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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    You are right about the relationships, but I could never have a family here.

    Nothing about the place, just me there is way too much temptation no way I could keep it in my pants.   

    The setting of Chiang Mai probably would be much safer for me.  Enough to do, but not a sexy girl on every corner.

    I sure like it here now and have no plans to get hitched up anyway, so I guess a moot point.


    One of the hazards of reading our beloved forum is the tendency to fall into simplistic absolutist (as in the post I addressed: ALL) or binary either/or thinking along with so many posters. Very Western, except polyamory is now becoming a thing. :wink:


    In fact Pattaya encourages the opposite: both/and. So you gotta listen to Mama Pattaya: go analog and have it all, man. Many do, one way or the other.


    So for example--just one example I'm familiar with--you find the "nice" gf and gradually introduce her to the wonderfulness of the threesome. Screen candidates by taking them out the go-gos and studying their reaction to those bodies on stage. Might take about year of talking, overcoming the jealousy, before she's ready to try. Things can develop in various positive and very satisfying ways from there . . . .:biggrin:


    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, opporna said:

    I'll try, but I'm not terribly hopeful. I asked at the two SS clinics for the Sri Racha hospital in Pattaya, and they both just said Baan Amphur. Perhaps that's the only one and it's time for me to change hospitals.


    You may well have the same issue w/ any other primary SS hospital. Maybe you can find one closer to where you live though. Or just move near Sirikit. :smile:

  3. 23 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    As you clearly can see, social media like facebook, twitter, instagram and other different medias are today the combined tools for making a change or a differens in many cases.


    Notice that you carefully--and most understandably--didn't include TVF in that list. :biggrin: So you're also boring yourself on those social media that you think are being so effective in stopping the Thai driving habits and reforming the brainless morons? Evidence?


    Actually if Thais did reform and started driving safely as they all do in the UK, that would be kinda bad news here on the forum, wouldn't it?:wink:



    What do you think happens to differens and possible changes if people just stop viocing thier opinion, just because it´s boring and people like you just want to see everything that you can call enjoyment?


    Bashing in the name of "reform" is one of those laughable justifications we hear on TVF from time to time.



    Next time you can actually sit down and think before you let your fingers fly over the keybord in a way that puts you in a position you didn´t mean from start.


    So it seems that schoolmarming posters, also brainless (don't think before), is similarly boring but a "necessary evil." :smile:  Tough work but somebody's gotta do it. Sigh! We can only appreciate such sacrifice. Good thing everybody's not too brainless to make effective use of their "keybords." I take it we can look forward to your boring yourself much more in the future.

  4. 40 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

    I understand your concern, but the current "system" is not working! At least some officers are trying to use an alternative solution to the problem.


    Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools. Alternately; Rules are for fools and for the guidance of wise men.  (Douglas Bader).

    And if you do not know Douglas Bader, then 'google' it.


    Meaningless for parents to pay the fine for these spoiled girls. Here they had actually to do something unpleasant to help them remember. Better.

    • Like 2
  5. 54 minutes ago, Jerry780 said:

    Something needs to be done about the large amount of aggressive Africans both male and female in Pattaya. They are either on the game or selling drugs. I work in Bangkok and live in Jomtien and its a big problem in Bangkok on Sukhumvit also. The BIB round them up once in a while but not often enough.


    4 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

    Clean up the beach i.e develop a proper sewage processing network and plant, bring back some of the better seafood   places near and around beach road. Turn Soi 6 into a pedestrian street with gourmet cafes and restaurants, and Louis Vuitton shops. Use soi 7 as a supply artery. I could go on...


    Oh forgot, a bit like they used to do in Chicago,catch mongers outside of restricted areas and post their mug shot on the Pataya police web site.


    Please add to our whinges list:




    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Actually yes, it does. Let´s call it a necessary evil until it fades away into a memory of the past.


    Oh. Well then why is your schoolmarming and name calling a "necessary evil" that you just can't stop yourself from doing even though it's boring? Perhaps if we call it a "necessary enjoyment" we can make more progress on ending that particular boredom?


  7. 25 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Was Ban Chang around with a girl scene back then?

    Curious because I heard Tiger Woods father( former US military) met his Thai wife there.  Or maybe she was a cashier someplace:)


    Doubt there was a "scene," though fevered imaginations here may well conjure one. It was certainly possible to meet "a" girl anywhere. Why not? Friend of mine met an ordinary waitress in an resto near Sattahip and after the war he came back and married that sweet young thang. Still married today after decades and will be to the end.


    They've both changed a lot since then. :wink:


  8. On 2/25/2017 at 1:02 AM, Grubster said:

    Ive met hundreds of GIs that did their R and R there and not one that didn't get laid multiple times by multiple prostitutes while there a short time.


    You misunderstood exactly where that R&R took place. Meanwhile we have a lot of written testimony here contradicting the myth that Americans "built" Pattaya. You'll need to read through the threads.





    How to Avoid Spreading Myths and Misinformation Online


    On 2/25/2017 at 1:14 AM, farcanell said:

    Um.... kind of.... yes.


    whilst admittedly, there was a small fishing village there, it (pattaya) rose to prominence (grubsters "built on" reference) as an R and R spot for US servicemen.... and is now what it is today, because of the spreading of the good word



    Unverified source and nothing about any bars and girls. "The word spread" unverified as well, sounds like hype to support the myth, and doesn't say spread about "what" exactly. I doubt Pattaya had enough "hotel" space for 500 GI's who suddenly descended anyway.


    No, Pattaya didn't become a "hot" alternative to Bangkok THEN and not "quickly."


