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Posts posted by tropico

  1. BKK is a disorganised, filthy, dangerous DUMP compared to Singapore. So Thailand could only have ranked so high if they excluded those expats who currently live in BKK!!!!!

    Singapore might be more clean, safer and more organized.........but is extremely boring to say the least!

    If you are excited by Asian women who are beautiful, wealthy, highly educated and speak perfect English, then Singapore isn't boring in the slightest... On the flip side of the same coin, the only Thai women who will be interested in you in Bangkok as a foreigner are perhaps very beautiful too, but are also dirt poor, virtually uneducated and illiterate and with first-grade English skills, and tend to act like spoiled little kids. That makes for a very boring relationship and you even have to pay Thai women for sex too. You don't have to do that in Singapore. You don't need to be the best-looking guy, you just need to dress fairly well, try to be funny and witty, be a gentleman and make the ladies laugh and you can have any number of beautiful, rich Asian women in Singapore who will go with you for fun and excitement, not for money, because they already have plenty of that. What Thai women won't tell you, but is a true fact nevertheless, is that Thai women don't really prefer Western guys in the looks department. They only prefer them because they can get more money from them than they can from Thai men. Give them a choice between an equally wealthy falang and a Thai man and they'll choose the Thai man every time. There's always a social stigma attached to a Thai girl being with a falang man, whether she is a prostitute or not. On the other hand, Chinese girls in Singapore are actually more attracted to Westerners and money is not their primary motivation, because they have money enough. The idea that you as a boyfriend/husband would be expected to support her family in any way would be laughed at and totally goes against their culture. So in short, Singapore isn't boring, it's exciting and unpredictable, and it's Thailand that's crushingly boring because your interaction with women here is so predictable and based exclusively on money, and involves no communication other than the understanding that you will pay them for sex. You can't talk with Thai women except the same way you would talk with a bunch of kiddies in the kindergarten... So you end up feeling like a perv even if the girl is 25 or 30 because her English level or IQ is equivalent to kindergarten. True, there are educated Thais, but they are so snobbish and racist and wouldn't be seen dead with a Western guy. Now how boring is that? Even though I'm not exactly Brad Pitt, I know how to charm Asian ladies and make them laugh, and I have even been wined and dined by Singapore girls at their expense (they actually get a kick out of "wearing the pants" because they are financially strong) and then go back and shag them crazy, for fun, and not ruining it all by having to pay her or fork out for a dying buffalo / sick cousin. Singapore girls win every time!

    I am not sure why you just talk about ladies and what kind of ladies you hang out with in Thailand, anyway I just want to let you know that I am in Thailand for work like I was in Singapore, I have a family and do not hang out in bars.

    I worked at the university as researcher and I am now a consultant for the UN. You cannot debate the fact that life in Thailand is cheaper!!

    Beside being cheaper I can afford to stay in a nice bungalow on my own with less than half the rental money I was paying in Singapore and without having problems with the Chinese families burning religious paper in the front of tiny apartment door.

    When i feel to go somewhere I have plenty choices because I have enough money to spend. And when it is the end of the month I still can save half of my salary! In Singapore I could not do any of those! But anyway when it is week end time what do you do there? going to the mall? Going to botanical garden? Going to where? I lived there 2 years and after 3 months I had enough already!

    Of course there are good things and bad things everywhere and in fact I am not saying that Thailand is perfect but I like it much much more than Singapore

    Here in Thailand I have a quality life.................I repeat and strongly believe that Singapore is extremely boring unless you have lots of money to get out of it very frequently!

  2. Hi to all

    To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

    People can't kill each other because of this!!

    The film in question was produced by an Egyptain Coptic Christian, not a "Jew." The man and his financiers are a scurrilous and fringe lot--the director is on federal probation for check fraud.

    Coptic Christains are an oppressed and disenfranchised lot in Egypt.

    I agree that violence should not occur over this incident.

    Sorry for the misinformation....I read it somewhere but maybe it is wrong

  3. Hi to all

    To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

    People can't kill each other because of this!!

    I believe that all this is happening because of the US foreign policies of the last century (american people have nothing to do with it). I think people are tired of economical, political and military colonization of USA! This could just be the straw that broke the camel's back

    When they wants something they just go and get it with force and if it could be controversial they act through the United Nations like they did in Libya with Gheddafi.

    I am European and I believe European countries are nowhere better in this terms but US has been playing around for too long now. The problem is that they always do what they want and nobody stop them, maybe because like i said most of the organizations related to UN are manipulated by US government.

    I believe that US should just get out of the middle east and all the other countries they are in and don't bother too much about exporting "democracy". And again all this is fomenting hate between religions and races.........what a waste of time!!

    They know very well how to keep us divided and turn us into each other. They are worried of people being united against the system, they need us to be divided!

    There are many more problems to take care beside different religious beliefs and is definitely not the world economy. I don't care about economic crises, because I still can grow food and survive. What I am worried about is the world crises, food is poisoned, air is poisoned and water is poisoned, climate change, resources depletion. These are the things we should be worry about.....all together!!!

  4. I know this is not a cycling forum but I just thought it was easy to get more farang friends this way.

    If anybody interested in cycling and looking for new buddies maybe we can exchange phone numbers and meet for some riding!

    I am an average cyclist and I usually just go for short rides of about 50 k during week days and maybe around 100 k during week ends



  5. Thanks to every one for answering and I did some more research after reading all the replies. I finally got insured with LMG for about 17,000 baht and it cover opd as well. It is not the best solution but with the money I spent I think it is fine. Most insurances are similar but no one is perfect.

    Thanks to all

  6. Hi

    Anybody could advise a good health insurance but without spending too much, let say around 12,000-15,000 baht/year? I feel I do not know enough about it and so would like to ask to the forum


  7. Hi to all

    To be honest I do not believe that all 100% organic have no residue but I have faith that those products with organic labels are definitely safer than others.

    I was living in Singapore before and I could not afford to buy organic because just a salad would cost me about 8 S$. The only option was to buy the non organic and most of it was from China, Malaysia and Thailand..............one time in the news it was reported that some long beans from china had a chemical residue 34,000 times more than the allowed amount. I am not sure how can be so high but I was astonished and worried about ingesting all that poison. I wanted to post something useful and I hope people would buy more and more organic in order to have a bigger demand, production and decrease costs and of course health benefits

  8. Hi to all

    From Huai keaw road turning into canal road and driving for about 6 km or so there will be a new organic market on the left hand side. They open everyday from 1 to 7 pm. Products are supposed to be organic but they are not certified therefore I cannot confirm that vegetables and fruits are pesticide free, but worth to go and look around. They also have JJ market near Tesco Kamtian, which host an organic farming market every Saturday morning from 5 or 6 am. I never been at JJ market but it is supposed to be quite big.

    I hope this is a useful info

  9. I am quite concern about the food that I eat, the air I breath and the water I drink...........I won't live 150 years but if I can live at best the years I have, it would be good.

    I know for sure that vegetables we buy in the market are full of pesticides, luckily we also can chose between queen project produce and full organic. The price of course varies but I think it is worth to spend that extra bucks and eat something without poison.

    I included here a report from Danida that talks about pesticide residue in thai vegetables................please read it, if you know you are empowered and you can make your choice.




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