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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. I actually asked in an e-mail if Savan Vegas would provide me with a bicycle for which I would pay a rent and they refused my offer. Every day I cycle for exercise.

    How can a company spend millions of dollars on building a casino hotel and be unwilling to spend a couple of hundred dollars on having a rental bicycle available for its guests?

    Ah well it has made my decision much easier! It will be back to one of the delightful city-based guest houses for me because they do provide these amenities.

  2. Because it is much cheaper and flights fit his schedule most likely.

    ok. So 3000 on Air Asia verus $157 ( 4710 ) on Lao Airlines.

    But basing the choice of their carrier on saving 1000--1500 baht seems a bit inconsistent to me with people who argue that it's worth paying extra for the reduced hassle of using Savan Vegas but then putting themselves through this extra journey by road and plus the unpleasant task of having to pass through the Thai and Lao border checkpoints? This border crossing doesn't get any breeze because it is all covered up and it is a dreadful place to be when the weather is hot. Arriving at Savannakhet airport and going through immigration is so quick and easy. So if money is really no object, I would just have thought people would go in style the whole journey?

    I was tempted to try this place. So another question i have is, does anyone know if they have bicycles for rent at Savan Vegas so that if you want you can get out of the compound for a while and take a look at the surrounding countryside? When I was in Savannakhet last time I stayed in a guest house near the city centre and it was very pleasant to take a bicycle ride.

    I certainly would not want to be in the casino for two nights, which I understand is a long way from anywhere if I would have to be stuck there for the whole time.

  3. what are the best precautions tips? There are several products like lotions, candles and whatnot, but what does really work?

    There is a wide range of lotions and sprays available on the shelves of most supermarkets in Thailand, and probably some in 7/11 too. I have been using Thai lotions containing 12 or 13% or 15% DEET for 6 years in Thailand and they all work fine. I dont like using any sprays as u always breathe in some of the chemicals during application. I dont like breathing in the fumes from the burning coils either. DEET is safe on your skin but I dont want it in my lungs. I find that u do not need the higher concentrations (25% up) of DEET as they seem to always sell in the West.My favoured Thai brand is 'Soffell' floral. Mild pleasant odour that soon fades away,..and its really cheap. They also sell small sachets of lotion for 4/5/6 baht.
    last week I bought a bottle of citronella oil in water with a spray top only 100 baht.

    It is a strong smell but pleasant and no chemicals whatsoever

  4. Thats the way to keep the tourist away... With the Pound the Euro and the Dollar Exchange rate No one can afford to come to Thailand on Holiday. So many other countries the rate is Much better. Thailand is hurting it's self.... Wake the F&*% up!!!!!!!

    Cheap farang tourists who spend little are not what Thailand needs. The cheap tourists will be replaced by Chinese and Eastern European nationals who aren't as parsimonious as the UK (especially) and Western European farangs.

    Bring it on!

    Do you have hard evidence that Chinese in Thailand are big spenders? And who exactly do you mean by East European nationals? If you mean Russians and you are suggesting that they are big spenders then clearly you haven't heard the Thais complain about their frugality?
  5. Next time you walk around, keep your eyes open.

    Yes, up to 5 years ago, Jomtien Complex was more or less a ghost town,but since then a lot of new ventures opened up (ok, and yes a lot of ventures closed down), but it is a rather lively area with some highlights:

    Ganymede Resort, Karaoke and Spa (still expanding), East Suites Apartments and Restaurant, Tapas, Poseidon, The Venue, a Taco Restaurant, Oscar Restaurant, several bars and restaurants........pretty much for a "ghost town".

    My eyes were very much open which is the way I was able to count so many “ for sale “ or for “ rent “ signs ….

    You have named about 9 or 10 establishments out of how many shops and business locations in the entire establishment?

    And I think you will find the “ several bars and restaurants “ that you refer to so loosely are the ones that are now being advertised as “ for sale “ or for “ rent “?

    its dying .........

