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Posts posted by aletta

  1. Well done chaps,you've brought me some good luck. :o

    This morning there was a commotion coming from a large tree in the garden with the finches fleeing.Looked out to see a small grey raptor which Robson says is a Shikra.New to me but small and beautiful.

    srisatch,where did you buy the fantails.Am a huge pigeon fan.

  2. You should get Craig Robson's A Field Guide to The Birds of Thailand
    "Coucal" and "Mist Net" would seem to identify you as someone who knows a bit about the subject of Ornithology rather than just "Twitching"?

    The reason i know a little about mist-netting is that those ###### French folk are very partial to song bird pie and France is smothered in mist nets when the birds are on migration.Very,very sad to me as how much nutrition is there in a nightingale.The French like the Thais seem to be very keen to shoot and eat anything that moves.I believe the hunting lobby there is very strong and so politicians are fearful to upset them.

    Have got Craig Robson guide in front of me.Great book but just a little depressing that so few of the species are here.Will have to get off my butt and go South i think.

    bina,sorry no pictures of the local goats yet but it's Sod's law that they vanish as soon as i get out the camera.

  3. Just had a call from a friend in Sakon Nakhon who went to visit a friend in Udorn,only to find that his million baht home is twice the size.Surprise,surprise,it was built by the family who told him labour costs in Sakon are very high.Yeah right.

    So can anyone help and tell us the day rate for men and women labourers in Sakon.In Udorn they are 180 for a man and 150 for a woman labourer.Skilled workers are 200/250 per day.

    Cannot believe that construction material costs are much different.


  4. Be patient, you might see some beautiful parrots etc if you add some chopped up fruit to the seed

    udon,if a saw a parrot in my garden i think i would faint.Blimey,a Coucal is about as exciting as it gets.

    When i turned on the old PC this morning could not believe i actually got so many replies.Not the only sad old git out there then. :o

    A little bored yesterday so took a stroll through the fields and saw i couple of mist nets between some trees so looks like the locals are having sparrow pie for tea.

  5. Even though Mossies need to breed in water, the drought may well be the reason why there seem to more around.
    instead of breeding in the areas away from homes (ponds, paddies etc...) they could be breeding more in the large tubs of water around most houses...which would mean more around the residential areas...need to make sure the covers are on those

    Time to check if there are any such containers open around the house and maybe have a chat to the neighbours.

  6. As i sit and type this topic i am looking out of my window here in Korat at the blue sky and it is totally empty of any bird larger than a mynah.So are the fields and trees.Its always been this way even before the bird flu.You would think in a tropical climate the sky would be full of raptors and carrion species.None.A dog or cat gets killed and lives by the road for weeks with no scavenging birds.

    Are the locals poisoning them or eating them as in Isarn they do seem to eat anything that moves?

    There are not even that many small species of bird and very litttle colour.The only flash of colour is an occasional scarlet backed flowerpecker.Are there any other bird watchers out there or am i the only bird watching geek on the forum.?

  7. More elections ?I don't mean i actually like the politicians but at election time the local economy here in outer Korat is almost at full employment with anyone able to lift a hammer making signs and erecting them along all the roads.Anyone who can paint is making banners and signs and those with a pick up are employed in a convey.The government candidate had a convoy of twenty five cars old and new which provides a good income for twenty five families.I love to see the locals working and they've been busy for two months now.

    Is the situation the same all over ?

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