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Posts posted by tropico

  1. Gun control is an idiotic idea? I am not sure what is more idiotic than letting anybody buy machine guns and get into a cinema and kill dozens of innocents! They say that guns don't kill people but are people who kill other people! And I am agree with that however if you have access to a machine gun you can kill many more people than if you have just a knife (this is my view though).

    But anyway, Morgan as a foreigner (and a showman) decided to talk about something that is definitely a problem and he gave some ideas and possible solutions which I believe could be in part useful but many people just felt like he had no right to talk whatsoever just because he is not American and he might not understand the local issues. I just think that if something is logic to understand it does not matter where you come from but you can give logic answers to resolve the problem even though it might be more complicated than what it looks like.

    I also agree that the Thai people should understand the problems by themselves (if they think they have some) and take actions, following their cultural beliefs and way of life. But I just thought that maybe foreigners that are permanent residents, living in Thailand and facing the same problems as anybody else, could somehow just be part of a dialog together with Thais. I believe that diversity can be an asset and maybe there are approaches to problems that could be more efficient and maybe could be explored or maybe not.

    But of course this is just my idea and in a forum there are many people with many ideas. Who can say which one is correct and which one is not?

  2. Whenever I see a thread like this I always wonder how posters might feel if a foreigner pitched up in their town and started to tell them all the things that they were doing wrong and suggesting changes that would be beneficial to that foreigner.

    Ok, maybe I am not making myself clear. I do not want to say to Thai people how to live in their country and neither ask for changes that would be beneficial only to foreigners. But I just asked what people thought about being part of a dialog that involved us as well.

  3. I read my post above and I'm afriad that I may be construed by some as one who's not on the side of righteousness!

    I want to say that we should maintain our Western values by speaking out and participating against injustice like the recent thread about the "music hooligans", but I'm against about demanding the democracy and liberty like those in the West!

    I understand your point and again I am not here to westernize anybody but be able to have a say on issues that involve myself as well. I am here for work and because I like those Thai features you mention in your post and I firmly believe that where I come from doesn't have to be necessarily better in everything. I am only saying that I'd like to have a say on the things that affect myself as well. I know I do not have much choices and I would be always no more than a tourist here but in reality I do live here and I experience the problems that locals have, even though I see it differently because of my backgrounds.

    • Like 1
  4. Hi

    I was just curious to know what people thought about the possible involvement of foreigners in actively change the things they don't like or they perceive not adequate in Chiang mai for example. I am not a senior member of this forum and do not participate very actively to discussions but I did notice in many occasions that people (myself as well) complained about many things but I am not sure if anything is done to facilitate a change!

    So the question is:" should foreigners (permanent residents) get involved in issues that affect them as well? Should we have a say or should we just accept and mostly complain without any results and be treated as permanent tourists?

    Thanks to all

  5. Hi to all

    I germinated 100 trees from seeds and they are all low land species. I am looking for a possible school or other suitable places to donate them while maybe involving kids or adults for a small planting event. If anybody has any contacts or possible ideas would be very welcome.


  6. Did anyone see how the PM-10 levels in Mae Hongson were between 469 - 521 ug/m3 between 7 and 8 AM this morning? Staggering.

    Has it ever been that bad in Chiang Mai? I can't remember ever seeing numbers that high here.

    Makes the 275 here in Chiangmai today seem mild

    attachicon.gifImage2.jpg attachicon.gifImage3.jpg

    That's a peak value. You need to go by the average for the day. (Which by the way isn't the moving average; depending on the time of day when you look at the moving average you can get either a very high or very low result. Best to wait for the end of the day and get the true average value.

    Then the real situation is that *finally* we managed to get over 120 yesterday. (And likely today too). But that's incredibly late in the season.

    Also means I'm not coming back to Chiang Mai just yet. wink.png Anyone else feel like a Pattaya holiday?

    Yes that is a pick value but it tells you how bad it can get!

    The reading for Chiang mai today around 14:00 is 224 ug/m3..........and it was pretty smokey, actually I think I never seen it like this anywhere else beside Kuala Lumpur and Sumatra in 2005. At 300 ug/m3 they closed all the schools within affected areas and advised everybody to stay indoor! (in KL).