  6. In fact, there many restaurants that appear to be doing just fine: Sam's, Oscar's, Cafe Ritz, L'Arc, Sunrise Tacos, East Tapas Lounge, Claudio, Spring Onion, L'Olivier, Oley, Antz, Pizzeria Italia, Dick's Cafe, . I'm sure I'm forgetting some. The Complex is really quite active and lively at night.

    I walked around in the day and my original post was based on the number of for sale or for rent signs I counted outside shops and bars that last year were open
  7. I have had it twice in the last 3 years in Chiang Mai. How much worse can it get ??

    there are 4 strains and it is suggested that it gets worse each time - so be careful.

    I have been told that also. However I found that the second time was not quite as horrendous as the first. Maybe it depends on the strain ???? It might be that if you get the same strain again it is worse but I am not sure. Bloody horrible no matter how you look at it. And thanks for the advice. I will try to be more careful that is for sure. Mosquitos seem to enjoy my blood for some reason. sad.png
    Do you remember getting the actual bites that resulted in these two infections and was it during the daytime?

    I am like you. A virtual magnet for these things. In my case I drink milk and they say they are attractive to people with the smell of lactic acid. Do you drink milk?

  8. I was struck down by Dengue last June. I live in Jomtien. I can honestly say that during the low-point of the ten days of absolute incapacity, I honestly lived through the worst experience of sickness I can remember in my life. I am sure different people suffer differently, but aside from the migraine-like headache, it felt like my bone marrow was burning/melting with white-heat pulsing from inside my bones. Your right; it is awareness and education. The more everyone is made aware of this, the better. Furthermore, two weeks after I had recovered, my Thai gf was struck down resulting in her having two drips at our doctors clinic and in obvious pain in all her joints. The diet might in general terms mean Thai people get bitten less, but chili was no prevention against this. Our house now benefits from 15-interval auto sprays from Tesco Lotus. A refill canister left switched on 24/7 lasts just over 1 month. As a result, the house remains a mosquito free zone and I recommend them to anyone worried.

    Can you tell me what I should ask for at Tesco Lotus because I have never seen this device before?

    What is in the canister? Does it have to be an array of chemicals or can you choose your own filling because I would feel considerably better with something natural, like citronella or lavender being sprayed around the room than a lot of chemicals.


  9. Jomtien Complex has always had a big proportion of closed places ever since it was built. They open for a while then they close again.

    All I can say is that this time exactly 12 months ago , just before Songkran the place appeared to be doing quite well. Now it's like a ghost town
  10. So you're saying essentially that you don't mind if you waste your time travelling somewhere and then find the place is closed, not once but repeatedly?

    I think that is a different issue than whether the food is good, the price is fair, and whether the same type and quality of their food is sold elsewhere in town. You've whined about this how many times? I think the message has been transmitted. People who love their food enough have found a way to cope with the opening times and find ways to find out when they are going to be open or not. There are plenty of other places to eat in the area so I hope it wasn't too much of a hardship. Nobody is making you eat there or making you try to eat there; if the opening time thing is too much bother for you, that's your choice, but is it really necessary to trash this place for everyone else, including people who haven't even tried it yet? I don't think that is fair, I think it is actually malicious.

    Before you expressed concern on how the owners could make a profit being closed so often. May I ask, WHY do you care? Are you invested?

    I think they will need a lot more people than you with your " supportive " attitude in order to survive. He evencomplained to me before closing down for several months he needed more customers who would come like several times each month... huh !

    You have to be joking!

    I think it's obvious that you have a PERSONAL bias against this place, the owners, or both. I don't think it is fair to launch a vendetta against any local business like this, much less a worthy one like PAO than many people enjoy very much. If it's not your cup of tea, fine, don't go there, of course comment about what you don't like, but this seems to be an agenda for you.
    Like I said before, I don’t respect any business establishment that feels it can just open when it suits them and then complain that they dont get enough customers. Obviously from your comments, your time is not valuable and you even seem to think it's a bit of a novelty to turn up at their door and find that it's closed more often than its open. I don't think many people think like you do
    • Like 2
  11. It's interesting that a few people that basically don't even eat at PAO seem so dedicated to (in my view unfairly) DISS the place and the hard working owners (when they're there). For others, please ignore the obviously biased bile and I suggest you try the place yourself if you love Chinese food ... and form your OWN opinion. Cheers.

