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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. 8 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    However it does mean that many foreigners businesses are knowingly or unknowingly built on sand.


    This "many" is your backpedaled position with added enjoyment of spreading of FUD. The original was ALL, as it's impossible otherwise:


    On 3/10/2018 at 10:58 AM, Airbagwill said:

    the only way Thailand can get foreigners to set up small businesses and the like is to bend the rules. This unfortunately helps those who don't mind bending rules but filters out good honest and qualified candidates who want to go by the book.

    However it does mean that many foreigners businesses are knowingly or unknowingly built on sand.

    Seems you've merely fallen victim to the toupee fallacy.


    It's only trivial and common knowledge that SOME foreigners here do have dodgy companies and some Thai services exist for the purpose of facilitating them. Same w/ visas, as is again common knowledge. The use of companies to buy real estate has been debated ad nauseam w/ trolls spreading FUD.


    So I think we've all got your point, such as it was, by now and your original point has been easily refuted w/ a couple of examples. Nobody's falling for the FUD. Are we done?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, champers said:

    You could have gone German round there, but it is a poor second to a good Italian place. A shame World of Sport is long gone; you could have had pie and chips.


    Bei Gerhard? True, should check it out sometime, but was in the mood for Italian (long story). Pizza Big looked open if sleepy. But they annoyed me years ago w/ a notable decline in quality and now I won't risk them again. Ended up--control yourselves, delicate food connoisseurs--having a pork chop and a cold Singha at Kiss. And it was not bad for the price. :)


    Anyway these two Italian places there on Soi 33 on the radar now (tnx, TVF reviewers) and I'll go back sooner rather than later.


    • Like 1
  3. On 2/25/2018 at 1:01 PM, balo said:

    The Italian pizzeria in Naklua is probably one of the best , they rate high on Tripadvisor . Only 200 baht for a  big size margherita , and up to 280 baht . 


    Italian owner who works every night and make sure his staff are doing it right, you can't go wrong there. 


    Grottino Pizzeria on Tripadvisor


    Was in the neighborhood today but too early. Grottino and Bella across the street don't open until 3 pm. Forget lunch.

    • Sad 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    I've spent 20 years doing my homework.


    Slow learner, eh. My sympathies; life ain't fair. Like transam, one of my friends has owned a small, successful factory for more than 10 years. Employs around maybe 8 Thais including the office manager. Sells product in the Thai market. European, speaks English and Thai fluently. On excellent terms w/ Immigration, never had any problems whatsoever, and even subscribes to the Police Magazine. Audited yearly, everything totally legal and above board. How did he do it? He knew what he was doing (degreed engineer, worked in Asia for years), good business sense, excellent personal skills, and had the money to invest. Does farangs proud . . . just head and shoulders above our crybabies and bigots here.


    Then there's Bill Heinecke . . . .:biggrin:


    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    Yes they are quite nice when under 30, but after that they turn into a 400 lb granny that tries to fit into a pair of shorts made for someone 30 years younger and 300 lbs lighter !


    And so many are in fact under 30. Older Russians may well have lovely daughters, too. Looks like a nice young thang gettin' off the bus in the pic above.


    I'm enjoying the enhanced scenery. :smile:

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

    Did you bother to watch the vid? russian dude was in the wrong here.What lunatic anywhere runs across a zebra crossing WITHOUT even looking!!! and it appears to be at a set of lights with green light in both directions.. regardless of the rules that was an incredibility dumb move and payed for it with his life. I wouldn't try that in the west let alone here


    True. That was just Russian roulette. If he'd just used a little caution as anyone w/ common sense would do anywhere in the world even in England then that accident wouldn't have happened. 

  7. 1 hour ago, stud858 said:

    It is peculiar how some are allowed to work against the law and some are nabbed. He must have upset someone. Be peaceful and polite. Hug your neighbor.


    Similarly it is peculiar how in the West some are allowed to get away with bank robbery (about 40%) and some are nabbed. Some of those nabbed probably did upset someone besides the bank. Then again, they may have been simply stupid. I doubt that being peaceful and polite and hugging your neighbor will guarantee that you may work w/o a permit, but you may try it if you wish.

