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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. In one apartment I rented in Bangkok, the varnish on the wooden floors had simply worn off in some places but she tried to get me to pay for the entire floor to be re- varnished. Fortunately I simply pointed to the fair wear and tear clause and she backed off.

    Varnishing a floor is actually pretty cheap. You pay someone to come into the apartment for a couple of days and clean it up with a belt sander and then apply a layer of varnish / seal. The total cost should be a couple of thousand Baht.

    i dont care - give them an inch...etchuh.png

    " the fair wear and tear clause " - that is why it is in the contract rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  2. I could be wrong but this sounds like the same case as the British guy. It seems that the landlords is suing both because they both rented the condo together. So it's one case not two. No evidence that the landlord has done this to any other tenants, so seems like just a normal dispute that has got out of control. Happens in all countries. These kinds of disputes can drag on for over 10 years in the UK. The only problem for this guys is that they are stuck in Thailand. The same can happen in other countries, so it's nothing against farangs; it's just the way the legal system works. Probably the legal system needs to be speeded up, but i doubt that will happen any time soon. Legal systems are clogged up in most countries.

    This is really a non-story. Landlord and tenant should get together and work something out. It's not all about being right. If both think they are right, this could drag on for a few more years. Sometimes a little compromise is needed.

    Dude, honestly.. How many learning disabilities do you have?

    A mind as sharp as a rapier for sure giggle.gif

    Larry doesn't this thread remind you of groundhog day? blink.png

    All we need now is for “ Nisa “ to appear to start regurgitating the same stuff over againrolleyes.gif

    • Like 2
  3. maybe he will be the next person to suffer a mysterious heart attack or something ?ph34r.png

    Kim Dotcom starts new file-sharing site

    "This is not some kind of finger to the US government or to Hollywood," he told Reuters on Saturday.

    "Legally, there's just nothing there that could be used to shut us down. This site is just as legitimate and has the right to exist as Dropbox, Boxnet and other competitors."


  4. How is it different to Dropbox or any of the other cloud drive services?

    I am not technically enough to answer that except that if you look at the video of the interview with Kim, he seems to be the only one that was arrested and put in jail for developing this wheras I don't think the other sites were subject to such harassment so one would conclude he has something different that would merit such persecution by the authorities?

  5. 10 weeks rental at say 17k bht = 100,000bht py profit, off a 3.9 mil investment = roughly 2.5% return.

    100K assuming he can let all his weeks, and assuming that he can do so himself without paying any commission, and assuming that anyone would actually pay 17KB/week for a unit in Phuket in low season. It seems like a lot of assumptions to me.

    What bothers me most in this deal is the colossal 7KB/week maintenance fee. He will be paying this every week for as long as he owns the share, regardless of whether he has a tenant or not.

    If I had the misfortune of owning this I would want to dump it as fast as possible, if only to stop all future losses.

    Through a mutual friend I knew a couple of British guys who had their own company and were doing this in Pattaya. You wouldn't believewhat they thought of the general public ( i.e. the people they were effectively trying to steal the money from.) They had a shocking attitude and they had absolute contempt for the general public and even laughed when they were able to find someone gullible enough to give them money. ( A bit like when Goldman Sachs was found to have referred to their own clients as “ muppets “. )

    They even had a specific strategy to embarrass people in public so that the person they were targeting would eventually give them their credit card details and buy into their scheme.

  6. You might be advised in the first instance to consult a lawyer to ascertain the legal status of the fractional ownership property you hold and whether there is independent title which you can sell if you so wish. The second point is that if you have 4m investment, say 2m per fractional ownership, this will be exceedingly difficult to sell. Demand is primarily for complete ownership and for 2m this can be done. Your best bet might be a distress sale back to the developers (assuming they are interested) at a 50% discount ie 2m and write off 2m. If you intend retiring to Thailand then there is no logic to purchasing a time share anyway.

    Thank you for that. At the time of purchase we did not intend to retire in Thailand.

    I will seek legal advise when I get there in Feb.

    yes this is good advice, you need to get an independent assesment of your position and what you actually own (if anything); also if there are any onerous clauses in the contract eg increasing management fees etc. i would think the contract would have been drawn up under Thai law (maybe with a Thai translation) so a competent Thai lawyer should be able to give a view on this. I presume the Timeshare company is Absolute who i am afraid have a pretty poor reputation and i would be surprised if they were particularly helpful in your situation.

