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Posts posted by carlthailand

  1. Lets lynch him and burn him. Put tires round his neck and set them alight. We can all watch and enjoy. These tatoos are a disgrace!

    Mmm, There goes the innocent until proven guilty theory. And wat the ###### is disgraceful about the tatts. It is after all his body. He is the one that has to look in the mirror.

    Strange it was only after him trying to leave that he was nabbed though. Must have been very well behaved whilst here.

    However, if he is guilty then see Jockeys comment.


  2. Photos are what most likely got him in trouble. Obviously from the sounds of it she must have told someone else about this because how else would the perv been nicked?

    Lets see. Old man plus young girl in school uniform walk into a hotel. SOunds suss enough to me for somebody to see. Also true she could of told any number of friends. Bragging how much money she is making.

    The saying goes something like when your in somebody elses country you gotta obey their laws. Some may think it sucks but at the end of the day. Do the crime do the time.

    SHould of just got some 18year old dressed up in a school uniform if thats his taste.


  3. My old man was a London Bobby for years. As most poms would know they don't carry a gun. My Dad went on to set up an investigation company and cash carrying company in Oz.

    He always told me "you know the problem when you carry a weapon is that it can be taken away from you and used against you."

    I still believe that to be the case.


  4. Been to a few bottle shop thingos here and laugh when I see wine I used to get in Australia for $3 selling for 1500 baht. Go the mark up.

    Can't wait to get back to Aust for a holiday and drink some REAL nice wines at reasonable prices.

    I love my wine but generally stay away from it here due to price.



    Typically septic!

    When ever ive come across these Arsholes in a foriegn land the last thing they are doing is giving out respect!!!

    But they are always the first to accuse the english/brits of disrespect!!

    If there is a species that sticks its neck out to far to realise the full consquence,it is the septic...

    But the British , Australians and other falangs generally ??

    The sort of behaviour that one witnesses at the usual falang hangouts ; NEP, Cowboy, Pattaya, would put an ape to shame.

    Let's not also forget the noble British tradition of football hooliganism.


    Generalising here big time.

    You could say the same for every nationality. Seems every country has their own stories about foreigners. Thats the way things are. People always remember the bad never the good.

  6. Let's see,

    Came here August last year for a holiday. Met a woman who I fell for, went back to Adelaide. Sorted out my crap including selling my business. Was back within 3 weeks. Been here ever since.

    Going home during school holidays. Having a blessing of the Marriage. Then coming back.

    I do smell the scent of opportunity here. :o

    Waits seatramp reply :D


  7. What a can of worms.

    Seems some guys really got taken off mothers milk far too early and are still holding a grudge.

    For me, Thai Falang. Same Same but different.

    I'm married now. I love my wife very much. Yes, she is Thai. We both work and both provide. I have a bunch of great ex pat friends and we are a weird bunch. Some are married to a falang others have a Thai girlfriend.

    Really, you want to be happy with your partner. Thats what matters the most. I know some western women who have a grudge against men, most though have a story and if it is even only half true. I know why they are bitter. I also know men who are here because they don't want the woman to stand up for themselves and think they can get away with their ridiculuse here. It will catch up with you. Maybe not today or tomorrow. But one day.

    Each to his/her own. You only got one chance (this time round). Make the most of it.

    Babayaga enjoy your time here.


  8. There is some.

    I know a record shop that teaches D'n'B mixing. In Siam Square somewhere. Saw a couple of flyers there too.

    When I go to Oz gonna bring my collection over. Only brought house and NRG last time.

    Hopefully, lots of local made stuff too.

    Use to run a D'n'B club in Adelaide.

    My 2c worth. SOrry not much help.

    Waiting for a particular bar here to get decks then I'll be playing there. Busy boy at moment but love the D'n'B scene. Well, the Adelaide one anyway.


  9. Hi,

    I'm looking at importing some goods in to Thailand and also exporting some goods to Australia.

    I have already had one slight hiccup in trying to TT some money from Bank of China here to Bank of China in China. They need to sight my work permit. Easy way around is just get my wife to do it.

    Thats fine first time round but hopefully this project will take off and therfore feel I should get the correct work permit needed to be an import/export agent.

    Any constructive advise would be greatly welcomed.



  10. Train shunt....paedo arrest....dodgy cop.....balcony jumper......suspicious farang murder by taxi driver.....boat accident....natural catastrophe.....farang murder by policeman.....southern killings....corrupt officials....excuses.

    swiftly followed by....

    Train shunt....paedo arrest....dodgy cop.....balcony jumper......suspicious farang murder by taxi driver.....boat accident....natural catastrophe.....farang murder by policeman.....southern killings....corrupt officials.....excuses.

    ....and this cycle repeats and repeats ad infinitum. Perhaps we have been on Planet Thailand too long.

    Oh so true..

    Shit happens ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE........

  11. and then

    there are the UN workers in Congo. I think thats the African country. They are basically doing the same.

    So much happens in the poor countries because of their need for food etc.

    Its so sad people take advantage of this. Wheres the HUMANITY!!!!

    His mate should get extredited from the U.K.

    Anyway enuff. Sick Sick Sick. :o:D


  12. If you mean one of these things....


    Wouldn't worry about legalities, I'll give you  one day, tops, before your  browsing the 'Medical insurance, do you have it' forum topic from your hospital bedside. :o

    LOL. :D Your probably right, but life is for living. If I can't ride it on the road, maybe just have to ride it in one of those many disused buildings. LOL.

    Thats the one. Actually, got 2 still working out if to bring both back. Now, I'm on holidays I am in serious need of some fun.


  13. as log as you have some spare cash in your pocket and are prepared to risk death at any moment the yeah I suppose so

    Already risk that leaving the apartment everyday. :o

    Serious side I know I should carry cash but more interested in knowing if it legal. Don't want it taken away thats all.

    Cheers anyway.

  14. I am just about to return to Australia for a 10 day holiday. On my return I intend to bring my motorised skateboard with me.

    I can ride it on the road in Australia but am unsure what likely problems I will have here if any.

    Does anybody know the laws regarding this type of vehicle. Or lack of them



  15. carlthailand..Bangkok is full of farang dreamers. You i'm afraid are just one more.

    Arhhh, its better to be a dreamer than to have given up on life.

    At least it gives me something to do. Of course there is also the we'll see but hey if you look at the topic it poll thats all. Can't help it if peeps (read you) read more into it.

    There is no point taking it too far if there isn't support. Right. Mmmm I thought so.

    Anyway, enough of that its interupting my dreaming. LOL



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