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Posts posted by kyb789

  1. Anyone recommend a good place in Sukumvit/Silom/Central BKK for Botox?

    ...50ml about 10,000 baht (the doctor gets 500) but if you have connections or do some arm twisting you might get it down to 8,000. Just for reference, I dropped in to a competitors clinic and was quoted 16,000 for 100 ml.

    What is 100mL? How much of your face will it cover? Most clinics I see ask 5,000baht per area (forhead, eyes, or top of nose). Not much competition. Prices are the same everywhere.

  2. I return to the U.S. frequently. They have never searched my laptop, but they consistently make me feel like a criminal when returning to my own country. The questions, the suspicious looks. They are out of control. My Thai gf came back with me last time and they pulled her in the back room for 1 hr of intense interrogation. Can you believe it?? She had her VISA and all paperwork in order, yet this is what she gets for taking a vacation to the U.S.

    If the immigration department wants to catch illegals, why don't they just drive 1 mile down the road to the nearest Home Depot and they can pick up all the illegals they want standing around the street.

  3. And the Phones! I LOVE being able to go to Thailand, spend a few buck for a sim card and a couple more for phone time! AWESOME!

    Here I have Sprint and that blasted thing costs me $100 USD a month!

    U.S phone companies are nothing more than criminals in my opinion. From Thailand I can call the U.S for pennies. From the U.S it costs a fortune using the same cables and satellites.

    What can't I do back home (the U.S.)? Walk across the street anywhere I choose without someone honking their horn at me or the police giving me a jaywalking ticket.

  4. I have not read the book so my opion about it may not be completely accurate. But from what you described it sounds like the author is not giving the full picture of Thailand. What you described is very much what one would expect if you marry a poor Isaan girl. In essence, if you marry outside your social class then these demands and ways of thinking are typical. However, that is not fair to put all of Thai people into that category. If a poor Thai man marries a poor Thai girl, all the rules change. If a middle-class marries a middle class, it changes again. The expectations above don't apply.

    The author may have lived here longer than me, but I think the author's view is based on his/her own experience. I have a different one. I have lived in Thailand and got tired of the money conversations, sad stories, and paying for her and all her friends, and calling back her missed calls because I was not important enough to spend a few baht on a telephone call.

    I started to focus on the same type social class of women I would back home. And behold, it is so refreshing to be with someone who doesn't want money, is independent, and actually pays for dinner sometimes. I think the book is focused on the middle class foreigner -to- poor uneducated Thai relationship. Thai men don't date outside their social class. The reasons are exactly as you described in the book.

    I guess if you want to deal with those headaches, that's up to you.

  5. I'd like to do a riverside dinner cruise tonight but there are so many to choose from.

    Can anyone recommend a good one? I prefer something "romantic" for my lady.

    Do i have to call for reservation? Or can i jump onboard any time?


    You are correct there are many. I have seen them all on the river and they are packed full of tourists. Most of them are window cruises ( you are encased in the glass with a thousand other people fighting for a scrap of food. Many people have told me the buffet runs out really quick. My preference is the Yok Yor cruise. That is a chain restaurant located on the river. It is not as "up scale" as the tourist cruises, but you get a seat at the top deck with real Thai food to order, and there is a large number of local people there as well. The bonus is that it is also so much cheaper than the Tourist "hotel" cruises. I have gone 4 times and will go again. Reservations are always recommended.

  6. Don't they have socks in Thailand? Oh dear. Will bring some bathroom products then. I can always get stuff sent over it I get stuck I guess.

    You will never get stuck. Thailand has everything you need to survive. Its just a matter of taste. Oh, and as another poster mentioned. Condoms from home....first priority. You can't get western size here, they will hurt. But the last 5 boxes I brought back said "Made in Thailand" :)

  7. I went to this bar, once. A mate and I were sitting ouside, having a beer. We spotted a friend of ours walking along the soi, with a beer in his hand, we called him over for a quick chat. Our friend stayed in the soi, outside the bar. The manager came out and told our mate to clear off because he wasn't drinking the pub's own beer. We said he was being unreasonable, so he called his bouncers over. We have, and never will go back.

    Sure there wasn't a bit more to the story like...

    your mate shows up with a chang from 711, the waitress tells him he needs to order a drink from the bar as well, he says no thanks and continues to drink his chang.

    Owner asks him to leave then. Seems normal to me.

    Nope, it's just as I said in my post, and I was there the whole time. Our friend stayed in the soi the whole time and never entered the bar. It was nothing more than a passing chat between friends. The manager butted in like he owned the soi. At no time did our friend try to eat food, or enter the bar. He was also extremely polite whilst arguing his case about being able to stand in the street. The owner was simply being a heavy handed prat.

    Thanks for the info and I will make it a point to NEVER go there again. I will also tell my friends. I guess the owner doesn't need our business.

