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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Just out of general curiosity. If someone (not Mr. Lee) is forced to stay in Thailand by a court, has no money and no family or bank who can/will pay, and is not allowed to work in Thailand. Then who pays for food, shelter etc? Is Thailand, or the persons home country legally obliged to pay?

    Interesting question.

    And, wouldn't you be scared stiff of putting a foot wrong in whichever place you are renting during the meantime?


  2. Not sure why so many think the landlord is at fault. None of you know the evidence. It could be the case that the tenant caused damage and stole stuff and the landlord wants to be compensated. Maybe the police dropped the case because they didn't think there was enough evidence to charge the tenant. But maybe the landlord doesn't agree. Imagine that you were a landlord and a tenant caused damage and stole stuff, would you let the tenant get away with it. Of course, I have no idea who's in the right or wrong here. But too many of you seem to think you know, when you have no idea.

    If the tenant really did steal stuff, he's hardly likely to admit it, otherwise he might end up in jail, so he'd have to stick to his story. Same with the landlord. If he's in the right, he's going to keep pursuing this.

    But we don't know, so it's a bit pointless speculating.

    This doesn't seem like a Thai vs Farang battle, like many on here would like it to be. It's just landlord vs tenant. If you decide to live in a foreign country, then you have to accept that you are subject to the laws of that country. If you can't take that, then you shouldn't be here. It works the same the other way. In the UK there have been some foreigners locked up for years without even being charged with anything. At least this guy knows what he's fighting against. I'd rather be in Thailand fighting a case, than locked up in the UK without charges.

    All possible, but read the above post....

    And who's to say the above post is true. Just because someone comes on here and says it's true doesn't mean it is. These are very serious accusations, so I hope the poster can back up what he says with proof. I'm not saying git's not true, but we have no proof either way. It's just one person claiming to know. Probably someone from the landlord's side will also claim to know the opposite. But help if the reporting included more detail, instead of being so vague.

    oh come on! Are you saying you have never encountered a landlord who has tried it on? You really have to be careful of who you deal with when renting property.

    In one apartment I rented in Bangkok, the varnish on the wooden floors had simply worn off in some places but she tried to get me to pay for the entire floor to be re- varnished. Fortunately I simply pointed to the fair wear and tear clause and she backed off.

    I would really hope that Lee Chestnutt gets the opportunity at some point to publicise the name and whereabouts of this landlord so that another foreigner isn't potentially put in this situation.

  3. It isn't just Thailand. The US and UK (and probably many other places) have been closing libraries and shortening hours they are open as they see their use drop by both children and mostly adults. In fact the entire printing industry has seen big declines since people started getting their news, books and information online.

    While this is true, ie, the US closing libraries, there is no comparison with regard to sheer numbers or to national literacy. The reasons for closing libraries in the US is financial, not because of a lack of readers. In any case, literacy in the US is light years ahead of Thailand. On the other hand, I constantly meet Thais who can't even read Thai, let alone English, or who can't multiply 4 X 5. There's no comparison, really.

    anyway they are closing some libraries to open NEW ones .....smile.png

    Coming soon: The library with no books to open in US county


    • Like 1
  4. Meanwhile, Thailand goes forwards, the PM's popularity rises, the economy strengthens, major long term infrastructure is being planned and implemented, the 300 minimum wage has not caused the economy to collapse, military tension with neighbouring countries is on the wane, Thai involvement with ASEAN is growing, BOI applications and approvals are high ( if not at record levels ), the military top brass seem to be cooperating with the Government and tourism is up.

    This must hurt some on here.

    Is Thailand going blindly down the same path as Greece?

    Debt servicing is something everybody always wants to forget, but cannot avoid. Today, Thailand, under the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF), is carrying a debt burden of Bt1.4 trillion from the 1997 financial crisis. To date, the Bank of Thailand (BOT) has paid down Bt200,000 billion, (the agreement reached in 2002 between the BOT and Ministry of Finance (MOF) called for the BOT to pay Bt1.39 trillion over 30 years and the MOF to pay for the interest, but the BOT's commitment was never materialised. To date, the MOF has paid up Bt600,000 billion and the rest remains on the balance sheet. Rain or shine, the chickens come home to roost, and eventually the hard question to eschew will have to be dealt with. This FIDF issue will be the subject of much analysis and commentary following Tuesday's Cabinet decision to transfer the burden of the FIDF to the BOT, to wipe the slate clean so the government can borrow anew.


  5. do you have receipts and a contract regarding the payment of 42,000? And does the contract specify very precisely that what you are proposing is allowed by the owner? Better still would the owner provide a letter to a new tenant to confirm he has already received 42,000 from you and that he would not be seeking any additional amounts until this arrangement ends in November?

