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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. 15 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    Why is it so easy for prostitutes to just wai and no charge it is therefore they will continue to steal from their customers


    How did you know there's to be no charge? Or that she will continue to steal after the charges are filed and judgment rendered?



    Prostitution is itslef illegal but police turn the blind eye


    Not illegal in the sense you (and most posters here, unaware of the law) probably define it. Moreover, police regularly round up prostitutes and fine them, so, no, it's not a blind eye.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    perhaps i will never understand this part of thainess; photo shows weis and smiles, now add apologies, i guess all is well; what about the core trouble ? just hand-waved away ? maybe this is just a peek into why the thai justice system is dysfunctional


    perhaps I will never understand this part of TVness, posting without bothering to read the article, just looking at the picture and drawing completely false conclusions. How is "all is well" when the nursery is ordered shut and


    Owner Rosarin Rihat, 38, faces a month in jail and or a 10,000 baht fine.

    The nanny has been arrested and charges will follow based on the injuries to the child called Nong Poom



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  3. 48 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

    We have not been to service stations in USA so that is irrelevant unless you frequent ladies rest rooms.


    But though it's your wife who frequents ladies rooms (I assume), you're the one all curious about how it's done. And you've falsely assumed that it requires squatting and that Chinese MUST squat--a mere stereotype. So the relevance is that, according to female friends I've known, it is usually accomplished, and easily, by not squatting but merely standing. As to "why," it's regarded as more sanitary for themselves, esp if someone else has already done it.


    I hope this may help resolve the issue for you and you may rest easier.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

    Yet, just watch the Chinese...I mean the bulk of them, the herds following their guide with the little flag.


    But the FITs are beginning to outnumber those. You're a bit behind the times.



    Do you see them opening their wallets in shopping centers?


    You gonna follow around each one to check? See what CPN says about profits up at Central and the Hilton:



    The fact is that our near-sighted TVF Posters never see anyone opening their wallets in any of the malls. But the standard measure for our econometricians is not wallets but the more obvious shopping bag count. Malls just provide free aircon and launder money. And provide brand name recognition--for brands only available in malls where no one's buying. :cheesy:



    Do you see them entering any place when they travel back and forth in Walking Street, Pattaya, for example?


    Yes, they enter the seafood restos and those are doing great business. You also see some Chinese in the go-gos but they're probably FITs.

  5. 11 hours ago, z42 said:

    Sounds like imbelishment over flat out BS to me. Obviously certain hoteliers are going to favour a system where their hotels are fully occupied by people who are paying more than regular costs.


    It's about far more than hoteliers. And hoteliers also welcome guests who are paying standard rates.



    To say this counts for a general trend though is probably wide of the mark.


    No. It is the general trend in tourist areas. And to say this tourist trend isn't the trend in non-tourist areas is meaningless.



    The tourist numbers are fudged anyways


    But they seem pretty accurate w/ regard to the Chinese as you may discover from a visit to common tourist areas. The Mastercard Index agrees as well. Most forum members aren't aware of all the new businesses and areas developed newly for Chinese tourism as they don't go there themselves.


    11 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    What claptrap!


    No, pretty much spot on.



    Some 2 or 3 star hotels may like to have the rooms full.....no matter that the Chinese tourists fill them, as it's all about occupancy and cheap rates.


    Actually, all the hotels like to have their rooms full. Chinese are helping with that as well.


    11 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    on a side note I've read that you can get better quality cheaper in neighbouring countries 


    Net revenue from tourism continues to grow in Thailand, however. Moreover, Thai companies are taking advantage of growth in neighboring countries by investing there as well. It's win-win.


    11 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:

    Wait til the Chinese become more sophisticated travellers.When they become independent travellers rather than tour group lemmings.


    They already are. The FIT number is rapidly growing (you can look up the numbers) and are certainly being seen around a lot in Pattaya.


