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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. Suggest you buy a good external enclosure and the drive separately. That way you can easily switch out drives. Seagate has a worse rep than WD and Toshiba generally. Change the USB port if drive not seen; sometimes Windows decides it doesn't like that device in that port. I spray a little contact cleaner in USB ports occasionally and even on the SATA contacts. Also see if the drive is seen in the Win disk manager but for some reason not assigned a letter. You may be able to assign a letter there and be on your way. Careful not to drop or mishandle external drives. Can't trust the "shock resistance."

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  2. 16 hours ago, swissie said:

    The author deserves praise. Never before has anyone presented such a comprehensive list of relevant "negatives" concerning the Beach-Resort. Again, respect.



    Thank you. Your departure from our beloved cesspool provided me w/ part of the intro here and I made sure to include your whinge about 7/11 clerks not giving you a "wai." :smile:



    PS: I retract my former statement in an other thread, that the author might possibly be on the payroll of the TAT. A person, unsparingly listing negatives and irritants in such relevant detail, can not possibly work for the TAT.


    I'll have to add that TAT insult (now justly retracted) to real estate agent etc. Actually I have sterling credentials provided by none other than The manic himself (I love this forum):


    On 10/9/2017 at 1:17 PM, The manic said:

    Your point of view is so negative it indicates clinical depression.  Your view is very one sided and simply  not true because it is not the whole picture.  This is why hundreds of thousands of people visit Pattaya making it one of the most popular resorts/holiday destinations in the world. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Someone's got too much time on their hands. But a goodie ...thanks for the effort. Just one more whinge to add which is to whinge amount farangs dissing Pattaya on internet forums and those that whinge about such moaners.


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Methinks someone has a lot of time to use.

    Not that that's wrong or anything. I spend far too much time on TVF too.


    I address this off-topic little personal "observation" regularly and even mentioned it on my forum profile. In this case as usual a large percentage is merely copy and paste, edit slightly, reformat. Part comes from a post I wrote years ago, the rest from a post last year I think. In a comma-delimited list it's trivial to search for ", " and replace with the regular expression "\n" so that you have a column. Then just rearrange in Excel. Really no biggie though it must seem so if you post from a phone while sitting on a barstool. Now I did write a few new sentences in the intro. :smile:


    On 2/14/2018 at 9:44 AM, JSixpack said:

    Q: Why do you write such long posts?

    A: Piece o' cake. Me, I was lucky to have had an excellent typing teacher in the 10th grade: Mrs. Brown, bless 'er. If you yourself need help learning to type, you might try here: Learn How to Touch Type. I'm also enjoying using my backlit mechanical keyboard with Cherry MX blue switches. Tried one yet? You should. For perspective, consider that Tolstoy rewrote War And Peace eight times with a quill pen. Spend more time with Henry James and Marcel Proust.


    Behind the scenes, I do have some great tools for fast composition, like clipboard manager, scrapbook, autopager, quick text paster, web editor, etc. So many forum posts in the Pattaya forum are just timeworn repetitions that only merit the same copy-and-paste response anyway.


    But let's not go there. :smile: Better comfort yourself w/ the (laughable) fantasy that I'm lonely, obsessed, need to get a life, etc. Cheers!



    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, dontoearth said:

     It is amazing that as an older overweight male I need to use training and nutrition programs that work on olympic athletes.  Oh wait!  I don't!  As I could not run miles everyday and an old stove up body could not play any of those sports EVER!  Just moving into the positions for figure skating or whatever other athletic performances we see at the professional level would probably break half my joints up for months.


    Right. Age, genetics, wear and tear, proper form, and common sense all play roles. Good news it's not necessary to achieve athletic fitness in order to be healthy.



     My friends and I thought fruit juices, oat meal and cereals and low fat yogurts were helping us and could not figure out the slow steady weight gains.


    I like to joke how when I go back to the States I can't get to the full fat yogurt because of the obese ladies crowding in front of the shelf to get to the low fat yogurt.


