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Posts posted by kyb789

  1. I have 2 accounts. One has all the large savings and no ATM card to access it. I automaticaly transfer a small amount every month into another account that has the ATM card. If there is ever a security compromise, it will be easy to track. If anyone gets access to my pin number and ATM card, I don't have to worry about loosing my life savings.

  2. The last best hope for meduim priced, medium qualty ice cream has since disappeared from Bangkok market shelves. I used to buy Swenson's as a decent priced compromise. Now one must mortage the house for a pint of Haagen Daz or settle for air inflated Walls. Pathetic.

    Home ice cream makers. Any good SMALL ones in Thailand? I don't like the large bucket size with the ice and salt mess. If you have seen a good small freezer type, would love to hear from you.

  3. I have also had a ruptured appendix in the past, not in Thailand, and did not require a catheter or oxygen and none of my friends who have had the same op have either. Am I being cynical by suggesting these were a way to bump up the cost?

    If the appendix has not ruptured, it is an easy fix. After rupture, one can die. I would say he was treated appropriately to save his life. It would depend how serious the infection is and the spread of the infection internally.

  4. Get well soon BTDT.appendicitis i believe is very painful and can be dangerous if not diagnosed as early as possible.On the plus side once the healing begins start dreaming of soothing massages by trained loveley thai nurses.

    You are correct. Mine ruptured and it was no picnic. The first doctor told me food poisoning, but by the second day I was in so much pain, the second guy rushed me into the operating room. Wish it happened in Thailand. American hospitals are evil. I only got to stay in the hospital 1 day before they kicked me out the door. My family carried me to the car and into the bed at home where I remained for 5 days.

  5. Post Office accept late payments on both electric and water

    That's good to know. I have the same problem as my bill is late. The Chidlom MEA is closed (thank you reds). No where to go. I finally paid through my bank's online billpay system (K-bank). They took my money, so hopefully it worked.

  6. For example yesterday, Asoke/Sukumvit intersection, right in front of the police kiosk in the corner one or two red shirt start piling tires and sticks to block traffic, there are three or four policemen standing right there, just watching and moving the traffic around the small burning barricade. No attempt whatsoever to stop them. Completely useless, they leave us at the mercy of any thug, anarchist or "protester" on the streets.

    Then at Kohn Kaen, the same a police line standing idly while rioters burn down the government house, disgusting.

    Don't drop your cigarette butt on the ground. Its a hefty fine.

  7. I think it all depends on the company you keep. and location, in pattaya in 10 years a thai has never offered to pay for anything, in bangkok the ladies i have casually taken out have always offered to pay their way, in fact some insist on it,.

    Agreed. Most middle-class women I meet always offer to pay, or we take turns. Its when you are mingling with the store clerks and beauty salon girls that you have to dig deeper into your pockets. And if you try dating girls who don't have day jobs, you will be paying for her friend, too.

  8. Are you experiencing a deepening of the voice and a growth of hair in the groin area?

    I am sure he appreciates all your educated usefull comments. All of you, with nothing better to do but insult and laugh at people.

    I hope they checked for lime disease. I think if you are experiencing some sudden changes changes in your health it is red flag something happend.. Don't give up, you need to find the answer, and better now than after it is too late.

  9. Simple.

    1. Thai women want to be women, be feminine, dress and act their species.

    2. Western women want to be men.

    3. Since I am not gay, I don't date western women.

    Imagine if the entire western male population decided they wanted to behave as women, act feminine, and desired all the traditional women behavior. Get the point?

  10. You should have made her drink it, and watch her reaction. It could be viagra or something harlmess, but that would be a good test. If she dropped the whole pill in there for the world to see, then she didn't have much experience.

  11. This is the same the world over. In the US it's hard to get a non-drinker excited about going out for drinks after work. I usually get a, "What for?" response when I ask. As a drinker, I admit inviting non-drinkers out (to a bar) usually doesn't work out for either party.