    “In the beginning we had a lot of [Chinese] group tours coming to Tiffany’s, but now the market has changed,” Phanthusak says. “Now we get more Chinese FIT customers than tours.”



    10 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Let not the hotelies of Thailand forget that the Chinese only starting to arrive not too long ago, and that they owe what they have today on the back and money of the western tourists that have been flocking to Thailand for the last 30 years, talking about biting the hands that feed you....


    Actually Chinese aren't patronizing the old beer bars, fleabag short-time hotels, and the lower-end sex industry, so they don't owe anyone for the use of them. When the mongers of old were in charge, how many shopping malls were built and sustained? As for the TVF Golden Eggs Theory Of Thai Economics, the Standard Model, history, and principles such as Fixed Pie, distilled from years of ace economic analyses, are mentioned here.


    10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    The issue that I see and hear about from friends in the tourism business is where the money from the Chinese people is going. To oversimplify a bit, it seems that certain hotels, certain tourist sites, and certain shops are doing very well.


    And this is always the case in every sector over time in a quasi-free market. No investment means a guaranteed profit eternally. I think we're running up against the TVF Mausoleum Principle, the time dimension of No Change. I think you'll find that a lot more businesses, and Thais, have benefited from the influx on Chinese tourists than have been hurt.


    9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    economic theory says close and do something else, but...what?


    whatever might best take advantage of the changing market conditions, obviously. Compare the employment rate here with that in the nanny states.


    8 hours ago, whiteman said:

    I think most Chinese tourist stay at Chinese owned hotels and Restaurants


    No, this one of the common myths here. Plus you've failed to account for the Thais employed by the hotels and restos Chinese tourists patronize.



    I used to eat regularly at the Hilton for lunch not any more they are like locus. 


    But the Hilton ain't owned by Chinese. :shock1:


    4 hours ago, korkenzieher said:

    but the bars and restaurants, where the real bucks are spent don't.


    See Hilton just above. But bars aren't where the "real money" is spent, and certainly not beer bars. Now if you check out the upper end of the go-go bars in Nana, you'll find out who's crowding in there, spending money, and have bid up bar fines sky high. 


    You can read a summary of what's going on w/ Chinese revenue generation (not the same as spending) and reference to a quarterly report by CPN about who's driving up profits for Central and the Hilton here:



    3 hours ago, jobwolf said:

    Even they noticed by now that Western Tourists are not willing to come any more. 


    What they noticed was that Western tourists have run out of money and they had enough of the riff raff living here on perpetual tourist visas. You paid any attention to exchange rates, among other factors?


    3 hours ago, SomchaiDIY said:

    Chinese tourist are moved like the cattle farm for feeding bucket and sleeping. Chinese tourist movements are under control of big business owner who plan visits to many shows and shopping area with secret commissions paid for services. Business not fair for all people. 


    One of our most cherished myths. See above on the rise of FITs. Nobody said a business has to benefit everybody, absurd idea. We have a lot of Occupy Wall Streeters on the forum. 



    Many very rich chinese prefer the vacation to europe and western areas not so many regular for thailand.


    But that's always been true of the very rich everybody. They aren't the primary movers of tourism markets in Third World countries and it wouldn't be worth the investment to pursue them. I might point out that a lot of Chinese property buyers in Thailand first come here as tourists.


    2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Ok here is our answer can someone upload the video clip again of the Chinese at the Thai shrimp buffet!


    Not relevant to the typical experience our members will have but just used for bashing purposes. Who would choose to attend a buffet mobbed by tourists disgorged from a tour bus--of any nationality. I wouldn't. Most whinge about some Chinese at a 7/11. Me, I went to Sizzler at Central for dinner a month or so ago, during high season, and there were quite a few Chinese in there who were perfectly well-behaved.


    2 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

    Aside from the economics is there anyone on TVF that can explain the Chinese toiletry habits. After our recent trip the wife will not go into a toilet cubicle if a Chinese woman comes out of it as they have pi*sed all over the toilet and the floor. How would they do that? Even the Thais can squat on a western toilet.


