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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. You now have to wonder whether this was a “one off” or was it a method he successfully employed previously to accumulate his wealth. I don’t believe for a moment that this was the first time. Perhaps the first time it went so horribly wrong.
  2. My sentiments exactly. After reading the article I felt like I'd been robbed.
  3. As if a few extra cases is going to make a difference. Test and go wasn’t perfect but it would have captured most cases. All this decision has done is murdered the Thai economy and thrown it into another nosedive. It’s here and we have to learn to live with it and not spend the rest of our lives cringing in fear. If the government is not going lock everyone up and weld their doors shut for the next 2 years and shoot anyone who ventures outside then this whole exercise is useless.
  4. Booking my flight to Krabi as I write this. Gotta see those toilets.
  5. It’s not people’s fear of covid it’s the extra time now required to spend in expensive quarantine since the Test and Go was scrapped. I just wonder if the numbers would have nose dived if test and go had not been scrapped. At the end of the day I’m not sure a few extra double vaxxed tourists slipping through the cracks would make much of a difference to the overall numbers. It’s in and it’s gonna stay.
  6. Scum. Going back a few years in Chiang Mai this sort of behavior ended quite a long friendship I had with the owners of a small Guest House there. They gloated about how much money they were making from an American Paedophile who booked out all the rooms to allow him unfettered use of the GH for the purpose of sex with young boys. Usually two at a time and many of them over a period of up to 6 months each year. GH owners were active in sourcing the boys for him and made a small fortune from the guys activities. They encouraged the young boys to drink and eat as much as they could because all charges were being toted at an exaggerated rate against the bill which was paid weekly. They catered to all his needs and made many thousands of baht per day. After several years of these goings on the police were alerted to his activities and he was arrested. He was forced to pay almost 2 million baht to various people and then escorted back to the US by US law enforcement officers for prosecution. Nothing happened to the GH owners who were implicit in the whole sordid affair. I am certain they had high level police connections and now live quite a good life as a result of their investment in this paedophile's activities. I just hope there is such a thing as Karma because these people deserve to be punished. They were just as guilty as the Paedophile and yet came out on top. Miserable human beings. If Big Joke would like to contact me I could give him details.
  7. When times are tough pick on the most needy, the most vulnerable and pretend it’s for the betterment of all. How cruel can one get and what do they hope to achieve?
  8. True that. Nothing will keep it at bay now that it’s here.
  9. It’s already here and this silly futile attempt to stop it makes no sense. At best it will move the spike in cases a few weeks into the future for no gain and a whole lot of pain. It’s here to stay and nothing will change that. A few infected tourists today will mean absolutely nothing in terms of numbers infected in a few months.
  10. Pattaya is what it is and as such attracts plenty of tourists because of what it is. Such plans would simply turn it into another Singapore or the like. I, for one, would choose Pattaya over Singapore 364 days a year. Not sure this isn't just some sort of Govt. PR exercise. It might need fixing but not sure it needs the wholesale changes as suggested.
  11. They just want somewhere to launder their money from the illegal ones
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