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Posts posted by kyb789

  1. Have you really invested into furnishings? Most of the condos I have looked at were pretty lame. People want to feel comfortable and at home. The best furnished condos will always go first. I saw one place with 2 recliner chairs for seating. A week later I saw an add in the paper for the same chair, 2-for-1. Go figure. If you bought one of those 2-seat sofas, forget it. People enjoy a nice long sofa, 3-seat, so they can stretch out.

    Have you put some real money into decoration? Paint? Most thailand condos come in Hospital Room White. What about a kitchen? If I am going to pay 35kbaht, that place better have an awesome kitchen. Most Thai condos are laughable in this respect becasue single Thai's will not cook, but eat out. If you got a 2 or 3 bedroom, then most likely they have a family and will do some cooking. But most Thai's will not pay so much anyway, so you are after the foreigner market. In that case, they will expect to see a nice kitchen even if they don't use it.

  2. Why oh why do thye need a passport EVERY f,,ing time... especially at the branch where the account is based..

    They have enough copies of my passport to fill a filing cabinet....

    I don't think it is out of stupidity. I am pretty sure they have had too many bad experiences from thugs and cheats trying to con the bank out of money. Good on them for protecting our accounts.

  3. If they are warts they will have to be frozen off. You can buy a thing at the chemist for it. It's like little cotton buds, you freeze the tips then put them on the wart, it will burn a bit but after a few days the wart will just fall off.

    Though as you have so many maybe your old boy will just freeze and fall off instead.:D

    Hey there!

    What is the name of this product and how much does it cost?

    Cheers dude

    Don't worry about it. I saw on YouTube that apple cider vinegar works just fine. Soak up a small ball of cotton and cover it with a bandage over night. You'll be good as new.

  4. Thanks for the info mate. Still makes it bargain and the only way to travel, if you are coming into town. Quicker, safer, and cheaper than anything else.

    If money is not an issue, pay the 230B meter + 50B airport tax and take the taxi. I've watched all those people standing around waiting for trains. I grabbed a taxi and got into town, door-to-door, faster than all of them. After a long flight, it wasn't worth the wait in my opinion.

  5. Sorry I don't believe in reverse discrimination, which is exactly what happened in the U.S.

    My brother wanted all his life to be in medical school, but couldn't get in for 2 years although he carried a 4.0 GPA all through high school and college. The universities were impacted and most openings were given to documented minorities with less than 4.0 GPAs. True story. He found himself in Israel getting his education. Nobody helped him. So watching his struggle gives me little sympathy for people that expect a free handout. Thailand has the same opportunities for anyone who is serious.

  6. My best advice for you is to pick area you like and simply walk around all the condo's asking juristic person if have any available rooms.

    I would agree with most of this, but I got the feeling that the office staff are in on the commission also. Many times I have been to one apartment building, and different real estate agents have shown me different rooms in the same building. They never showed me the same room as the other. Then, I would go back and the office staff shows me a completely different set of rooms! I don't trust any of them. You really must do your own research, and don't forget ALWAYS negotiate. If the owner won't, forget them and move on. There is a very high vacancy rate here.

    (I agree with the above.. mroomfinder is very good with local Thai rates without the inflated western prices.)

  7. Yanhee Hospital is a well known hospital for costmetic surgery. Not necessarily the cheapest in Thailand, however they do speak many internation languages. But something like this can be done almost anywhere at a fraction of the cost compared to the U.S. The best thing of Yanhee is getting cared for by so many pretty nurses in roller skates. :)

  8. That burger looked more like a painting that something edible. I mean... gourmet burger? That's like saying strawberry bricks. I just have trouble with the whole concept. Burgers (by their very definition) should be sloppy, greasy, messy, pieces of heart stopping artery choking, heavenly delight. And a $10 burger at that. wow.

  9. I have a fiberglass pool in the U.S. It is very difficult to keep the algae away. More importantly the walls turn light brown very easily. It takes and expensive chemical to bleach it out again. I grew up with a cement pool and never experienced these problems. Maybe just my bad luck.

  10. I stayed at Palazzo for 1 month many years back. Loved the place. Good value for the money, quiet and friendly. I also stayed at Emerald and hated it. Too touristy. Palazzo gives you direct access to restaurants and bar inside the Emerald, so no reason to stay there.

  11. I think Taco Bell would do screaming business in the tourist areas. Look at all the mexican restaurants that have cropped up in the last few years. Even the supermarket shelves are getting bigger and bigger selections of mexican food and spices every year.

    Someone else said that La Monita is always full of Thais. I agree. Mexican food is coming. Taco Bell needs to jump into the game quickly. I cook mexican for my Thai friends all the time and they love it. Having said that, I think the older Thais are very strict about their Thai diet, but the younger Thais seem to be very open to international food.

    I wish Taco Bell would hurry, I am going through shakes and withdrawls.

  12. Stay calm. It happened to me in the U.S. when I was 24 yrs old. The first test was inconclusive and I had to wait 1 week for the results of the second. What a nightmare for a young kid to suffer through. Now yrs later and still no HIV. The nurst told me the same thing as others have mentioned. If you are fighting some other illness it can throw off the results.

  13. How is the turnout lately? Seems like they are competing directly with Insomnia who has a much better location and a well-known reputation. I wish them the best but I can't see how they will compete and survive. Rumors are that Insomnia is not doing well. I don't frequent these places so don't take my word for it. It just seems this year there have been too much competition amongst the after hours clubs.

  14. If the other neighbors are upset the same as you, don't worry so much. Something will happen. Let the Thai's deal with it. In the mean time, I would keep sweeping the trash in front of their door to keep it out of your way. Let them swim in their own filth. Since they are renting, they will be gone eventually. Hang in there.

  15. I think it was Sunbelt who posted a comment on another website that the police cannot search you without a warrent or probable cause. Simply refuse or ask to see the warrent. I wonder if anyone has ever done this.

  16. Personally I changed my mind and left when I saw the price list. I don't need to pay for atmosphere. A real diner back in the States, situated in the real heartland or midwest, is cheaper. I usually avoid tourist prices whenever I can. That's just my opinion. Others seem to differ.

  17. Foggers that are available in the west cannot be found here. Having said that, there is a smoke version available in the stores. I've seen them at Villa Market. I recommend giving your apartment a good smoke out, then wash all your clothes, bed sheets, and pillows with a little bleach added to the wash. That should kill just about anything lurking in the shadows.

  18. When I was young in the States I had a paper route. Delivered papers at 6am every morning. All the neighborhood dogs were on the loose and loved to chase me down. Finally the last day before I quit the route, I was so fed up with all these dogs that I brought along a huge stick. I will never forget when one saw me far down the street and he started running towards me full throttle. I parked my bike against the tree and ran towards him with my stick at the same speed. He saw me coming and scurried in the opposite direction so fast he slipped on the pavement and hurt himself. My eyes were opened. Never be scared of these cowards.

  19. ... but overall I think La Monita Taquera at Phloen Chit is a better restaurant. The problem though is the acoustics there are terrible and it can get annoyingly loud inside.

    Agreed with both statements. I think they are the best quality Mexican food in town. a few acoustic tiles on the ceiling would help that place alot.

    There is an Italian restaurant on the corner of Korean Town (forgot the name). You got to try the Set menu #4 for 900 baht. Includes a great tender steak along with numerous appetizers, side dishes and deserts. So much food someone will need to carry you out.

  20. Even more reason to eat at La Monita (Except Sundays)

    Don't waste your money with anything else. This place has the best high end quality Mexican in Bangkok. ..and I was their worst critic until I tried it. The other places don't even come close.

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