    • Like 1
  6. Not really sure what your point is...maybe the MSRP for both model years is the same. In a sellers' market like the Thai vehicle market, there is little to no incentive for any sort of discount at the dealer end to offer any discount from list price to sell a vehicle. Nev ceases to amaze me how many vehicle buyers don't seem to understand the dynamics of the local vehicle market.

    In Thailand, there is a shortage of vehicles for sale...in Europe and north America, the market is awash in excess production capacity and a paucity of buyers. Therefore, massive discounts and incentives on most models and immediate delivery.

    In Thailand, there is a shortage of vehicles for sale


  7. The tip of the iceberg. This chicken has come home to roost. I believe that we will see a hugh increase in the number of unemployed over the next 3 months owing to this shoot yourself in the foot policy. The Government should set up an agency to track the industries that start to lay off workers and the reasons behind the layoff's and report this data with honesty and integrity. Already we are seeing blame hounds being developed such as the poor economic performance in Europe. What ever is brought to light it will surely not touch on the inane nature of this vote buying populist policy. It will have to be someone else's fault. Accountability in Thailand is neither valued, practiced, nor expected.

    You people are incredibly vindictive or something. There has been nothing to suggest by any economic indicator that The Thai economy is going anywhere but up. Nothing. Do you know what percent of the Thai workforce 3500 people are? Any economic indicator available says the Thai economy is going up, up, up. The chicken has come home to roost? Oh come on. That is just silly. What will the Thai rate of unemployment be in the next three months? The same as it is this month, realistically nothing.

    When the AEC kicks in, why would you pay this kind of salary to someone who has very poor English skills when you would be able get someone at a cheaper rate with better English skills? Some of the young people in Cambodia and Vietnam are busting for the opportunity to improve their English.

    Today I tried to book accommodation and the Thai staff obviously had minimal English so at first I was transferred between two or three people, none of whom could speak English very well. Eventually they decided to put me on hold and then cut me off. Then when I tried to telephone them back using several numbers they wouldn't answer my call on any of the numbers?

    If I was the owner of the establishment I would be extremely unhappy

  8. But what would be the position if you want to purchase an electric powered tuk tuk in the interests of contributing towards a greener environment?

    If the local licensing authorities refused to give you permission to drive one of these you could enlist the support of one of over 100 climate change advocacy groups?

    Surely the licensing authorities would want the negative publicity of refusing someone the right to drive a more environmentally friendly vehicle?

  9. Or you could develop an apartment building?

    If you go along Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok notice how many high standard apartment buildings are owned by Indian families. For example The Orchid Tower in soi 8 but there are also many others in the area. The prominent Indian families never develop condominiums only apartments for which they get regular income. Maybe you don't want to become involved in building management but you can always hire a competent team to do that for you.

    The advantage here is that you can build exactly what you want and if it offers good facilities and is in a good location, you will always have demand. I know The Orchid Tower is always full.

    The advantage of keeping the entire building under one ownership is that you can enforce rules and regulations much more efficiently than when you start selling off ownership rights. For example a condo owners fail to pay their contributions.

    Just a thought


  10. This compulsion for car ownership in Thailand is crazy!

    I was recently with a Thai lady in Rangsit and she said she had to go to the bank to pay her brothers monthly car payment on his pickup truck. He works as a sales clerk at Homemart -no managerial position or anything-just a regular sales clerk. His monthly payment on his pickup is 9000 baht !! but he still has to pay for accommodation and food.

    blink.png He has to pay this every month for six years. I was totally shocked to find someone in this position is paying such a high proportion of his monthly salary just to own a b***dy car.

    I really don't know how they do it!

    Ever since that incident I have been wondering if anyone has an idea of how much a person like that would earn in salary every month? Okay let's say he also get's some commission from selling items, surely it still wouldn't add to more than a few extra thousand?

    I've had many Thai staff that I've known their salary obviously and could not fathom how they were driving the cars they were. I had a secretary on 16,000 driving a brand new Passatt as just one example.

    I think its a combination of living at home with their parents and thus able to spend a very high proportion of their salary on car payments as they have no other bills and parents and family members kicking in to help with down payment or monthly payments.

    I also knew some Western educated Thai men in their 50s and 60s who were well off and had good jobs and bought more cars than they could afford and ended up having them repossessed. (And one for the Thai bashers who think they're all in a conspiracy against foreigners, one of the men lost his car so he could keep making payments on a car he bought for a young Thai girl in the provinces who had him twisted round her little finger and was bleeding him dry. No fool like an old fool and shows its not just foreigners who end up being bankrupted by young women)

    Yes but in this case I mentioned regarding the Homemart sales staff member I know for a fact he is renting his accommodation in Bangkok and his family who live in the provinces certainly don't provide any support. In fact it's the other way around in that the children are sending money home to their parents.