    You might ask your wife to explain and demonstrate how that could be done. Could happen anywhere but often found in highway service station restrooms in the USA.


    35 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

     Many places were kind of lucky that when the Russians started going elsewhere in Thailand about 1-2 years ago the Chinese were there to pick up the slack. But when the Chinese start ditching Thailand who is left?  


    The Chinese, when they come back like the Russians? Not all businesses or even most businesses depend on only one group anyway. But good example of the Complex and the Just In Case fallacies, so doesn't deserve serious response.

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I guess there was no need to build that pedestrian overpass then, as according to you hardly anyone is walking there to use it. Waste of money.


    That some pedestrians do wish to cross Sukhumvit there doesn't make it a "pedestrian area." The desirability of a new pedestrian overpass over a redeveloped major intersection, as compared to a mere traffic light & zebra crossing (cf. Pattaya Nua, where most cross at the light rather than walking to the pedestrian overpass at Soi Potisan), is completely unrelated to the temporary minor inconvenience of stepping carefully around some construction rubble laughably exaggerated into "a disaster."



    It certainly is every time the walkway collapses due to poor construction. Several times already. Strangely perhaps, it never collapsed before they destroyed many of the old growth trees.


    I threw that out for ya, man. Enjoy.


    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    eg the pavements were destroyed and the area on the side of the road was left with debris all over it making it very difficult to walk there. There is no excuse whatsoever for making the area impassable to pedestrians.


    Note that you've gone from "difficult to walk" to the contradictory exaggeration of "impassible." The area wasn't impassable but as one would expect less convenient to negotiate for the few walking there mainly to cross Sukhumvit. I recall only one old pensioner complaining about it when he went there not to walk around but cross. No big deal, really.



    Of course, those that didn't try to walk alongside the road construction would not know what I'm talking about.


    That would be pretty much everyone. It's not a pedestrian area for walking around. Now Beach Road is but as you know it's also a disaster area. :wink:


    • Haha 1
  8. So, one of the reasons LDL-C is elevated on an LCHF diet may be that the Friedwald equation overestimates LDL-C when TG’s are low.



    Another thing to consider is weight loss... in some individuals, losing weight can temporarily increase LDL cholesterol.


  9. 48 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    It just goes to show that you do not know what you are talking about and all you are interested in is passing insults and flaming because it is my Thai wife who is the one who is jumping up and down so I suggest that you go away and learn how to show decency instead of being a know all that knows nothing except how to pass judgemental insults at people.


    I just told you the facts of the matter, pal. Just standard banking practice here. Sorry you just learned about them and think they're all stupid and stuff.


    Nor did I insult anyone or in the least flame your Thai wife but merely suggested, logically, as did another poster, that she get an account at a branch closer by, after reviewing its policies. That's what I did when I moved. I really like my local Bangkok Bank branch, too, nice helpful ladies there. Love they way they fill out the paperwork for me and all I have to do is sign. And they did call over to a larger branch and got a USD cashier's check once for me. Cards have always worked, replaced one promptly when an ATM ate one, and so on. No problems, man.


    And I said most Thais. Of course there can be exceptions, especially if a farang husband is pointing the way. :smile:


  10. 3 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    I found the old thread about boarding schools where 17 girls burnt to death, but also the story about the boy who got killed. I don't really like boarding schools. 



    You don't like hotels either. Don't use them.


    I got your point already. It may not be a matter of whether one likes them or not but of what is going to work. I don't necessarily like boot camps or priests or psychologists or whatever. I know I don't definitely don't like theft, yaba addiction, threats, knives, and having to deal w/ my kid's misadventures in the community. If you find a better solution that works--and you might, I'm totally open to others--then good luck. What do I care what you like or don't like? Up 2 U.

  11. 10 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    No idea if you meant boarding schools in LOS? A few years back at a boarding school in Sisaket. A boy who's in love with a girl got killed at the one and only boarding school in Sisaket.


