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Posts posted by nkg

  1. 3 minutes ago, galenflagler said:


    Coronavirus fears fuel racism and hostility, say British-Chinese



    Ethnic Chinese are the most common victims of racism in the UK according to a YouGov poll



    How East Asians in the UK are fighting back against a rising tide of racism



    That's sad to hear. It sounds like some racist idiots have decided that people who "look Chinese" and live in the UK are somehow to blame for COVID. Presumably Thais, Japanese etc  are getting the same treatment.


    A Yougov poll shows Brits to be largely in favour of helping Hongkongers come to the UK:




    I suspect the support would have been a lot stronger pre-COVID. People are dumb.

  2. 7 minutes ago, galenflagler said:

    I've got no problem citizens of Hong Kong emigrating to UK. But those figures of yours are seriously misleading. Better to look at the median wage.

    Hong Kong US$12600US

    UK US$37560


    I am always happy to be corrected, but in this case I think your own numbers must be faulty.


    2018 - median HK household income $27000 HKD/month ($3483 USD)



    2020 - average individual wage (not household) $16955 HKD/month ($2187 USD)



    Perhaps you could post the link to your own statistic? Your numbers are not even close to the other sites that I have looked at.

  3. On 6/20/2020 at 4:36 AM, villageidiotY2K said:

    I pretty much have nothing to look forward to everyday, and I've recently stopped drinking. Cuz alcohol seems to lower or numb the neurological stimulant in the brain whuch leads me to further sollow. 


    You've already quit the booze, so if you have been drinking heavily for a while, you will naturally reap the rewards.


    Your brain reprograms itself, and as the days and weeks pass, you will feel better and better. If you can keep it up for another month or 2, you will feel like a new man.


    Getting bored is the biggest barrier to quitting booze, so make sure you always have things to do ???? Download some movies and TV series, get some exercise, read some books. Good luck ????

  4. 10 hours ago, coastguard said:

    Back to OP original comment. The US is losing it's position as the world's leader. I think it will be replaced by Germany. It could have been so so different. Imagine a normal administration, like Bush W. We'd have lead the world, helped the less fortunate etc. But now we are the outcast. We blew it. Sad


    The US GDP per capita is still 30% higher than Germany, despite having 3 times the population. And Germany's population is predicted to fall to 80M by 2050, compared to the US rising to 380M by 2050.


    I'm not from either country, but saying that Germany will replace the US is a bold prediction.

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/20/2020 at 1:40 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

    The next round of corporate financial reporting is going to be interesting - perhaps rather compelling.


    The biggest US companies now are their tech companies. With everyone staying at home and shopping online, if anything they have benefitted from COVID-19.


    Look at the top 20 US companies - 17 are worth more than they were 12 months ago (column on the far right). Like it or not, investors are still throwing their money at big US corps.





    8 hours ago, Bob A Kneale said:
    21 hours ago, nkg said:
    On 7/10/2020 at 12:10 PM, Bob A Kneale said:

    Easy, testing allows an estimate of an alcohol level 11 hours earlier to be made.


    Really? Can you link to some examples of 11-hour old "estimates" like this being used in a court of law?

    No, not without doing a research exercise, if you want some examples do it yourself.


    So in other words, you can't, and "an estimate of an alcohol level 11 hours earlier" would have no legal standing.


    Somebody could be forgiven for thinking that you didn't have any actual knowledge of the "alcohol estimates" that you talk about with such confidence.  ????????????


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