    As for the smoking inside, I just had a conversation with an accountant for a foreign run company in Thailand. Pretty much anything can be bought in Thailand. In her own words corruption is rampant in Thailand and it is getting worse every year. She is Thai and never seen it so bad in the businesses here.

  8. There seems to quite a difference of opinion from the posters. I personally find there are so many things I like that cannot be found in Thailand. Everytime I go back to the States my bag is jammed full of merchandise I can get CHEAPER back home! Yes, you can get cheap low quality clothes anywhere in Thailand, but the decent quality name brands will cost you more here. That is also true for department store quality cooking, home decor, etc. However, I don't know about the U.K.

    I like to cook and every year I go home I fill my bag full of cooking items. Last month I brought back lots of cheese and some Masa Harina. Real Masa is not available here. Airport security even opened my bag for inspection. I guess they thought I was packing C4 explosive.

    Thailand has lots of things but the selection is pathetic. If you have favorite toothpaste, deodorant, etc, bring it in bulk. Why not? I really do not like the white gym socks here. They are too small and hurt, so I always pack myself with a year supply from home.

    This is my opinion and others may not miss items from home, but I do. Especially the selection.

  9. I have been living in Thailand for 3 yrs. I want to buy some rental property in the U.S. I am U.S. citizen and have property in the U.S already. Do you think there will be any problem getting a mortage loan in the U.S because I live in Thailand now? I have had solid income and solid imployment for 3 yrs in Thailand and also the U.S before that. Excellent credit. I just want to know if the banks will be pusing me away because I am out of the country. Thanks.

    As yoou probably know, in the USA (unlike Thailand) there are no restrictions on who can buy property. Pay the agreed price is all you need. Therein the rub for you, getting a mortgage. Mortgage approval criteria varies greatly from bank to bank, and of course there are the mortgage brokers who act as intermediaries/facilitators. You just have to get your supporting info (all financial documents and proofs, US tax returns for at least 3 past years, bank statements, etc; the more the better because no matter what you submit the credit department of the bank will want something additional). With that in hand best talk to real estate broker, one that will wind up acting as your agent. If this broker is any good he/she will really hustle to find a willing lender for you. Be wary of middle-men (including mortgage brokers) who just want a slice of your cake and drive up the total cost of the transaction.

    Thanks for this valuable information. I will do just as you suggested. I wanted to check anyone's experience here first to see if it was worth pursuing. Thanks again.

  10. I have been living in Thailand for 3 yrs. I want to buy some rental property in the U.S. I am U.S. citizen and have property in the U.S already. Do you think there will be any problem getting a mortage loan in the U.S because I live in Thailand now? I have had solid income and solid imployment for 3 yrs in Thailand and also the U.S before that. Excellent credit. I just want to know if the banks will be pusing me away because I am out of the country. Thanks.

  11. An allowance? How did she support herself before?

    If you are paying her, the correct term is not "girlfriend".

    Someone please put this in BOLD and neon font. If Thai families are so tight and important, why is she coming to you for money? Family first, right?

    In the U.S, 9 out of 10 businesses fail. That is even higher in Thailand. Don't be a fool. If she is coming to you for money, she is dating you for the wrong reason. Raise your self-esteem and expectation to your own social class. You will find many hi quality Thai girls that want nothing from you but your love.

  12. Thanks for all the comments, I had already decided to basically advise the TGF not to say anything, but was looking for an experienced view on a potentially Thai cultural aspect to this. I don't know the guy that well, but she considers him as one of her best friends, and it is worrying her since she had seen him hurt before. I was not privy to the conversation, but she was a little taken aback at brother in laws attitude, no, it wasn't a flippant remark taken out of context, it was a lengthy conversation, TGF is not an airhead. Thanks all


    I would tell everyone. No shame. Fight fire with fire. If they are good people and good family, you have nothing to worry about. They will side with you. If they are corrupt, let the incident expose themselves. Many foreigner's are afraid to rock the boat and thus walk on eggshells. Do you understand how much the Thai's gossip about us? Do you understand there are no secrets about YOU in their world? Why should you be any different just to maintain an illusion of happiness? That is not happiness to me and I wouldn't live in a world of double standards.

    I've met many good Thai families that would not tolerate this kind of talk from the borther-in-law. Why should you? Oh, how I love the "Thai culture" excuse for letting dishonest people scam the foreigners.

  13. What is there not to like ?

    I doubt the U.S Embassy is reading this forum and looking for constructive criticism to improve their service. So I guess the whole purpose is for everyone to vent their frustrations and feel better in the morning. Self included. :)

  14. some entitlement

    Maybe next time, take a shower, comb your hair, put on your best suit, and bring a box of candy.

    As for the sarcasm, really not meaning to offend you, just be a little light hearted. :)

    Well, I took a shower and I WAS wearing my business suit. My gf has a law degree and is not from Isaan, so it must be the box of candy that I forgot. Lesson learned.