    So you're saying essentially that you don't mind if you waste your time travelling somewhere and then find the place is closed, not once but repeatedly?
    I think that is a different issue than whether the food is good, the price is fair, and whether the same type and quality of their food is sold elsewhere in town. You've whined about this how many times? I think the message has been transmitted. People who love their food enough have found a way to cope with the opening times and find ways to find out when they are going to be open or not. There are plenty of other places to eat in the area so I hope it wasn't too much of a hardship. Nobody is making you eat there or making you try to eat there; if the opening time thing is too much bother for you, that's your choice, but is it really necessary to trash this place for everyone else, including people who haven't even tried it yet? I don't think that is fair, I think it is actually malicious.

    Before you expressed concern on how the owners could make a profit being closed so often. May I ask, WHY do you care? Are you invested?

    I think they will need a lot more people than you with your " supportive " attitude in order to survive. He evencomplained to me before closing down for several months he needed more customers who would come like several times each month... huh !

    You have to be joking!

    And there is nothing malicious about warning people against wasting their time?

    • Like 1
  12. It's interesting that a few people that basically don't even eat at PAO seem so dedicated to (in my view unfairly) DISS the place and the hard working owners (when they're there). For others, please ignore the obviously biased bile and I suggest you try the place yourself if you love Chinese food ... and form your OWN opinion. Cheers.

    So you're saying essentially that you don't mind if you waste your time travelling somewhere and then find the place is closed, not once but repeatedly?
    • Like 1
  13. A least the guy should learn how to be polite: say hello and sorry won't kill him, even Thai can do it nowadays. I would feel like shxt to go eat there again!

    That's why I disagree with Jingthing. There are plenty of restaurants that serve good food but to survive they need to rely on customer loyalty. But loyalty is a two way thing. In this case the they simply take their customers for granted and that's when I walk away
    • Like 1
  14. " You don't want to eat there when they ARE open? "

    what do you mean ?

    You just announced that they don't deserve your business because you are displeased that they are not open often enough. It is true they have been closed a lot. I find it irrational that if you like their food that you wouldn't want to eat there WHEN they are open just to punish them. I think you'd be punishing yourself (if you like their food).
    Yes because these people are never going to survive when they open so sporadically. I mean, why make the effort to travel to the restaurant not knowing whether it's going to be open or not . So the way I think is don't get hooked on it any more because it is not going to be there for long, even if it does reopen.

    There are plenty more places to choose from

  15. I turned up at the place again tonight knowing that it normally closes on Monday and I was gobsmacked that there was a sign saying it was closed between 26th of February to 7 March. This is beyond a joke.

    I simply don't believe this place deserves my patronage anymore no matter how good the food is.

    You can't run a restaurant business this way and hope to generate customer loyalty

  16. I don't think you would have much luck before you get there and surely there will be some money changers in the airport terminal when you arrive?There is one well-known money changer (but I can't remember the name sorry ) near the junction of South Pattaya Road and Third Road where I purchased some Chinese currency last year. you could try them. It's down the Soi near the offices of Magna Carta.

    Yeah, bank gold in soi Rungland.

    But it will be crappy exchange rate...

    that is it !!!
  17. Is it me or does this sort of thing seem to be happening more and more lately.. F...king animals !! What sort of person smashes a womens brains out for a few thousand bart.. The economy may be getting better but thats about it...

    My Thai wife says she doesn't know what's happened to Thai's, she says they used to be nice polite people and now there are more and more selfish bad Thai's.

    As one senior Monk said recently it is because the Thai’s have swapped their Buddhist religion for consumerism. Most don't go to the temples anymore-they go to the shopping centres instead.
  18. I don't think you would have much luck before you get there and surely there will be some money changers in the airport terminal when you arrive?

    There is one well-known money changer (but I can't remember the name sorry ) near the junction of South Pattaya Road and Third Road where I purchased some Chinese currency last year. you could try them. It's down the Soi near the offices of Magna Carta.

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