     The girl who then had a new boyfriend came to the school, they climbed over the wall, the girl called his name and when he came down he got brutally killed with a machete, usually seen in horror films. They said that these teenagers were also on Jaba. This stuff makes very aggressive and stupid.  




    We can always find some horror story somewhere. But we have to go w/ probabilities and various solutions need to be tried.


    Me, I've known graduates of Thai boarding schools who turned out extremely well, far better than average I'd say. Friend of mine's daughter went to a well-respected boarding school and it was just great for her. Absolutely no nonsense going on there, else she'd have been withdrawn immediately. Subsquently she got accepted to Mahidol and will soon graduate cum laude. Me, I don't hold rigid views, but I think most posters here would agree that most Thai students could use a bit more discipline and a bit less spoiling by their parents. Spending a year at a good boarding school might not be a bad idea at all anyway.

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  12. 2 hours ago, starky said:

    Getting personal now? You think boarding school would of helped me? So what? You wait till they become a drug addict then send them off to boarding school? Pillock.  I tried to have a civil discussion with you but seeing as you know everything about everything and have all the answers  I shall leave the last words for you .


    Merely means your arguments have been refuted and you've run out of any more of them. Sore losing is something we often see here. You were the one who got personal: I was doing what I wanted to do regardless and so I responded. Kids who don't develop or retain the sort of problem under discussion are the ones who can't do what they want to regardless.


    I suspect you've not had a kid who's turned into a thief and drug addict, but your solution would appear to be "I can't do anything." Good luck w/ that. I've seen how sad the results of that attitude can be.


    I can and would do something, though, and if not alone then with enough help so that the kid would get back on the ol' straight and narrow. So we'll just agree to disagree. :smile:



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  13. 2 hours ago, Stevemercer said:


    Is this an excuse for poor service in whatever country it occurs? Why should Thai people have to put up with poor customer service? Just because they don't know any better? Sorry, my friend, that won't fly (besides being insulting to Thai people).


    You think it's poor service but banks don't, you see. You opened your account w/ a particular branch and that branch is responsible for your records. That's organized. Nor do most Thais--it's the way things are. It was nice of a different branch to cough up 6 months of your banking records, when you think about it.


    Not in the least insulting to Thais but merely descriptive without being judgmental; it's you and the OP who are making all the (negative) judgments and name-calling--lazy, unorganized, stupid, poor service.


  14. 4 minutes ago, starky said:

    All I will say to that is boarding school ain't no picnic either bullying, abuse ( physical, mental and sexual) happens at a lot of these places, not to mention dealing with your kids when they get old enough to ask the question why did you bother to have children and then send them to an institution for the majority of their childhood. I know many that went to boarding schools and for most it wasn't a pleasant experience. 


    The answer to "why did you bother" is merely "'cause I didn't think my kid would grow to be a thief and drug addict." Kid could easily solve the unpleasantness of going to boarding school rather than lazing around home as you did by simple changing his attitude so that boarding school would be no longer needed.

  15. 1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

    Thank you for the insult of calling me a juvenile because I think it is stupid that the same bank cannot exchange account information between branches.


    You've mistaken "can't" for "won't." Less convenience for you means more for them. Nor does it matter why. Happiness is learning to say mai pen rai like the Thais do. They've adapted to their culture well. 

  16. 1 hour ago, simon43 said:

    Right now, I'm resting at my hotel in Bangkok for 7 days with the compression bandage around my head and ice-packs to reduce the neck swelling


    How are you managing the eating situation? Room service?


  17. Nothing lazy or unorganized here. In fact, it's quite organized: 6 months is the policy and they stuck to it. It's juvenile of course to call a policy you don't like "stupid," but hardly uncommon. Sorry for the inconvenience. Guess you'll need to suck it up w/ various other inconveniences. Now the wife might look into changing banks to one closer to your area. But do check all the policies first.

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