    Takes a while to discover your personal tolerance for carbs. Thing to do is lose the excess weight first then add some carbs back in as long as they're not hurting.



    My doctor and friends told me it was something to live with along with lots of metabolic prescription drugs for High blood pressure and cholesterol and was supposed to get ready for Type II diabetes.  I didn't think their advice was helpful.  I also think it is not true!  It does require much more effort at this point in life but their advice to relax and take the drugs was not what I wanted.


    Exactly. To hell w/ all those drugs consequent to metabolic syndrome. A friend of mine, borderline obese, was the world's worst cheapskate. I pointed out how he could save a ton of money by losing the weight, exercising in the pool (got him to join the Y but then he never went), and not needing the basket of meds and doc visits. He preferred the potato chips--they were worth it. In the end it was about more than just money as he died young, about 10 years ago.



          I got much more help here!  Along with lots of distracting advice.  That is the beauty of a message board. 


    There are some good forums out there specializing in low-carb and IF w/ fellow practitioners and real experts. They're a source of knowledge and inspiration. Some good advice here, of course, but the signal/noise ratio is pretty low. Lot of nonsense.



    Does anyone else have thoughts on cheat days and friends that want their pizza, ice cream and cake being a drag on a healthy lifestyle?    


    Well, people should do what they have do w/i healthy limits to lose weight and get fit. You might do some research on carb refeeding.


  5. 1 hour ago, dontoearth said:

         Do you get additional measurements from the scale like body fat, muscle mass etc?  I find the one measurement on the old analog scale to be very unreliable.  It doesn't tell you if you are losing weight at the expense of muscle or holding steady while picking up lots of fat weight.  


    No. I don't worry about that too much. After so many years of fitness I know about what's good for me. Losing a little muscle is the least of most dieters' worries.

  6. 1 hour ago, Pattaya46 said:


    How was the Hilton an "addition" ??

    The initial project had 2 towers on top of the shopping mall,

    one being an hotel (now Hilton),

    the other one a condo (never built)


    2 towers in addition to the shopping mall. Yes, the hotel was always part of the project and opened a bit later.

  7. 1 hour ago, watcharacters said:



    Thanks for the reply but please advise me as to your optician/ophthalmologist  so I can definitely avoid them.       


    How many stories do you fail to not see?




    And I wonder how many buyers of View Taley 6 on the north side would agree with your "observation"?




    I see none, actually, just sky up there. How many do you see on top of the mall? All 34? Now this is doubly alarming as our forum engineers have prophesied that the building will fall down. You mean the buyers of VT6 share your optician/ophthalmologist???



  8. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I know The Avenue has had it's problems, but when it opened I don't recall it being nearly as slow as The Bay in getting tenants after opening. 


    And this helps account for but doesn't excuse the fact that our ace TVF Economists predicted no doom for The Avenue. Quite rare for a new construction. Hence it was likely that it would in fact fail, which it has. 

  9. 44 minutes ago, poanoi said:

    i went to the same scale, and it was spot on, it never displayed variation,

    not once, i have come to the conclusion those electronic scale are bliss,

    while analog scales are shit, much the same as electronic watches are spot on vs the mechanical junk


    True. I threw out an old unreliable analog scale 'cause it was showing a few kilos underweight and put it carefully on display near the trash bin. 'Twas amazing how quickly the building's maids grabbed it. :wink:


    Replaced w/ a good electronic (Lazada is your friend) and it's always spot on. 

  10. 1 hour ago, norrska said:

    Thanks for confirming that there are no examples!


    No. I merely confirmed that (1) any such examples would be completely irrelevant (so why would I bother looking for any?) and that (2) lots of relevant examples and informed opinions do exist and are easily found. You're free to prove to yourself and the world that there are no such Olympian examples if that's important to you, though I can't imagine why. :post-4641-1156694572: Have you got anything useful to say on this topic?

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