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Posts posted by kyb789

  1. Try turbo tax,thru the internet.It's fairly straight forward.

    I have used TurboTax in the past. Personally I think it has become over-rated and expensive. I have used TaxAct for 5 years and very happy and it is so so cheap. But it doesn't have the same help support. If you know the forms you need then it is perfect.

  2. And before the financial collapse of 2008, all experts were saying how great things were, and there was no danger ahead, only more good times. The vast majority of so-called financial experts have no idea whatsoever what is going to happen. Yes, there'll be a recession sometime in the future, and after that there'll be more growth. But we don't know when. These experts can't even accurately predict what will happen in the next 3 months. They even get wrong what happened in the last three months. They are totally hopeless, so you may as well ignore them.

    I remember a television show many many years ago. They had a group of 6th grade students, and group of stock analysists, and a group of monkeys pick some stocks. The monkeys won with the highest returns, followed by the 6th grade students.

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  3. Someone told me there is no capital gains tax from the sale of stocks in Thailand, but I find that hard to believe. I need to know because last year I sold some Thailand mutual funds (K-bank funds), and need to know where or how to declare the profits. No taxes were deducted by the bank. Normally I complete a PND91 form every year for taxes paid through my employment. How do I declare profits from the sale of Thailand mutual funds? Is there a different form? Thanks in advance.

  4. I keep reading about the Vietnam stock market and its great returns. Some recent reports expect it to grow 30% this year. But local reports speak of a sluggish economy and slow growth while they struggle with their own financial difficulties. Anyone invest? How would you invest from Thailand if you wanted to? I personally believe that the U.S. and western markets are saturated and the Asian markets are where we should be looking. Would love to hear other's opinions about Vietnam growth.

  5. Sorry but I think most of the advice here will not do you any good. Thailand isn't much of a networking country, compared to Korea, Singapore, etc. The expats will always say that people here are not what you would meet back home. Best bet is to make friends with the Thai girls first.. they will introduce you to other foreigners they know. A better option is to keep a close eye on the networking events. Mostly professional people and probably more normal.. if that is what you are looking for. http://www.bangkok-entrepreneurs.com/bangkoknetworking/

  6. Try to learn some polite phrases add Khup at end, Thais generally have more respect if your polite, and will be even more humble as opposed to you being confrontational

    Khor Todt : Excuse me

    Pud E tee : Say again

    Besides these two basic sayings, theres loads of polite ways in Thai to show your unhappy and keep you looking cool and collected, and not like some hot head .

    I like this. But my experience is that middle class and/or respectable Thai's don't even cross that line. They are extremely polite and respectable. If you think you might misunderstand something, then chances are they are crossing the line already and deserve whatever you can give them. A few catch phrases are a great addition to the toolbox such as, " Oh, you don't speak polite, you must not be Thai". There is no reason to walk on egg shells around rude people.

  7. Definitely not Witch's Taven - had a pint of Heineken in there on Friday afternoon - think it was 220 ++. And it was flat.

    That place should be flattened and the space used to build something more useful... like a condo or something. I've been i nthe witches taven maybe half a dozen times and each and every time i've felt the service was crap, their produce sub-standard and their prices inflated!

    Given the choice, i will always goto Fat Gutz or Brew instead of WT

    Witches Tavern is terrible; bad light, flat beer, bland food. And it is all expensive. I like Fat Gutz though, had about 4 or 5 fun nights there. Iron Fairies is good too. Looking forward to checking out some of the other places mentioned on here

    Holy bad notes Batman, am I the only one to complain about the band at WT? Before everything else went bad, the bands were the reason everyone started sitting outside...not to mention the low grade sound system is sure to leave your ears ringing.

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  8. You have 2 choices that are guaranteed to work. Now, first accept the fact that you will NEVER get all your assets back at their true value. The strategy is to mitigate your damages at a minimum.

    1. Next time go to the police station with a lawyer. Yes, you have to pay him, but he will get the response from the police you expect. You are not important enough on your own.

    2. Kiss and make up with your girl. Do it "Thai" style. Make her want you back. Love her, baby her. Tell her you are sorry. Move in with her... then take all your things and disappear...along with many of her things?

    The anger and attack approach doesn't work in Thailand. Just sayin'.

  9. I never liked the poser crowd. As far as I am concerned they have always been here, but now their horizons have expanded beyond Bed Supperclub and Qbar. So what. Thumping house music and a bunch of poor girls disguised in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks. Real hi-so Thai's won't be found there.

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  10. I suspect that with your standard deduction and exemption you won't be paying any tax on your $10,000 gain. Try filing with Turbo Tax online.really easy to use, cost around $40.


    Use Turbo Tax if you are not familiar with the tax forms and need lots of user assistance. Once you get into the routine of using the same forms every year, I recommend TaxAct. Its less than $10 and does a great job. If you have state income (such as rental property) then add another ~$10. Less user friendly but great value.

  11. I have transfered money back to the U.S. frequently. I used my main brach where my account is located, gave them my passport and work permit. No one even gave me second look. Filled out the wire transfer form and was on my way. No problems. Not sure if my work permit was the reason they never questioned me, but all went smooth.

    You didn't mention what bank? Bangkok bank and Kasikorn never asked me to see a work permit.

    Kasikorn Bank

  12. But I've already made the facebook event now and everything... sad.png Also I'm going to an event afterwards in Silom so Coyotes on Convent is convenient!

    I'll do Coyotes for my birthday and then check out La Monitas another time!

    I think you made the right choice for a birthday party. Coyote has the party atmosphere and the food is good enough. La Monita is still my favorite for the food, but for a party, you did the right thing. Have fun and Happy Birthday.

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