    I don't think that it has been done much to stop burning (even though some of the smoke might come from other areas, not from Chiang mai).

    It can be late in the season but it doesn't mean it is ideal, and it is easy to say that is not bad when you can avoid it, unfortunately many people can't.

    Law enforcement and education should be the key methods to reduce this menace!

  7. You're starting a duplicate topic; there's a pinned one at the top of the list where you can read all about it.

    So far this is an excellent year, even with the recent return to more typical values for the time of year. It's 18 March and only now there is a chance that we go above 120 ug/m for the daily average.

    (No, that does not mean I'm not happy about the situation, in fact I left town with the wife and kids. But objectively speaking compared to other years, it's quite good so far. And within the North, Chiang Mai has the best values compared to surrounding provinces. There goes the diesel fumes argument, because all surrounding places are much smaller towns. Most likely it's geographical features and/or less burning of fields in the immediate area within the valley that cause Chiang Mai to turn out better than average for the region.)

    Suggest you read up for a bit (also last year's discussion).

    Hi Sir

    I am just stating a situation and provided an updated picture. I am not saying that is either worse or better than last year.

    Whatever is the reason (geographical, burning, etc) it is not safe to breath the air, especially for a certain part of the population. And regarding the diesel fumes of course it is an addition to the smoke and a serious problem that is always there.

    Data from previous years suggest that there is not a constant pattern but some years are better than others because of various reasons such as for example the early onset of rain. However the number of people hospitalized for respiratory problems are a staggering number and seems way worse than Bangkok.

    Personally I think that more we speak about this situation and more people would be aware of the danger.

    I always try to read more but of course I cant read everything !!

  8. From what I have seen so far, there is just a lot of talking but no law enforcement and the fines are too low. Lets face it, Thailand is a developing country and will remain so for a long time. Beside Bangkok most other places are pretty rural and people behave as such.

    One more thing to notice, and I think it is directly related to this problem, is the lack of responsibility which affect many aspects of life.

  9. Since Thursday the readings for PM10 have been increasing in Chiang mai reaching dangerous levels of about 120 micrograms/cubic meter.

    In addition of course there are usual diesel fumes and dust from construction sites which make the outdoors activities quite hazardous especially for elderly, children, and people suffering of asthma and other respiratory problems.

    Lampang and Lamphun PM10 were; 146 and 139 micrograms/cubic meter

    Here is a picture of CM from Doi Suthep around 15:00 (Saturday 16th)


  10. Regarding to smog, dust, and smoke........

    I think nobody is very interested about the issue. Yesterday I was cycling to Doi Suthep as usual and after passing the zoo and the first temple where everybody stops to pray, I started smelling something like burned plastic or tires. It was a nasty smell that continued until the national park box after the temple. The burning was coming from a house near by the NP box but nobody seemed very concerned with it. Few seconds of inhalation made me feel sick and my eyes were burning.

    Beside this incident, I also noticed that every night around my home, the smell of burned plastics and charcoal have increased since a month ago and this forced me to live with closed windows.

    I am not sure if you noticed the beautiful sunsets very orangey color, well that's because of a thick layer of smoke, smog, and dust above the city. If you travel to Doi Suthep in the afternoon around 5 pm and you look from the viewpoint just before Doi Suthep temple you will notice a thick, grey layer.

    With all the burning, constructions sites and traffic a lot of pollutants are pumped into the air and it is just going to get worse very soon.

  11. I am sorry to upset you but I do not fall in that category! I am here with my family and I just like the quality of life I had while being here, besides the lovely weather, plenty places to cycle (I love cycling), and many more things that does not involve "bars and girls".

    I am a professional and came to CM because they offered me a job and I stayed because I liked it. But of course now I have to make a decision and maybe move from here if i do not find anything suitable or something that I like to do. I work in conservation (forest conservation) and i will continue doing this work because that is what makes me happy and drive my passions!

    I did not come here to show off or to insult anybody, i just wanted to know how people do earn their livings in CM.

    I was curious to know about other people experiences, that's all!

    Thanks for the advises about job vacancies regarding waiter position but I think i might be able to find something more interesting that suits my expectations, and if not I will make a move!