    During the Vietnam War, the R&R haven with all the bars and go-go's was not Pattaya but Bangkok. Pattaya had no bar scene to speak of; servicemen visited mainly from the nearby U-Tapao air base to enjoy a pleasant beach area. The working girls serving U-Tapao were located and regulated, even with mandatory STD checks, at a place called Newland about 10 miles in the opposite direction from Pattaya. That was to keep the servicemen out of the nearby towns where they'd make a nuisance of themselves and get in trouble. There's a youtube vid on the subject by a lady who worked on the base.


    Now Pattaya did come to the attention of Australian personnel then. It was only in the later 70s and the 80s, after the Americans had left, that the raucous nightlife scene arose for the entertainment of mainly Australians, Germans, and Brits.


    On 2/25/2017 at 12:17 PM, farcanell said:

    Small fishing village

    US servicemen on R and R


    Bar scene after US servicemen left, Germans, Ozzies, Brits, then



    girls booze drugs and ...... :partytime2:


    On 2/25/2017 at 5:23 AM, fforest1 said:


    You write some good stuff but why write nonsense like this

    and discredit yourself?


    There are LOADS of pictures of the GIs in Thailand in the 60s

    in bars and elsewhere surrounded by LOADS of sexy girls...

    And it sure did not look like the GIs were on any kind of

    humanitarian mission..lol....


    No, you've merely discredited yourself further, which isn't easy. Pattaya <> "Thailand"



    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

    "Thaivisa notes that a large proportion of the death in road accidents that has made Thai roads the most dangerous in the world results from people not wearing helmets on motorcycles."



    No way is this the case on its own, another even bigger reason to add to no helmets is that Thais have simply no patience on these roads swerving in an out up the left and right of vehicles cutting in front of bigger vehicles going way to fast and a disregard for red lights etc .


    The Police need to get more tuff on their impatience an speeding all over the place an send them back for re training .


    It's about time somebody here fingered Thai driving habits and found the solution to correct them! FINALLY. And now . . . um . . . .

  10. 1 hour ago, Wallander4 said:

    Have you seen this note ... was it in Danish/English/thai ... ?  Does it exist ?


    I didn't know you have 2 TVF IDs. Why? But--police conspiracy, man. Fake note, planted last cigarette butt, planted chewing gum under the balcony railing! So knock yourself w/ fingering the gf, bg, lb, or wife who pushed him and the police covering it up. Yippee--CSI: TVF is back!

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I lived here 6 years on marriage extensions, but 2 years back I changed to marriage VISA.

    I've had some great beach holidays in the Philippines, hiking in the mountains of China, 1 trip  to Burma.

    Doesn't cost much and I quite enjoy the excuse for a trip without the wife.


    Not to mention I get my full British pension because I live in the Philippines (but only holiday in Thailand).


    One reason I live in SE Asia is that it's an interesting area of the world for the opportunities to travel around to neighboring countries w/ different cultures if and when one wishes to. I did my share of border runs in the old days. And it can be cheap to do so, though not as cheap mailing in the 90-day report, or doing it online, or paying a Thai a couple 100 baht to go do it. Right? But leaving solely for the purpose of avoiding a 90-day report? Absurd. Only guy I knew doing that had a questionable visa and figured it'd get less attention at the border. If you on the other hand need an excuse and that's all you got, then make lemonade from lemons, man.

    • Like 1
  12. 32 minutes ago, DipStick said:

    Good to hear, but my point was, why not take a break outside Thailand every three months, then no need for 90 day reporting.


    But then there's need for leaving Thailand every 3 months. I don't see how that helps; kinda like swatting a fly with a hammer. Lot more bother (no comparison really), longer interruption, needless expense. Most of us don't need a break from our break. Require everyone to leave every 90 days and then you really would have knickers twisting and screams of anguish and "killing the goose" from our posters.



    It must be rather robotic and pointless every 90 days reporting to immigration


    Robotic, to a degree perhaps--but can be made interesting. Have a lunch at a different resto along the way (Mike's Mexican comes to mind) or stop by a daytime go-go for a few cool ones. Listen to music through nice earbuds while waiting (5 min at Jomtien, eh). Anyway, you don't even have to report in person. I don't. :)


    Pointless, no, because Immigration will fine you or worse if you don't report. 


    I don't see how 90-day reporting would be less robotic and pointless than leaving the country every 90 days.



    for reasons I cannot comprehend  


    I dunno why you can't comprehend that the reason is to comply w/ an Immigration requirement. But it doesn't matter whether you comprehend or not. Isn't it "pointless" to try to argue against an Immigration requirement on this forum? Take it up w/ Immigration.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. 4 hours ago, cusanus said:

    Elite dental has the best. It isn't an option that I see, they use it quite often and for me there was never a charge. I had a "free" consultation for implants prior, the place charged me 800 baht for an X ray, anyway, then told me implants weren't the way to go, translation they really can't do them. I got the five implants / 7 zirconia caps from Elite over a year ago, they're absolutely perfect.


    That's great!



    By the way, you can get zirconia caps, bridges, etc from any government hospital at about half the cost of say Elite. They use X rays and such, don't look so fancy, English is minimal but passable, the morning wait is long, but the clinic here at Sanpatong hospital does a perfectly good job. So, you all didn't know that? Trouble is, they can't do implants, at least not in Sanpatong. Also, my wife is a gov officer, so I pay zero for routine work. That's where I get all my work done except for the implants. Some gov hospitals are too busy, this one is home and they know me there.  


    Hey--I'm the original gov't hospital dental work advocate here.



    But be advised our Big Spenders here (so many landed gentry, scions of royalty, trust fund babies, etc.) regard that as a Cheap Charlie behavior and will schoolmarm about your burdening Thai public services.

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