    Do they worry about these things? And it's not like when I used to be making payments on a mortgage where at least I knew I had an asset that should go up in value( and it did ).

    It must be an incredible pressure on these people to be paying this proportion of their salary for so many years on a depreciating asset?

  11. Insure it and drop it down the gary glitter.

    I hope you are joking?

    If someone from the insurance company happens to have read this thread or hears about this incident some other way then the OP could be up for insurance fraud

    not a very bright suggestionermm.gif

    What are the criminal penalties concerning criminal fraud?

    For a person who has committed fraud in Thailand, he/she may be punished with imprisonment from a maximum of three years to seven years depending on the circumstances of the case.

    i bet you were a hoot as a child.

    how the self righteous bore me.

    and how the would be fraudsters repel mebah.gif

  12. This compulsion for car ownership in Thailand is crazy!

    I was recently with a Thai lady in Rangsit and she said she had to go to the bank to pay her brothers monthly car payment on his pickup truck. He works as a sales clerk at Homemart -no managerial position or anything-just a regular sales clerk. His monthly payment on his pickup is 9000 baht !! but he still has to pay for accommodation and food.

    blink.png He has to pay this every month for six years. I was totally shocked to find someone in this position is paying such a high proportion of his monthly salary just to own a b***dy car.

    I really don't know how they do it!

    Ever since that incident I have been wondering if anyone has an idea of how much a person like that would earn in salary every month? Okay let's say he also get's some commission from selling items, surely it still wouldn't add to more than a few extra thousand?

  13. numbers of laypeople are becoming disillusioned with or even hostile towards religion.

    Yes, unfortunately in Thailand they have well and truly found their new religion-money and consumerism.

    When I was in Chiang Mai I found they have a program at Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya Buddhist University called monkchat.

  14. NCA First Class is as good as bus travel gets.... although BKK to CM still is a long haul in hours...

    Correct as stated above in being able to call NCA and book a ticket over the phone with an English speaking rep, and then pay within 24 hours at any local 7/11. You also can pay at the NCA terminal or at the Mochit Bus Station. The two locations are the in the same general northern part of BKK, maybe a mile or two apart.

    I'm not sure about total refunds/cancellations, but I do know that once you've purchased a NCA ticket, you can change your reservation to a different time or date for the same destination if available, provided you make the change with them at least some hours before the original bus departs.

    In my years of living here, I don't think I've ever heard of a NCA First Class bus crash, nor do their buses attract the kind of thieves sometimes found on tourist bus routes like those that leave from Khao San Road, etc etc.

    I just wish they offered their service to more cities than they do... Fortunately, Khon Kaen and Chiang Mai are among the cities where they have First Class Service, which in terms of the seating is better and more comfortable than anything I've seen anywhere in Thailand. Although Air Udon's top level service to Udon Thani kind of comes close in terms of seating...but not in the professionalism of the operation/service.

    see their homepage

    Nong Khai and Udon Thani just added as new destinations for their first class buses thumbsup.gif


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  15. Oh my word this forum is awesome...did not expect this many replies

    Sorry for the delay...I registered and forgot altogether

    Just a few additions and responses:

    - I will be arriving in Thailand 3rd June and travelling to Bangkok, Koh Tao, Chiang Mai

    - I will be using overnight trains, 12 seater planes from Nok Air and I deliberately wanted a coach experience to polish this trip off

    - ok so it sounds like pickup and drop off points are well known, which is reassuring

    - I definitely want the premium ticket so when I get to Thailand I will reserve via call centre then pop into a 24/7 to make payment

    It's only in 7/11 i.e. you cannot make this payment in a Family Mart or any other similar shop

    - I am travelling at 21:30 bus so fingers crossed my driver will be alert still

    like I said before you will find two drivers on long trips and while one is driving the other driver is sleeping in a special compartment at the back of the bus. They will change over about half way.

    - My fiancée and I will take turns to stay awake in case undesirables fancy a quick loot

    Stored luggage is carefully tagged and there is an on-board attendant on all journeys either male or female. They will not allow anyone near your luggage until the end of the journey. If you mean your personal items you will have an overhead locker. Plus, I doubt if you will find many undesirables particularly in first class?


    Thanks again for all your help, I do appreciate it!

  16. Sure I would have accepted a voucher but I wouldn't have left there with nothing. I find something a little fishy about this report. Are we supposed to believe the entire audience accepted being ripped off that way?

    that is exactly what i thought !!thumbsup.gif

  17. I went to see that last week.

    if you're talking about the same cinema that I went to on level number 6 of the shopping centre it's your own fault if you and everyone else that you say got up and simpy left didn't go and seek out management at the earliest opportunity and report what happened and insist that you either get a refund or a replacement ticket to go back when they sorted out their problems?


