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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. 6 hours ago, newnative said:

          Uh-oh, JSixpack, I've just had the 'realtor' insult hurled at me again!  




    So early in the month, too! Maybe before it's out I can work up to the 2nd place Owner Desperate To Sell award.:biggrin:



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. On 3/3/2018 at 3:37 PM, JHolmesJr said:

    binge watched first 3 eps of looming towers...great entertainment.


    Not bad for what it is, i. e., not Homeland. Off to a slow start w/ macho posturing by gov't hacks mostly concerned about their job security but then fleshing out the characters. Jeff Daniels doesn't do a lot for me but seems he's going away after episode 2. I'll keep watching.


  3. 19 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Bob, will Dr. Amornvit do regular dental cleanings, in addition to all the other various things you mentioned?


    One of the gripes I have with one of the biggest, best known dental clinics in BKK is you get sent to "cleaning" only dentists for cleanings.


    And every time I've had my cleaning done by them, they're either unable or unwilling to have a broader conversation about what's going on with my mouth and teeth, anythings to watch out for, other procedures that might be on the horizon, etc etc.


    When I go for my 6 month or one year cleaning, I also want it to be a general checkup on the state of my mouth and teeth, a discussion of whether any things have changed from the last visit, etc etc... And the cleaning dentists I've run into just simply don't seem to do that.





    Most clinics don't have X-ray machines. I suggest getting a X-ray sometimes; learned the hard way about that.

  4. On 5/14/2016 at 8:02 AM, ignis said:

    mostly use a VPN to Singapore for ThaiVisa as it opens fastest, it still opens with a German or UK VPN just appears slower


    I assume TVF servers are still located in Singapore. Not a bad place to be. :wink:

  5. 13 hours ago, bendejo said:

    Too many errors in the script to make it believable, don't bother pointing them out as it will help the culprit polish up his act.

    Gotta run now, gotta pack my bags for a flight to Atlanta.  :cheesy:


    Actually the culprit wouldn't want to polish up his act. Errors are a way of filtering out the alert & intelligent so that only idiots will reply and possibly go for the scam.

  6. 2 hours ago, norrska said:

    Meanwhile, a bit of junior gumshoe research shows the "more  marriages = higher IQ" theory to be completely wrong.


    Thank god for due diligence.  This bogus theory might have been believed had it been shared in a bar.


    Point taken, but that's why I said "be that as it may" as it's not really relevant to the discussion as an individual isn't a stat.

  7. 22 minutes ago, champers said:

    I believe intelligence plays an important part in making a judgement.


    You could tell that to Norman Mailer, 'cept he's dead now. He did manage only 6 divorces but then again he had 2 Pulitzers. If you look into the studies I think you'll find that there is in fact a correlation between intelligence and higher divorce rates. Be that as it may, I find all the celebs w/ high divorce rates (the usual suspects), and certainly Mobi, far more intelligent than a TVF troll, esp those coming back to troll the Pattaya forum after they've left Pattaya. Trolls would disagree, of course--and have. :smile:


  8. 1 hour ago, champers said:

    I enjoyed Mobi's posts and his vlog (still do), but I would have to seriously question the intelligence of someone who has been married six times. His brain has been located further South than is the norm.


    Judgement is a different matter and as the news attests daily can certainly be affected by excessive alcohol consumption. In Mobi's goodbye thread, ace TVF Relationship Counselors, specializing in Thai women, hardly failed to point fingers. I don't recall Mobi having any regrets about the wimmens, however. (Correct me if I'm wrong; it's been a while.) I suppose that can be understandable if one reflects on the great relationships of the past that didn't work--though they might have--esp if the responsibility for having screwed them up falls upon oneself.



  9. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    And the soldiers were fined for defending themselves.  What's wrong with that picture?  :happy:


    It's SOP for the police to fine both parties for fighting. In this case there may be more to it:


    Police said the head vendor, Uthit Suthok, told investigators the group was hawking timepieces to six American troops on Saturday. The Americans spent some time checking the watches before throwing them on the ground, police said at a Wednesday news conference.


    I dunno if that's true or not. But normally vendors don't get that upset when given the usual brush off. I give them a polite refusal in Thai and have never had any problem, so I can't relate to this incident. Maybe this vendor was just a nutcase--he well could be. Having that job would certainly make me crazy after a week. Maybe he was far too aggressive in the first place and it escalated from there. Or maybe the American was arrogant and hot-tempered.


