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Posts posted by nkg

  1. 3 hours ago, Ganesh108 said:

    Considering the flight Phuket-Bangkok is often only $30, I would consider the trip to the airport a wee bit overpriced. 


    Heathrow to Zurich is $40, the 15 minute journey from the airport to the town centre is $80. Heathrow to the centre of London is $60.


    I'm well aware that Phuket's tuk tuks are more expensive than anywhere else in Thailand, but by Western standards they are about average. For somebody living in Thailand on a budget, of course, they are far too expensive.

  2. 11 hours ago, Disparate Dan said:

    Well this is THAIvisa..... sorry if you didn't know that.


    I don't know you, but I don't picture you as "competition". But if you mean that we 'jacks' (and in at least my case our families and friends) don't need the sex tourists and gormless shopping mall-fillers that mass tourism brings, you may just be right.


    In fact my antipathy to tourism is wide than Thailand - over-tourism has ruined so many places around the world where locals and the few who travel legitimately suffer the effects. Barcelona, Venice, Sydney, Paris, Munich, Hong Kong (until a year ago, obviously) etc etc ad nauseam. We all have a chance to reset this pernicious blight as a result of the panic.


    So, how was it that you first came to Thailand? Oh, you were a tourist?


    What a surprise.


    • Haha 2
  3. Just now, Nout said:

    Not much fun either...Apart from Phuket I have never met a Tuk Tuk mafia and in my travels around Thailand these drivers were kind, helpful and supportive. As for scams, compared to dozens of others countries Thailand is relatively scam free..except for fools. I am not suggesting you are a fool. I suspect you are far too smart to get scammed. LOL


    Even the tuk tuks in Phuket are cheaper than taxis in most Western countries. Apparently $20 for an hour-long trip to Phuket Airport is a rip-off, according to the penny-pinchers ...

    • Confused 1
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  4. 7 hours ago, sandyf said:

    You seem to be incapable of understanding the point had nothing whatsover to do with the rights and wrongs of the EU.

    Article 16 means checks at the Irish border, end of story, and unacceptable by either side, threats included.


    Your point was a feeble attempt to justify the EU's actions. Bluespunk and 7by7 both showed their integrity in this thread by stating that the EU had got it wrong. It's a shame that you were unable to join them.

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  5. 17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Suwat told Thansettakij newspaper that around 209,000 officers had taken loans to support their family or to purchase large items such as cars or houses.


    In the UK, the vast majority of domestic debt is held within mortgages. If I own a house worth £500,000, and I have paid off £250,000 of my mortgage, would you consider me to be "in debt"? Or do I have an asset with a net worth of £250,000 if I chose to sell it?


    I'm sure the main points in this article are correct, but I would expect that the majority of the 270 billion baht mentioned refers to mortgages on homes.



    • Like 1


    Norway finds no direct link between elderly deaths and coronavirus shots

    Norwegian health authorities concluded that the string of deaths among the elderly is not directly linked to the COVID-19 vaccines they received.

    “Clearly, COVID-19 is far more dangerous to most patients than vaccination,” Steinar Madsen, medical director at the Norwegian Medicines Agency told Bloomberg on Monday. “We are not alarmed.”




    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    By themselves they are powerless; it is the 358 Tory MPs in England and Wales who are telling the people of Scotland to sit down and shut up. Thankfully, the mood in Scotland is very much the opposite. We are not going to sit down and we are definitely not going to shut up. 



    There's a small dog living at my neighbour's house. It yaps all day and all night, but I've never considered giving in to its demands.


    I think it's a Scottie ...


    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


    You need to keep up with the here and now, not dwell in the past. Times have changed and so have the attitudes of Scots. 


    Young Scots rally to independence banner for 2021 elections

    new polling shows huge support for independence among young voters, with 79% of 16- to 24-year-olds and 68% of 25- to 34-year-olds saying they would support leaving the union. Overall, the Ipsos Mori poll suggested 58% of voters in Scotland now backed independence."


    I am glad that you are putting so much stock in this particular 2014 study, however. I feel particularly hopeful when I remember that the majority of Scots backed independence in 2014.






    It's all moot, since there's zero chance of another referendum any time soon. Sorry to burst your bubble.




    5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    Conversely, the under 25s, who time and again have been shown to be massively in favour of independence, were not adequately represented in the numbers.



    Except when they actually voted ???? These figures were polled straight after the referendum:






    Both the 16-19 and the 20-24 age group voted 54% in favour of staying in the UK.


    "the under 25s, who time and again have been shown to be massively in favour of independence" - and who then went on to vote against it  ????????????

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