    I do understand that people stay here for a lot of reason and it is not for me to judge anybody, besides, I did not want to know why they stay here, but how can they stay here and what they do to keep staying here!

    thanks to all anyway

    OP, I wrote my post poorly, and didn't intend to offend you, but accept that was the result. I apologize. I really don't care why anyone is here, just to explain that sometimes it is not the best choice. People have to make their own decisions, though, so it's not even worth discussing. As most people have said, if you want to get something worthwhile, it basically involves your own entrepreneurial spirit.

    I do not feel offended but I just wanted to clarify my situation and I actually did not look for a solution on Thaivisa but wanted to know what other people do around CM!


  12. What is valuable? IT? Marketing? banking?

    It might not be valuable for some people!

    Maybe you are not aware of Climate change, forest degradation, loss of biodiversity, resources depletion!

    You or your your kids generation will know soon enough what is valuable and what is not!

    thanks for the post anyway

    Isn't forestry on the list of prohibited occupations? Are you 100% sure that you even fully qualify for a job with work permit in Thailand?


    If you open a tree logging company, they would not give you a permit I guess. But i have been working in forestry for International NGO and UN without a problem and with regular working permit. I know of companies run by foreigners and they working on plantations, also no problem!

  13. I think most of the expats living in CM, are retired and living off their pensions and or investments. Thailand would be a tough place to make a living wage and be able to save for retirement.

    While I wouldn't say the OP can't find what he seeks, his field is generally not so valuable as to command a premium. I agree that probably most expats in CM are retired or on pensions and investments. If i moved there I'd add to their numbers.

    What is valuable? IT? Marketing? banking?

    It might not be valuable for some people!

    Maybe you are not aware of Climate change, forest degradation, loss of biodiversity, resources depletion!

    You or your your kids generation will know soon enough what is valuable and what is not!

    thanks for the post anyway

    • Like 1
  14. I have a Master in Natural Resources Management and have been working in forest conservation for the last 7 years. I have managed project for reforestation of degraded areas around Chiang mai.

    That sounds like interesting/rewarding work.

    My initial thoughts are that you should checkout what's available on usajobs.gov , also spend some time on linkedin looking for what's available. AFAIK, in some instances you are better off being in the states when you apply for a job with the state dept. (Just realized this, but not sure why I assumed you're American.)

    I'd like to ask what the draw is for you here in Chiangmai, but I think I already know the answer, and it's the same for everyone whether they admit it or not. smile.png

    Some people are successful setting up businesses here ,but I imagine that's a huge challenge that would require a lot of drive to build something worthwhile.

    I am Italian in my late 30's and I'd like stay here because it is nice and probably the best place I have lived so far in South Est Asia!

  15. If you're in the education field, check out prem. What is your master's degree in? What were you doing for work beforehand?

    I have a Master in Natural Resources Management and have been working in forest conservation for the last 7 years. I have managed project for reforestation of degraded areas around Chiang mai.

  16. Why does it cost you 100,000 to live here ?

    I have a masters degree and Yes maybe in BKK I could get work for 100K but I don't want to live anywhere near there.

    I and my family live very well on just a fraction of what you think you need a month. Do you really need to live in that top 1%

    It does not cost me 100,000 to live in Chiang Mai but house rental, food, schooling for my daughter etc, amounts for about 50,000/month.

    I'd like to save money for a later stage of my life and possibly buy a modest house.

  17. that would be 100,000/month

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif you are disillusional

    Not really, just someone used to UN and other NGO inflated rates and thinks the real world operates on the same lines.

    The real world is this one if you have a master degree and experience in your line of work. 100,000/month is actually a downgrade.

    So I am not dreaming here, the problem is that sometimes it is easy to find work and sometimes is not. So since I need a more stable life I am thinking of doing something on my own.

  18. Hi to all,

    I am living in Chiang mai for about 2 years now and I had some pretty good jobs but unfortunately the first one somehow closed down because they run out of funding and the second one was just a consultancy for the UN and it lasted only 4 months. I am without a job now and it is not a nice situation with all the bills to pay. I would like to live here but I am not sure I can figure something out to get enough money! (by enough money means at least 100,000). I just wanted to know what other people do here in CM!


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