    We need video of the interaction just before this incident to be sure of exactly what happened. We may hope this group of vendors have learned a lesson from the experience at least.

    • Like 2
  10. 13 hours ago, ttrd said:

    RE - Or even this time, as there was no experimenting.


    So what is Your definition of performing different techniques to experience climax for each different individual...??...


    When each individual turning on differently, have different levels of sensivity on and around their different erogenous zones as each individual is quite different - then it will require nothing else than experimenting to be able to achieve climax for each one - basic, logical and pretty obviously...:coffee1:


    You see the OP doesn't say that


    • any "experimenting" was part of the curriculum;
    • the instructors taught any "experimenting;"
    • the instructors demonstrated any "experimenting;"
    • the students "experimented;"
    • the course taught anything about taking orgasms to new hights [sic].


    Hence the body of Christopher Harrold, 26, would have nothing to do with anything but some TVF poster's fantasy. That said, finding a rich Russian sugar daddy must be as much art as cookbook recipe, with more to it than the sex element we've enjoyed so delightfully here. Otherwise 40 Russian ladies (in this instance) wouldn't have signed up and paid for a course. But you may enjoy instructing the forum on points ostensibly overlooked as perhaps too obvious and trivial but in your view requiring emphasis. If there's another course, you may pick up consulting fees, as with another poster who's calling for the Kamasutra.




  11. 9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Who needs to attend a course,and pay so much money to learn to learn the sex act,


    Not the purpose of the course: the course taught Russian ladies how to snare a rich sugar daddy.



    something you learnt at school behind the bicycle sheds,and hopefully just got better

    at it over the years.


    Have you captured a rich sugar daddy yet then? How's that going?


    5 hours ago, Lupatria said:

    Who of us ever met an aged single male "Pattaya Tourist" who did not know how the game works?


    To get a sugar daddy? By the appearance of the aged single male "Pattaya Tourist," I'm not impressed w/ the generosity of their daddies. Poor instruction, looks like.


    5 hours ago, zzidenn said:

    I think it’s quite reasonable to go to a seminar like this and quite frankly it’s not as outrageous as some think it is and nobody was actually having sex,


    Exactly. There's a whole industry in the West devoted to giving advice to women on enhancing their sex appeal and catching a rich husband. GIYF.




    Dating sites are used for the purpose and some specialize. A course on the subject at resorts in an exotic country, something to do while vacationing anyway, probably could reach a target market of interested women, none of whom seem posting here.


    4 hours ago, glasswort said:

    Hilarious! Mugs really coughed up 45k baht?


    Maybe it's just a large amount to you but peanuts to them.


    4 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Never seen a rich Russian single male here so that book is useless for those Russian bitches.


    Evidently the idea is to apply the instruction back home in Russia, which would in any case have most of the rich Russian men, whether you happen to see any here or not. Kinda like you took a boxing course in Thailand then went back home to Blackpool and practiced it on local thugs.


    3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Yeah, I always tell my wife to grab the board and shove my hand up her skirt to make her cum. 


    Sounds like you need the full course to know how to do more. But now it's too late. Youtube?


    2 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    Classic!! Russian sex teachers, without having heard of the Kamasutra before.


    How would you know? But the course taught Russian ladies how to snare a rich sugar daddy. Are you saying that you know the Kamasutra is needed?


    1 hour ago, wavemanwww said:

    Aside from the Headline I was expecting something more raunchy. What a disappointment.


    Just make it up like everyone else did, man.


    1 hour ago, InnerCynic said:

    This so-called "course" appears to be nothing less than a flimsy excuse for whatever activities these losers were up to.  It certainly doesn't take a lesson overseas to teach someone to smile and not be a boorish knucklehead.


    But few seem to have received such instruction back home, as you may observe in any Pattaya beer bar. Or on TVF. :smile: Be great if they got some overseas here in Pattaya, though, eh. Yet when the Thais do administer some needed instruction, free of charge if uninvited, it leads to an outcry here and spirited defenses of the boorish knucklehead receiving the instruction--by fellow boorish knuckleheads?


    53 minutes ago, captspectre said:

    black listed for "working" without a work permit? that's the Thai's for you! never mind prostitution, how would you get a work permit for prostitution? 


    Where's the prostitution here by the Russians?


    35 minutes ago, ttrd said:

    Its not the first time and it will for sure not be the last that someone want to experimenting with the purpose of taking orgasms to new hights


    Or even this time, as there was no experimenting.


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