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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. On 3/21/2018 at 8:40 PM, torrzent said:

    Does that fee include overnight and indefinite stay?


    24 hours, check in time is noted. Then same for the next 24 or fraction thereof. Indefinite, I guess; some bikes towards the back look like they've been dumped parked there for years.

  2. 16 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

    It is certainly clear to me some Thais and Ticos both have ill-will for expats living in their countries.


    Some do, but the point is that you've confused the motives of Thais with those of Ticos. One doesn't need ever to have lived in CR to know that what you're saying about Thais' motivations is nonsense. Obscuring this point by personal attacks doesn't make it less invalid.



    Thais' seem to be both more jealous and violent in their reaction. More so than their Asian neighbors.


    But towards other Thais as well, NOT just towards farangs. If other Thais committed the same offenses, then a fight would break out as well. But other Thais know not to do them or expect consequences, that may perhaps be avoided by sneaking. A Thai is never going to walk over and arrogantly turn off another Thai's bike, for example, after complaining about noise. He knows what the reaction is going to be. In what cases of violence against farangs can you pinpoint the cause specifically "jealousy?" Well, none. The jealousy cases are all against other Thais. So, just your imagination so that you can claim that Thais are Ticos. :cheesy: I dunno why that's SO important to you except you just want to call attention to your residence in CR. We got it, man.


    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Pathetically and Xenophobically, Thailand resisted a wave of self drive tourism that began a few years back...... this futile and I'll thought out measure will only exacerbate bad will for the future tidal wave of tourism in the nest 5 years or so


    That was SO pathetic and caused SO much damage to Chinese tourism to Thailand. Thais should start hiding under their beds now, except there's *pee under there.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 14 hours ago, SpicyMeatball said:

    What a s**thole Pattaya is. I’ve never been nor do I ever want to go.


    Excellent. Stay away. Whenever Pattaya detects a puckered sphincter, it figures you can't be no hansum man and purposely makes things go badly for you and confirms your worst fears. Probably happened in this case, in fact. :smile: First, always consider whether you have what it takes to be a happy cesspoolian:


    • live and let live,
    • accept the unchangeable,
    • handle problems routinely,
    • interact with Thais well, and simply
    • roll with the flow,

    unfazed by the mess and paradox one may naturally expect to encounter in a Third World country. Then, while you relax and enjoy the delights of Pattaya, you're merely labeled on the forum a wearer of rose-tinted classes, Thai apologist with head in the sand, and the worst term of opprobrium known to any TVF Poster: a real estate agent!




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  5. 17 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

    Probably got a turd caught in his throat. I lived in Thailand for 30+ years and only fell into Pattaya water once returning from a fishing trip, I went home right away and had a very long hot shower. Can't believe people actually swim in that sewage???


    Finally! Somebody here noticed a pollution issue to point a finger at. It's about time!

  6. 30 minutes ago, JAZZDOG said:

    I lived in Costa Rica for many years. Another country where parents thought it was a great idea to send their beautiful daughters off to the big city to be whores. Anyway I had many Tico friends and I ask one of them if they generally disliked gringos. He said not you, you're my friend but imagine if we came to your country and had all the money, took all the pretty girls and the only ones left for you to go out with were fat and ugly. He had a good point and now CR is a very dangerous place to go. Lots of places more dangerous than Pattaya. Mind your own busy here a don't act like a dick and you should be OK.


    That point of comparison between Thailand and CR, and several others, have already been refuted. Very different countries and situations. Give it up.




  7. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Why do some members think it must be the wife?


    Advanced crime-busting taught our dicks at the renowned CSI: TVF Training Academy. It's always the wife, bargirl, girlfriend, or ladyboy. Case closed.



    Surely she would not jeopardise her marriage for such a small sum.


    Excellent point and may end the usual fingering of the wife here. She'd have arranged the theft while they were away, of course. Older lady, nice enough life there, so highly unlikely it'd be her.





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  8. 5 hours ago, mikebell said:

    There's been plans for a new sewage treatment plant for years; plans to curb police corruption; plans for elections; plans to make Pattaya a world-class family resort; and so on .....


    And they planned for the trial of a new train service and now there is one, doh. But the shuttle service was considered an important part of this project to take tourists to various spots, so it's probably in operation already.

    You don't really know, you see, just blowing. 


    3 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    I agree. Good luck getting to Pattaya from the train station for 170 bht. That is about a 300 bht ride...


    Why don't you drop by the station at 9:13 AM on the weekends and find out?


  9. 8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Actually I just thought you made yourself look silly...


