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Posts posted by kyb789

  1. I cannot comment on your condition specifically, you should get it checked out by a physician. But generally warts are caused by a virus. I know a home remedy that works fantastic. Remove the cotton from the end of a cotton bud and soak it in apple cider vinager. Place it over the wart and cover it with a water proof bandage for a day or 2. One day is usually all it takes. Eventually the wart gets hard and falls of. Very very little scaring.

  2. I don't have True. I have Buddy Internet in my condo and have seen the same problem. Your issue might not be True related. As of yesterday internet speeds have increased a lot.

  3. You all have been a great help. I have researched as suggested and found a lot of information. Thanks alot! I know that some have said that the management fees in Thailand are quite high. I agree. Especially compared to the west where one can trade online for almost nothing. I guess TIT, and if someone can make me some profit and I don't have to worry about it, then giving them a small cut of the profits can be reasoned with. I am not an expert trader and if someone can make me money and I don't have to stress over it, then I can live with that. Thank you again for all your assistance.

  4. I have read many posts on the subject and still very confused. Thailand investments are done differently than the U.S. and I need help with some basics. First, it appears one can go to their Thai bank and the bank has people that do this sort of stuff. Correct? Here is my situation:

    I don't want an RMF (Retirement Mutual Fund) or LTF (Long Term Fund). These are funds that have a 500k max investement per year tax free for retirement purposes. I have this already through my Thailand employment and please don't talk to me more about the benefits, I am already maxed out on contributions. Everytime I go to a bank, they start talking about one of these!

    I DO want to get a mutual fund that I can buy and sell as I please, transfer money around, etc. Yes, I will pay the tax on earnings. Do the banks also handle this type? What should I do to get set up? Are the funds managed by the banks (K-bank, SCB, Krunsri, etc) or do they have a separate fund manager you must be in contact with?

    Thanks in advance!

  5. I have done it with Kasakorn many many times. No problems. I think the internet is difficult because they want you to sign the forms and submit them. Anyway, I always went into my branch and filled out the form and gave them my passport. Easy. Go before 2pm, because there is something about the time and they cannot process the request in the afternoon. Good luck finding someone that speaks English.

    On a similar topic, I understand that the U.S. must be notified for transfers more than $10,000. Does anyone know what must be done to notify them? Or, does the bank take care of that?

  6. If you don't have pain in your jaw, don't do anything! I have had TMJ most my life as long as I can remember (40+ years). I have spoke to numerous doctors, dentists, etc. and I can tell you that TMJ has no cure. Don't ever have an operation unless it is the absolute last resort. Most operations are not successful and the patient eventually can experience more pain the rest of their life. Dentists are your best hope. People have had greater success by changing their bite (a.k.a, braces). I have good days and bad days. I just watch how I chew my food, be careful how I sleep at night, and try not to play with my jaw and teeth. Good luck to you and please avoid any operations as long as possible.

  7. I am thinking that bacterial contamination should be the least of our concerns. Out here in Thailand, I am more concerned for heavy metals, toxic chemicals, etc, in the water. Boil your heart out, and you haven't changed a thing.

  8. I am dying for a fix. I was in Villa Market the other day and saw Taco Bell brand taco shells for sale. Go figure. Actually, if the corporates would just pay attention, they would have noticed that the market for mexican food has exploded in Thailand the past 3 years. I am seeing mexican food products sold everywhere in the stores, and the shelves are expanding.

  9. I had a similar experience just about 3 weeks ago. I arrived on a Friday night and my gf and I were the only people in the restaurant. Staff ignored us. We waited almost 1 hour for our food. They were kind enough to give us complimentary drinks for our wait, but I didn't really care about the drinks, I wanted my food. I walked up to the staff and said we were leaving. Then they rushed in the back room and we could hear plates and dishes clanking frantically. The food arrived cold, and under cooked.

  10. There are many of them. Indians. They drive me crazy following me. They don't even remember that they already tried to talk to me the day before. I told one guy the police were looking for him and I had seen his face on the internet. He didn't even look concerned.

  11. Has anyone had experience with these guys? They are everywhere around lower Sukhumvit and I don't know what is their scam. They have stopped me numerous times and I just laugh them off. Sometimes they keep walking with me and talking. Even my rude replies don't shake them off very well. I give them credit for their patience.

  12. I have had more than 30 moles removed at various clinics and hospitals. Only 1 looked suspicious and they recommened a biopsy. The others were harmess and easy to remove with laser. It leaves a small scar. But in my opinion, a scar the color of my skin is barely visible and looks better than a brown spots everywhere. I am quite pleased with the results and I wouldn't be too concerned about it. If you don't trust the physician, use another one.

    I had most removed at Yanhee Hospital. Make sure they numb you up good because the laser is quite painful if they don't. I didn't like the shot injections for numbing. It still hurt like h#^%. The cream they used an Yanhee was perfect. Didn't feel a thing.

  13. If you live like you lived in the USA then yes it costs you quite more . If you live more like the Thai do then you will find things much more reasonable here then in the USA . Yes things have gone up over the years more so than I like but I can live a decent life here and enjoy retirment and not have to consider working ...

    Come guys, we are trying to compare apples to apples here. I can wear knockoffs and shop at the flee market in the U.S also and save tons of money. I can live in the getto that looks the same as a Thai getto.

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