    I presume the Timeshare company is Absolute who i am afraid have a pretty poor reputation

    Phuket – Club Absolute Holiday Scam


  7. You might be advised in the first instance to consult a lawyer to ascertain the legal status of the fractional ownership property you hold and whether there is independent title which you can sell if you so wish. The second point is that if you have 4m investment, say 2m per fractional ownership, this will be exceedingly difficult to sell. Demand is primarily for complete ownership and for 2m this can be done. Your best bet might be a distress sale back to the developers (assuming they are interested) at a 50% discount ie 2m and write off 2m. If you intend retiring to Thailand then there is no logic to purchasing a time share anyway.

    Thank you for that. At the time of purchase we did not intend to retire in Thailand.

    I will seek legal advise when I get there in Feb.

    yes this is good advice, you need to get an independent assesment of your position and what you actually own (if anything); also if there are any onerous clauses in the contract eg increasing management fees etc. i would think the contract would have been drawn up under Thai law (maybe with a Thai translation) so a competent Thai lawyer should be able to give a view on this. I presume the Timeshare company is Absolute who i am afraid have a pretty poor reputation and i would be surprised if they were particularly helpful in your situation.

    what you actually own (if anything);

    This is the crux of the matter. The old form of timeshare was bad enough in itself, because the salesmen misrepresented themselves in so many ways but they just hoped that no one would read the fine print until they got home after which the cooling off period had lapsed.

    But I'm noticing now it's more of a trend towards " holiday clubs " in which case it doesn't even appear you get any registrable ownership rights in anything, and certainly nothing that anyone in their right mind would even consider buying second-hand.

    You are just paying in advance for the right to occupy their rooms in the future.

  8. @Nisa I think you deserve a post devoted to you.

    Your tenacity at 'outing' Lee Chestnutt goes beyond a dogs love for a bone and has more passion than a jilted lover seeking revenge. Your understanding of this case it seems is better that the accused and your grasp of Thai law exceeds that of most lawyers. You have the time and patients to spend on tracking this scoundrel Chestnutt that would shame a Sunday tabloid reporter!

    Whilst lesser mortals would of skulked off to liked their battered ego's you come back time and time again with a superhuman ability to deflect all rational and logical criticizem against you.

    Your determination to prove your point embodies all that defines today's forums. You are not some prepubescent boy hiding behind a keyboard nor are you some wanna be internet Mafia. No sir you are an elite warrior slaying mere mortals post after post.

    Nissa I applaud you!

    Info was already out there on another forum (not to mention he himself made the info available to the world) and what do you mean I outed him? He and his parents have claimed he cannot work and they are supporting him ... they went out of their way to contact the press and make these statements. Do you mean I outed him as possibly being dishonest to everyone who has read or viewed the stories of the case they have put out there? Would I be outing him too if I discovered and posted info about how he could leave the country during the trial if he posted bail too?

    Nisa who’s interests exactly are you trying to defend and why? What is your agenda in going to all this trouble and trying to expose these things about the defendant?

    Like I said in an earlier post, I would give the benefit of the doubt to the defendant because he has not been found guilty plus based on my experience of things while living here, but I am certainly keeping an open mind until all the facts come out.

    You don't have an open mind one bit and it seems as though you will still be claiming the defendant is guilty long after he has returned to his home country!

  9. I have just read the Blackpool Gazette story. Apparently he is 41 years old, left his home 20 years ago to develop a web development business, but it is also reported that he is a Chemical Engineer.

    I just wonder what the truth is. If we saw the landlord's side of things posters here might not be so quick to judge.

    So what ? Linked in says he has a BEng (Hons), Chemical and Process Engineering

    from University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne .

    Have you never heard of changing your career path ? Maybe he wanted to try something different? Given a choice based on what I know so far, I would much prefer to give any benefit of the doubt to the defendant

  10. The Thai authorities let criminals like Thaksin and many more leave the country but keep a Brit here for a minor offence.

    In any case, rental properties usually come with a deductible deposit for cases where damage has been done. If not, then the landlord was being stupid.