    Other than complaining about not having friends that like to do things you like to do, what do you like to do? I think you should start there, then attempt to find people to become friends with while doing those activities. What hobbies do you enjoy? Are there clubs that meet in person and do/discuss these hobbies?

    Are you kidding?? Where I come from in the US, the non-drinker gets the first invitation, and my car keys. :) My brother doesn't drink and my friends took him everywhere. Or should I say, he took us.

  12. I recommend if you are going to send them an email, make sure it goes to the right person. Just sending it to some customer service manager will fall on deaf ears. They are low raking, have no authority, and could really care less about your problems. Do you really think some 29 yr old girl/guy with7 yrs experience is going to influence company policy? Your email will go in the trash bin.

    A few years back I had some True problems. I went directly to the headquarters on Rachatapisek Rd. I dressed smart with business slacks and necktie. I even brought my girl friend dressed as my secretary. A high level director met me and I handed over some written letters explaining my complaint. They jumped through hoops to keep me happy. It took some work and research to get names and numbers, but in the end they solved my problems. I was very happy with that director's VIP support.

  13. My experience with Yanhee, and from what I have read... is that they are not state of the art. They are basically an assembly line operation, where doctors are expected to meet a quota. They use old school techniques. Now, that is not necessarily bad. You must research your operation and understand what you want done. Maybe they can offer you the best economical choice. Or maybe there is another hospital that can give you more options. Do your research.. or should I say continue. There are many options and I think once you get into the "Thai areas" you will find rock bottoms prices for the same services. Difficults when one doesn't speak the language.

  14. I agree with everthing written above. My gf has a similar background and she was approved twice for U.S Visa. I live in Thailand, but there were somethings that just got on my nerves.

    1. The officer was most intersted in my evidence of employment in Thailand. I had to give her a copy of my job offer letter. This was further evidence that she would be returning to Thailand along with me.

    2. I had a huge stack of materials, photos, letter of invitations from my parents, letter stating I would pay all bills, etc, my bank accounts, etc. Both times the officer didn't even look at it.

    3. I know many people that got a 10 year visa without even asking, or even had a plane ticket. My gf only got a 3 month each time. So once again, we will have to go back and apply the next time.

    We didn't use an agency, and I don't think you need to. However, it is important to follow the website instructions exactly. Make no mistakes and don't leave out any requested informaton. Letter from her employer stating she has been granted vacation time and must return to work is a good one. That letter was always read by the embassy, and kept on file.

  15. There used to be a small facial shop connected to a big foot massage shop on Beach Rd right at the entrance to Walking Street. Near the corner. I used to love that place (and the girls were not bad, :):D ).

    It's now gone. Does anyone know if they have moved? Or has it become a fading memory? I really don't like the designer facial stores in the malls. Any recommendations?

  16. I give myself a few points for not being as gullible as I was last year, and just thought it was worth a mention that sometimes here in Thailand, someone you consider a friend might invite you to some 'party' because they want to save the money you already lent them for more important things, and they just want to treqat their friends to a night out on what little you have left of your tourist money.

    I give you bonus points. I was scammed a few times before I built up enough backbone. Now I relish the moments when i can slip out the back door and leave them stuck with the bill. Fortunately I've learned a few tricks to keep myself out of that situation (always show up late, always leave early, get your drink at the bar before you arrive at their table, etc). Good job!!

    Watch out for the scam where the girl points to 1 item on the menu, then in Thai language orders 5 more items very quickly before you notice. She proceeds to pick at the food and never finishes anything. This scam has got me a few times. The last time, I excused myself to the restroom and never came back.

    Best advice of all, date women in your own social class. Problem solved.

  17. Ummm... getting BACK ON TOPIC,

    I ate there today and found the food excellent. Very California style Mexican and a cut way above Sunrise and Coyote's. The tacos and enchiladas were great. However, due to price I won't be visiting there too often.

    Too bad the resaurant wasnt in the center of a tourist location (kao san, etc), it would do great.

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