Any money from his autobiography should be paid to his victims.
Shame on any publisher who would consider any arrangement other than this. Let him rot in his old age.
Is there such a critter as road safety and if there is how much of these proceeds actually make it to the start line? Is it a road safety fund or a slush fund?
I don’t see much in the way of road safety initiatives that would need this much funding
A taste of things to come me thinks. With every Tom Dick and Harry growing weed there is a lot of potential this will become a regular occurrence. An unfortunate consequence of the liberalisation of the cannabis laws.
Careful where you stray.
The 2010 world cost me 100,000B when my travel agent scammed me to either place a bet or to pay off her debt for earlier losses.
Victims of such actions extend well beyond the gambling individual and their families. You won’t stop it but be very wary of where you park any large sum of money during this time of World Cup football.
I’ve found the medical services in Thailand pretty good but they don’t like delivering bad news. So it might be that you’re going to have to ask a lot of questions to get it out of them. The care is good but communication of bad news is poor.
My experience at least.
Dental very good.
Not sure I'd be brave enough to jump headlong into this offer. No sir-eeeeee Bob. All I see is risk, risk, risk, a truckload of red tape and a whole lot of "gotchas"