    The inconsistency is glaring when you compare this case with the guy who ran over and killed a police officer in his Ferrari while he was high on narcotics who was then only required to pay peanuts in compensation from his family fortune and without any jail time


  11. As do the family and the accused in their own words and as reported by BBC and other news sources.

    http://www.bbc.co.uk...hester-20589033 (includes video of family)



    Dont forget tomorrow you can add the links to the BBC Northwest TV interview (live with parents in studio and lee chestnutt via phone at around 6:40pm UK time) and the Granada Reports interview (approx. 6pm tonight - recorded earlier today).

    Remix4 obviously a British member of Parliament has put in a lot of work and Lee Chestnutt has been quite fortunate to gain a lot of coverage, including the BBC but what I find hard to understand at this point with so much time gone by is there are still so many questions the public dont know the answers to ? They need to know the full story because Thailand has been such a popular destination for British holidaymakers and they should be aware of all the facts about regarding how it appears you can get into serious trouble here so easily?

    Please don't get me wrong I'm not doubting Lee Chestnutt’s version of events at all and in fact this is just a question to you because you seem so knowledgeable about all the events.

    Do you think at some point there will be some element of investigative journalism, so that all the facts can be made known and maybe even more background information on the landlord himself and exactly what he is claiming?

    I mean one glaring example is you said in one of your earlier posts that the premises were unfurnished so what are the circumstances which led to the landlord claiming that furniture had been stolen?

    One would imagine they don't want to prejudice the system over here, by publishing too much about the story. Save that up for once he is free.

    I understand what you're saying maybe as far as the BBC is concerned, but I could hardly imagine one of the British tabloids exercising such restraint if they knew there was a potentially sensational headline they could capitalise on?


  12. Clearly you know more than I do.

    As do the family and the accused in their own words and as reported by BBC and other news sources.

    http://www.bbc.co.uk...hester-20589033 (includes video of family)



    Dont forget tomorrow you can add the links to the BBC Northwest TV interview (live with parents in studio and lee chestnutt via phone at around 6:40pm UK time) and the Granada Reports interview (approx. 6pm tonight - recorded earlier today).

    Remix4 obviously a British member of Parliament has put in a lot of work and Lee Chestnutt has been quite fortunate to gain a lot of coverage, including the BBC but what I find hard to understand at this point with so much time gone by is there are still so many questions the public dont know the answers to ? They need to know the full story because Thailand has been such a popular destination for British holidaymakers and they should be aware of all the facts about regarding how it appears you can get into serious trouble here so easily?

    Please don't get me wrong I'm not doubting Lee Chestnutt’s version of events at all and in fact this is just a question to you because you seem so knowledgeable about all the events.

    Do you think at some point there will be some element of investigative journalism, so that all the facts can be made known and maybe even more background information on the landlord himself and exactly what he is claiming?

    I mean one glaring example is you said in one of your earlier posts that the premises were unfurnished so what are the circumstances which led to the landlord claiming that furniture had been stolen?

  13. Meanwhile, Thailand goes forwards, the PM's popularity rises, the economy strengthens, major long term infrastructure is being planned and implemented, the 300 minimum wage has not caused the economy to collapse, military tension with neighbouring countries is on the wane, Thai involvement with ASEAN is growing, BOI applications and approvals are high ( if not at record levels ), the military top brass seem to be cooperating with the Government and tourism is up.

    This must hurt some on here.

    Is Thailand going blindly down the same path as Greece?

    Debt servicing is something everybody always wants to forget, but cannot avoid. Today, Thailand, under the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF), is carrying a debt burden of Bt1.4 trillion from the 1997 financial crisis. To date, the Bank of Thailand (BOT) has paid down Bt200,000 billion, (the agreement reached in 2002 between the BOT and Ministry of Finance (MOF) called for the BOT to pay Bt1.39 trillion over 30 years and the MOF to pay for the interest, but the BOT's commitment was never materialised. To date, the MOF has paid up Bt600,000 billion and the rest remains on the balance sheet. Rain or shine, the chickens come home to roost, and eventually the hard question to eschew will have to be dealt with. This FIDF issue will be the subject of much analysis and commentary following Tuesday's Cabinet decision to transfer the burden of the FIDF to the BOT, to wipe the slate clean so the government can borrow anew.


    Thailand and Greece are literally and statistically thousands of miles apart.

    The number of miles between the two countries and any amount of statistics cannot overcome basic economics and these people are in no way, shape or form prepared for a global downturn

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