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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. He has a big brown paper bag full of baht he wants to convert. He’s kicking himself he never did it when the rate was 30
  2. I tend to agree. If there was not the threat of lethal reprisals you would see so much more anti- limited military operations protests and activities in the streets of Moscow. We need to be careful not to tar everyone with the same brush. The average Russian is also a victim of Putin’s crime albeit unknowingly. Putin is the real villain here not the powerless people.
  3. Purchased in Thailand by a guy called Joe.
  4. It’s one of the things that make Thailand interesting. Adds a little colour to what otherwise would be a dreary gray but this then has to be reconciled against all the damage and pain caused to the victims of this corruption. I think it has got to the point where it is now etched indelibly into the DNA of the people and will take many generations to reverse. In the meantime the gravy train will roll on with impunity and payments will continue to be made to those who demand them. Change will not be supported or tolerated by beneficiaries of the system and little can be done to change it within the current setup of things in this country. Uprisings against the system will be short-lived and will not be tolerated by those in power. There is little people can do without great risk to themselves and so it goes on…… and on. And on.
  5. Using the logic put forward by many that have posted he still wouldn't, as a guest of Ukraine, be able to make a political statement. We all know who and what Prawit is and we all know that a spade is a spade and should be called out as such. Not sure his view of Thai politics is twisted. Perhaps your defense of Thai politics is twisted. Hats off to this man and I just hope he is ready to leave soon.
  6. He won’t be going anywhere if the army wants him to stay otherwise it’s likely another General or one of his current goons will be stepping in to replace him. Pretty sure the next occupant of the office of PM won’t be the result of a free and fair election.
  7. They'll be used to ensure the outcome of the next election.
  8. Because only half the population is allowed to drive
  9. They did win a gold for death rates/100,000
  10. I agree. It’s just that, here, they don’t try to hide it.
  11. I love them. Been using them for 40 years. Sure they almost always arrive late but when you aren’t in a hurry that’s no bother. I’ve gone Chiang Mai to Singapore a number of times and thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe I’m just a train person
  12. Only if the same electoral format is maintained. I really don’t think he has a big following with the general population but I’m sure he could find a way to worm his way in. God help us!!
  13. 500.000 medical coverage for what calculates to a 34 Baht premium payment (11.3% of 300) will surely mean it will not happen as one might expect. I’m sure many will fall foul of this scheme when it comes time to collect
  14. Are they offering SAL to overseas yet? It ceased when Covid struck. Just wondering if anyone has used it recently.
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