    A little pro activeness on the part of the Management and Staff in preparation for these 'little issues' would not have gone amiss.

    In the absence of a better alternative (i.e. a quick on-site fix) the next best thing is either a refund or a voucher for the cost of the tickets - Its not difficult to provide customer service in Thailand or anywhere else. In this case the management should've been well aware of what was going on and instead of being proactive possibly hid from complaint.

    In many situations in Thailand I see the most common course of action to an issue is no action whatsoever. No one wants to take responsibility no one is proactive in dealing with an issue. I feel the Op has a valid gripe but also agree that with this being Thailand we know what the issues are and he could've done more to direct a solution more to his liking... i.e. refund or voucher.

    Look it always amazes me how reticent the Thai people are to complain in situations like this even when they would be perfectly justified to do so. But in any case, foreigners are not in that situation and I am like Jingthing and I would have been the first one back at the ticket counter! You pay your money and you expect to get what you paid for.

    Because everyone simply got up and left, which wasn't very wise, maybe they have now lost the opportunity to complain or seek a refund. But this still wouldn't put me off doing what the walking man suggests which is to write a letter and address to the senior management of the company in Bangkok describing exactly what happened. It's a big company and in any case it wouldn't cost them anything to compensate OP ? In the letter he should express his disappointment at having missed out on seeing the movie which he had been looking forward to for a long time but say that he would be happy to overlook the incident upon receiving replacement tickets. I know I was looking forward to seeing it for a long time and if I had been in this situation, there is no way I would have let them off!

  18. I went to see that last week.

    if you're talking about the same cinema that I went to on level number 6 of the shopping centre it's your own fault if you and everyone else that you say got up and simpy left didn't go and seek out management at the earliest opportunity and report what happened and insist that you either get a refund or a replacement ticket to go back when they sorted out their problems?


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  19. re crash: other as most TV-uses tend to think, most crashes are in fact made by lorrydrivers-they are much more prone to overworking/sleep etc-and at night lorries=trucks and buses are usually about the only vehicles running full-speed. Not that this reduces the mayhem caused-but one of the last crashes was in fact by the BoKoSo==govmt. bus, so beloved als by TV-users. Nothing is maybe as it seems.

    You can book online for NCA-but only witha Thai bankaccount and full knowledge of Thai-and usually not more as 4-6 weeks advance. Far too early to worry now about june.

    You can book online for NCA-but only witha Thai bankaccount and full knowledge of Thai-

    totally misleading and incorrect information!


    1. When you telephone their call centre you have the choice of dealing with an English speaking operator.

    2. There is no need whatsoever to have a Thai bank account?! The procedure is when you book on the

    telephone, they will provide you with a password which is about 12 digits. you must then go into

    any 7-Eleven store anywhere in the country to pay for it before midnight on the same day you made your booking

    otherwise the computer system will cancel your booking .

    You simply provide the shop assistant at 7/11 with the code NCA provided

    and pay in cash. You keep this receipt until the day of your travel and then swap it for the bus

    ticket itself just before your departure. Easy as pie.


    As to reliability of the bus drivers This also depends on the standard of training as well as their

    fatigue level. Unlike other bus companies, NCA has two bus drivers on longer journeys like this.

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  20. When I look at the filth, litter that is in Pattaya Bay or Jomtien, I have to remind myself this evidence that Thailand is a developing country--Just like countries in Africa. Many locals are not educated to take care of their litter along with city officials are not willing to provide the correct infrastructure (proper sewage; sewage treatment plants; fining industries or boats that pollute; providing simple things such as trash bins--chained to a tree of course.) Living in 5 different countries around the world, (Africa, Middle East, and Asia) I have discovered one cannot judge a country's development by its towering modern buildings and highways, but how the governments (and locals) take care of their environment along with progress. It is true, Thailand once had beautiful beaches but as development provided quick wealth for some, it also ruined what tourists were attracted to.

    Anyone with a passing knowledge of economics knows that concern for the environment, in all it forms, I.e., clean water, air, proper garbage and sewage disposal, etc., is a "luxury" good. Hence, it is only when a society achieves a certain level of material comfort that these issues even start to come to the fore. Thailand, with a GDP per person of around US$ 6k, is still a quite poor and very much a developing country, which has a long way to go before any serious environmental movement begins to stir.

    It pretty silly for tourists and expats to constantly harp othe state of the environment, I can still remember what it was like in the USA only a few decades ago.

    Then if they haven't yet reached “ a certain level of material comfort “ as you put it, it may pay them to concentrate more on developing and solving this issue first than to wannabe the " hub " of everything on earth?


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