    • Like 2
  8. 23 minutes ago, wattaman said:

    Anyhow, looks like you don't proper understand them  labor laws. Maybe this will help you:


    But I though you weren't an expert. Now it turns out that you secretly ARE, heh heh.



    1. There are jobs that cannot be done by foreigners, they are reserved for Thais ONLY


    But this job isn't one of them and with a work permit a foreigner can do it. Duh.


    Anyway, no paid work can be done by foreigners without their having a work permit to do it. Only Thais can do any paid work without having a permit. So it doesn't matter what kind of paid work this Frenchman was doing, really. :smile:




    2. A work permit doesn't allow you to do whatever you want, wherever you want - it is restricted to ONE JOB and ONE PLACE


    We seem to be going around in circles. Fun?


    36 minutes ago, JSixpack said:

    But in general a foreigner should be circumspect about engaging in work not permitted on his work permit, yes. A foreigner holding a work permit can ask the authorities if he's not clear about what he can and can't do. Is that a problem for you?



  9. 57 minutes ago, wattaman said:

    I'm not an expert, but I believe it is/was illegal for him to do THAT job


    Without a work permit, yes.



    , that's why he needed Thai employees.


    That's why he needed a work permit. Nor did he have to own his own company but simply been an employee.



    So he was doing something that only Thais are allowed to do.


    Without a work permit. Non-Thais ARE allowed to do it with a work permit.


    What paid work of any kind do you think foreigners are allowed to do without a work permit?



    I've also heard of restaurant owners being afraid to even pick the dirty plates from the tables, because someone might report them for doing something else than their work permit says, and that would be doing an illegal work (read only for Thais).


    We love paranoia here and will do all we can to enjoy it, so hearsay is very important. But in general a foreigner should be circumspect about engaging in work not permitted on his work permit, yes. A foreigner holding a work permit can ask the authorities if he's not clear about what he can and can't do. Is that a problem for you?

  10. 20 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Actually the fat has been debunked as making you fuller its all done by protein according to the latest research. But even protein does not work wonders.


    Death works wonders, though, don't it? We're looking for methods doable and sustainable by the kind of forum member coming here to lose weight.


    Pick the healthful trio. At each meal, include foods that deliver some fat, fiber, and protein. The fiber makes you feel full right away, the protein helps you stay full for longer, and the fat works with the hormones in your body to tell you to stop eating. Adding nuts to your diet is a good way to maintain weight because it has all three.



    Fat's a good substitute for useless carbs--one reason the Mediterranean diet usually falls near the top of the diet rankings. Friend of mine has great success with it. Note the word diet.



    Things like apples or salads really help but there will always (depend on the person) some hunger.

    Depends on the person, yup. So for the usual overweight member coming here w/ metabolic syndrome, the question is what reduces the hunger to a tolerable level and possibly eliminate it (depend on the person) while remaining healthy on a weight-reducing diet + exercise combo w/ emphasis on diet.


    • Like 1
  11. On 3/4/2018 at 5:42 PM, giddyup said:

    Let me know what you think.


    Midnighters. Just OK, usual tropes, mediocre acting, but mindless suspense & plot twist interesting enough to keep one watching. Probably wouldn't watch it for the sole purpose of watching it but quite good 'nuff while doing something else, namely exercising. :smile: Thanks for the recommendation. 

  12. On 3/7/2018 at 7:50 PM, Justfine said:

    Protein and fats make you fuller longer. Get off the carbs. No rice, bread, potatoes, sugar drinks.


    Eggs are great for breakfast. Add cottage cheese. Walnuts for antioxidants.


    Sourkraut and german sausages for lunch with brocoli.


    Fish and mushrooms for dinner in butter and cream sauce.


    Low sugar protein shake for snacks or walnuts.


    Change up the meats but basically you can eat this for years and remain full.



    Low sugar protein shake for snacks or walnuts. - The protein shake is quite useful, protein a natural appetite suppressant, and needs more emphasis around here. Great on a fasting day. 3 Ways Whey Protein Can Help You Lose Weight! And http://www.clubproteinonline.com/ is a good source of the powder. Find yourself a recipe here: https://www.google.com/search?q=low+carb+protein+shakes&gws_rd=cr&hl=en&num=30







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