    That's your thought when comparisons to other countries aren't to Thailand's detriment. When Thailand seems to fare worse by comparison, then your thought is that the poster has made himself look intelligent. Doubly so when extending the comparison to Thais vs. Brits (presumably not among the "some visitors"):


    On 8/17/2017 at 6:49 AM, jacko45k said:

    Roundabouts with traffic lights are very common in the UK. The lights are usually scheduled to handle the busy times, when roundabouts become less efficient.


    The fact that Thai drivers and perhaps some visitors do not know how to use the roundabout is reason enough to get rid of it. People have been killed on it before. Sadly they aren't too great with traffic lights either.


    Scheduled lights! Not that you're alone. Would love to have more fun with this but I can't stray too far off-topic.


    Adding hypocrisy completes the portrait:



    What has the USA got to do with infrastructure in Thailand... absolutely nothing!

    It is called diversion.


    But you've conveniently missed my point. I didn't compare infrastructure vs. infrastructure as you did above. My point is that infrastructure development is an ongoing process in all countries including the developed. Your unique claim about Thailand is that if another bit of work needs to be done, as in any country, it somehow means that nothing else was ever done, unlike in any other country. Have I got that right?  



    What happens on Koh Larn will take time. More than it should. Like the repairs to the Beach and the sewage plant, the exploding and burning transformers, frequent power and water cuts.


    Of course it will take more time than it should. I've found repairs to transformers quite prompt, actually. But Pattaya has made great strides in improving the electric grid and the waterworks, esp at a time of such incredibly rapid expansion. I remember when the city was 4 or 5 times smaller yet the water and power situation was MUCH worse. I'm speaking generally; a finger point to a specific instance doesn't diminish that fact. And though progress is ongoing, it will never keep up--just as it doesn't elsewhere. :smile: And so?


  10. 1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

        From a Biostar website: 

    • Supports AMD Phenom II/Phenom/Athlon 64 X2/64/FX/Sempron Processors

        All I've got is a Pentium 4 processor, Intel Where do I find if this processor would be compatible?


    It's totally *not* compatible. AMD motherboards gotta have AMD CPUs and same w/ Intel mutatis mutandis.

    No need to think about this further until you either come up w/ an Intel motherboard for your Pentium 4 (socket 478) or an AMD Phenom II/Phenom/Athlon 64 X2/64/FX/Sempron. An Athlon ll x4 830 or a Phenom II x4 945 (if BIOS update will enable over an X2) would be sweet. Forget something like an FX-4100, needs DDR3. But Biostar don't get much love (maybe that's why it was "outside of the house" in the yard)--you have the chance to buy more respected brand of motherboard for the Pentium


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  11. 47 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    Would Pentium 4 with 4 GB of DDR II memory work with my hardware?


    Confused question. I assume you mean, are my Pentium 4 and my 4 GB DDR II compatible with this motherboard. Who knows? What Pentium is it (socket?)? What motherboard is it exactly? What "converter?" What "huge cable connector to the motherboard?" You mean the ATX power connector?--how many pins? Power supply to match? HD (SATA?)?


    What will the school do with it? Suggest loading it w/ Linux (Elementary comes to mind), Chrome, and LibreOffice if that'll do.

  12. Just a heads up (not an advertisement) if you're interested: a big sale on electronics and whatever starts at AliExpress 8 days from now. You can look around and save items in your cart for buying after the sale begins.




    I've had good results receiving shipments via (free) AliExpress Standard Shipping and Thailand Post.

  13. On 3/17/2018 at 5:03 AM, jacko45k said:

    Well elsewhere I was involved in a discussion how the 'infrastructure' is much improved.


    Which you lost badly in the face of evidence of improvement and then came down with a serious case of whataboutism.



    But the reality is it is still lacking or lagging, this is a good example.


    Which reduces to the trivial when you realize that infrastructure is lacking or lagging everywhere; no reason Pattaya should be any exception except for fun bashing purposes.

    America's infrastructure is falling apart — here's a look at how bad things have gotten


    The number of drivers breaking down after hitting potholes has seen a "concerning" rise, according to the RAC.

    The RAC saw an 11% jump in breakdowns caused by poor quality roads in the last three months of 2017. . . . The RAC was called to 2,830 pothole-related breakdowns between October and December, compared with 2,547 in the period a year before. RAC chief engineer David Bizley said the figures would be "met with concern" among drivers because potholes represent a "serious road safety risk".

        --Potholes send breakdown figures flying



    .. but hey, the cell phones work!


    Quite a good thing, too, as cell phone service is lot more important to tourism than the trash on Koh Larn. And to you, as you're really only concerned w/ your own convenience. Now we'll see what happens w/ Koh Larn.

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