  15. . . .Best to go there in person which sucks for me since I live 6 hours away from the embassy. :)

    Now they've changed the rules and won't let you inside the compound unless you have evidence of a registered appointment. Last year I was able to go in flashing my U.S. passport. This year they stopped me at the door. My girlfriend went inside alone for her interview.

    Is this official policy or did the Thai at the door just want to be rude to me? As a U.S. citizen I would think there should be some entitlement to enter my own embassy. You want to talk to someone? Good luck.

  16. In my opinion, western men are not focused on sex any more than other countries. The problem is the western culture has polarized on the sex issue. Women have learned to use sex as a means for power and control over their relationships. They pretend they don't like it (or want it), and use it as a means to reward men for good behavior. Men have taken that in a bad way and sex has become something of the holy grail and something one must aggressively find.

    Of course, there are always the rude people in any culture with a gutter mouth and make unecessary and degrading comments, but I don't think that is limited to the west. Just the other day I was talking to a Thai girl, and a Thai man friend of hers was making the same sexual comments in front of us.

    I believe that women love sex just as much as men. Most women have told me this, and I believe they even enjoy it MORE than men. Fortunately Thailand has not destroyed its sexuality yet and been corrupted by the sad state of sexuality in the west.

  17. Rumor has it (and I have not verified this), that all the taylors have their work done at a Thai sweat shop on Petchaburi Rd. If so, then it doesn't really matter where you go, the work is all done at the same place.

  18. I had a similar problem. I contracted Salmonila and C-diff. The infection did not go away for 3 months. I've heard that Salmonila can be life-threatening and C-diff does not always go away...some people carry it for life. I was on Cipro and Flagyl for 3 months. No drinking. I finally got better.

    The thing about antibiotics is that they do not always kill the parasite, they only prevent the parasite from duplicating. So you must take antibiotics for a long time until the original host dies from its normal life cycle. Good luck.

  19. I have had ear infections my whole life. They come and go every year. I can tell you that they are dangerous if left untreated. I have hearing damage because I didn't always take it seriously. In general, Cipro is prescribed for lower body problems (e.g., intestinal, etc), as well as lung infections. Amoxicillin is prescribed for upper body infections (ears, nose, throat, etc).

    I am surprised your doctor gave you Cipro for an ear infection. It is a strong antibiotic and you are correct that it should be taken taken when all else fails. Antibiotics are the best cure, so I recommend you take it until you are better. Just make sure you go the right one.

  20. My long-haired translator said its a tax invoice (aka receipt). :) Ok, so why am I getting one now and never before? I think I will go back to sleep.

  21. The obvious answer is Ratchadapisek sois 4-8. MRT stop Thailand Cultural Center. Some of the places are for a younger crowd but some of the clubs in there have an older crowd. I've heard Dance Fever is one that does.

    Hmm, reading again I'm not sure if fits your requirements, but you could try.

    So far no one is even close. Everyone has suggested the typical 20+ crowd. A 45yr old Thai Managing Director isn't going to be hanging out at any of these places with his hi-so office associates unless he's being dragged by his 27 yr old girlfriend. Neither would a 37 yr old Thai professional lady dressing up for the evening.

  22. Of course, there are many of them. Usually they have a house band who plays Carabao favorites and stuff like that. Every city has something close. If you're in Bangkok, the Country Place on Chaengwattana is such a place. There are many more.

    I'll second that, I had a great night out in The Country Place a few years ago. It also has a nice seating area outside if the music is to loud for you inside.


    Keep the suggestions coming please. Yes I am in Bangkok. The few times I have been around real Thai venues I have had the best of times. Tired of the usual haunts. Unfortunately most Thai pubs are "sit-down, eat your food, drink with friends" type of places. The profession-class Thai's are extremely friendly, respectful, and normal people. It is a refreshing change from the circus acts in the tourist areas. Love to find a dance and mingle place for older crowds. Too old for RCA.

    Sorry but Country Place doesn't really qualify for what I am looking for. Country Place is your typical sit-down and eat pub with dancing. Young crowd. Think more like Spasso with Thai band and average age ~35-45.

  23. Does anyone know where the Thai's go to dance the night away? Put it this way, if there are more than 2 foreigners inside, then you've got the wrong place. I'm not talking about Sukhumvit or Silom. I want to find a place where the Thai middle class will go to hear a Thai band play Thai music for an older crowd. Does such a place exist? Even in my home country, these places marketed for the 30+ middle class are rare. I'm not talking about restaurants, or sit down dinner pubs. I'm talking about dance venues where people mingle and meet others singles of like minds.

  24. I'm looking for a Thailand based cheap accountant to assist in filing my returns, which are very simple. Just want to make sure I do it right. I have been quoted US$400+ from one firm. Is there anyone else doing it for less than this?

    I was quoted similar prices ($300+). In my opinion this is laughable and these guys don't deserve to be in business. You can make a few phone calls overseas and get much better pricing from the U.S. My strategy is to have them do 1 return, then each year I copy the same format and do it myself.

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