read of a "big cheese" who is into big bikes but cannot for the life of me remember who it is.Who is it?

  3. The old tv server seems to be playing up today. :o

    Anyway i feel way,way safer here in Isaan than many parts of London.You walk around Kennington at night on your own.Felt safer in Queens,New York than South Brixton.

  4. that is just my point, there are tourists who will pay money to 'see' nothing

    bina,i certainly take your point,but such people are in the minority,are they not?A small fraction of total visitors?If you have a guesthouse with say eight rooms you want to fill it everyday if possible.If you are doing nothing it helps to have a great vista.I will never forget doing nothing on top of an Alp.Stunning.

    On the subject of goats,is there single web site that covers goat husbandry in a Thai climate?

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