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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. The world is a better place. He gave plastic bags a bad name.
  2. Good luck with your new living arrangements Steffen. (Not)
  3. I’m not sure they give a sh!t. It’s not their money and it’s so easy to spend someone else’s money. Just so long as they pick up a few backhanders along the way. The longer they can drag this debacle on the more brown bag opportunities it offers.
  4. Casinos are yet another tool to enrich the filthy rich whilst they only offer the poor a life of further misery and destitution. Casinos are a cancer and I wish the protesters well in their endeavours to put a stop to them.
  5. Zero empathy here. Hope they like sharing small spaces with lots of people for a long time.
  6. Should be illegal with a mandatory jail sentence
  7. The dog needs to be put down but I'm not sure Thai Buddhist culture and beliefs will allow this.
  8. Sadly, this sort of treatment of legitimate refugees is becoming commonplace emboldened by the policies of some of the world’s more powerful countries who turn a blind eye to it. This is a shameful act as these people were knowingly sent back to China to face horrible reprisals with no effort of repatriation to a third country willing to take them. The world is turning to sh!t. Thailand is not Robinson Crusoe when it comes to this sort of kowtowing to more powerful countries. These people are being hung out to dry just like what is happening to 40 million Ukrainians. Shameless kowtowing to the world’s despots.
  9. My heart goes out to anyone who is subjected to living anywhere near an AirBnB. Must be horrible. The laws of probability ensure that you will get the odd a$$hole and then multiply that by the number of short rentals in a condo complex. No more quiet life
  10. It’s been a while since I’ve been to Cambodia but the one thing I remember about the many bus trips I did was the endless miles/kilometres of plastic rubbish strewn alongside the roads. Litter pigs is an understatement.
  11. Not sure that their contribution is any more than a drop in the ocean.
  12. I stay away from Thailand at this time of the year because of the smoke. I found it very hard to go outside and enjoy the experience when everything was a hazy grey blur with no real colour. It was like the aftermath scene of one of those apocalyptic movies with AQI readings in the high triple digit range. There is nothing pleasant about the smoky season and despite the fact that I love living here, getting away at this time is a good, healthy move and an opportunity to visit family back home. I’ll come back when the rainy season starts with a healthy set of lungs.
  13. I first went to Pai 40 years ago and it truly was a tranquil place. I hitched my way there on a logging truck from Chiang Mai on a predominantly dirt road and, as I recall I had to walk in 5 kilometres from the road that went to Mae Hong Son and the only accommodation I was able to find was floor space and a mosquito net on a 20m x 20m elevated wooden structure with no walls with a big open fireplace in the middle. Probably 20-30 other people altogether. The last time I was there was about 10 years ago and the place was unrecognizable. I can only imagine what it is like today but the photos suggest it has slid further into an abyss. I'm not sure what the attraction is, but maybe I'm not stimulated by the same things as the current generation. Each to their own but I find lot of the tourist attractions a little bit "ho hum". I'm just glad I saw it when I did.
  14. Ditch the dowry culture and you may see an improvement in the numbers.
  15. I’m glad I don’t have to get around with a walking stick or wheelchair. There’d be nowhere I could go without competing with the traffic. Very few pedestrian friendly sidewalks in Thailand.
  16. I have no issue with properly ventilated smoking rooms. I do recall Singapore has them and as an ex-smoker I have used them. I even remember when Thailand had them but they weren't well ventilated. When the rooms were full the smoke used to build up quite a bit but was contained to the room itself. The problem I would now have is that anyone who had used this facility and was seated next to me in a plane would smell like an ashtray. It's the smell I would find offensive. Smoke would cling to their clothes like sh!t and I'd have to put up with it.
  17. This will not end well if the real estate mob is well-connected. A deal will likely be done between the lawyers on both sides, in cahoots with the judge overseeing the case, to ensure an outcome favourable to the developer. This has been what I've observed personally but only after a lot of money has already been paid out in legal fees. A slap in the face for anyone looking for legal redress. Good luck and I hope I am wrong in my opinion of what may happen.
  18. Don’t upset or get on the wrong side of the netizens. Do so at your own peril.
  19. I recall about 10 years ago I was told by a monk who had, in his previous life, close links with the police that, as part of their training, they were taught and encouraged to extort in order to supplement their meagre salaries. There is no doubt in my mind that the likelihood of his ATM account is likely true. The rest of his story… fark nose.
  20. I’m 200% certain they will find no record of such transaction.
  21. Phuket seems to be a breeding ground for this type of behavior. Who needs it?
  22. I won't judge anyone here but this is a clear warning to many of us in a similar situation whereby we have kids and family from a previous marriage and are currently engaged in a marriage with a Thai person. It's a quandary I've often pondered. and I do believe any assets I have purchased, such as property, would be considered in my final distribution as I do want my children to get their fair share. My reasoning for how I distribute will be clearly outlined in my will. From previous experience, I urge everyone to update and maintain a current will to avoid sh!t fights like this. It will reduce the risk of lawyers getting involved and your wishes being properly satisfied. Don't be afraid to consult and talk to all beneficiaries about your intentions before signing on the dotted line. This article is an insight into how messy it may get and a warning that the asset will end up in the pockets of the lawyers if not heeded. Remember that it's in their best interest to drag it on so best to try to avoid them. It reminds me of a lawyer joke..... It's a very, very, very cold day that you find a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets. If a lawyer's advice to you is "You gotta fight this" then it's time to look for another lawyer.
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