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Posts posted by aletta

  1. If I go out into the paddies there are lots of birds,,,waders, ducks, raptors, egrets, herons..

    Srisatch,if you don't mind me asking are you close to the coast?

    I'm an idiot really because i have chosen to live in the part of Thailand which seems to be devoid of much bird life.It's like someone has gone through Korat and wiped out all life.

  2. srisatch,

    Sorry mate but just before reading your post i was thinking of pigeons as i would love to set up a loft out here but never see any rollers or tumblers or even fantails.Only mangy old rock pigeons.

    Great list you gave though do feel kind of jealous as the only nesters here are a flock of Scaly Breasted Munias and a pair of Oriental Magpie Robins.

  3. Gazza

    I don't believe there are any pure white doves here.There are small pockets of a pied dove called the Pied Imperial Pigeon which is stunning.It is white with black primary and black tail feathers.Robson says there are some at the far south of the Thai/Cambodian border and also in the deep South.

    Think you may have seen some albino Rock Pigeons.

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