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Posts posted by nkg

  1. 3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    Well, before we jump to the next point, can I assume that you accept that the demographic of those polled was not representative of the demographics of the country, and that the poll that got you so priapic was somewhat flawed? 


    But referring to your numbers, the tables I linked in my post show that the 16-24 group were 62% Yes, 19% No and 19% Undecided. I would be more than happy to see the data you are referring to in your last post.




    The Scottish Referendum Study - surely you've heard of it?





    A breakdown of voting patterns, drawn from a survey of 5,000 Scots conducted soon after the referendum day, runs counter to the widespread belief that there was a clear split between older and young voters


    I like how you are now quoting "the poll that was somewhat flawed" as an authority. The bits of it that support your tenuous argument are correct, and the rest is rubbish? ????????????

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


    A bit of an update on your gleeful reporting on the Survation poll results. Far be it for me to p!ss on your chips, but the devil is in the detail, as they say.


    As per the data tables (https://www.survation.com/survation-scotland-political-poll-december-2020-1-3/) 39% of those polled are in the age range 55+, which has consistently shown itself pro-UK. However, the reality is that this demographic only makes up 29% of the population.


    As we all know, the 16 to 55 age range is strongly pro independence, so I remain confident that the Scottish electorate does not look south and think to itself, 'you know, continuing under their thumb looks positively attractive'. 






    I thought that the 16-24 age group voted No by 54.2% to Yes's 45.7%? They must not have known that they were "strongly pro independence" like you do ...


  3. 17 hours ago, BigStar said:

    You've miserably failed to get it straight again. TAT said nothing about how much each Thai tourist will spend.


    It's referring to "revenue generated," as it always does. Our ace TVF Economists always confuse the two and get out their calculators to voilà! arrive at a shrewd debunking of TAT.????


    Yet TAT's figure of 40 million international tourists per year is now totally accepted by TAT: TVF to point out that domestic tourism can't possibly make up for the loss of the 40 million. One of our little convenient contradictions here. 


    Before the usual straw man nonsense chants start, you may at least get this straight:


    TAT in no way said, suggested, or implied--at any time--that

    • domestic tourism will make up for the loss of international tourism
    • domestic tourism will "save" Thailand
    • Thailand no longer needs or wants international tourism
    • Thailand isn't strongly considering how to revive international tourism at earliest opportunity.

    In fact, no one has ever thought any such thing, esp TVF posters of course.


    The helpful economic effects of domestic tourism are accepted without reservation when it comes to our (farang) home countries, for example, in Brighton or Blackpool. It's amusing how the same economics are denied when it comes to Thailand. The usual bigotry, I assume.



    Another long, boring post that nobody can be bothered reading. Well done ????


    • Like 2
  4. 11 hours ago, simple1 said:


    And? Opinion pieces will differ according to the author., personally I lean to supporting Simon Tisdall's analysis.


    Fair enough, although that would suggest that the issue is by no means clear-cut.


    Perhaps Donald Trump read Stephanie Savell's 2019 Guardian piece? He would have been moved by her eloquent words, and began preparing for the withdrawal of the US troops from Somalia.


    He must now feel exasperated that The Guardian have published an opinion piece advocating the opposite course of action ????


    "What do I have to do to keep the readers of The Guardian happy?" he must have yelled across the Oval Office ...

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, stevenl said:

    No, the guardian is not suggesting anything. You're referring to an opinion piece of a writer not related to the guardian.


    The article that simple1 linked too is an "opinion piece" too ????????????


    The Guardian flip-flops over foreign wars all the time, depending on what it thinks its readers want to hear. Look at its coverage of Syria if you don't believe me.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, simple1 said:


    Africa has been identified as a key region for Islamist consolidation, including IS. It makes no sense for US forces to withdraw from the region. trump's announcement will be another political gambit for self interest, not in the interest of regional / global security. One example of a number of articles covering this issue...






    And here's a Guardian article from 2019 suggesting that the US should stop fighting in Somalia. ????




    When is America going to end its war in Somalia?




    • Thanks 1
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  7. On 11/18/2020 at 4:40 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    What is the energy source of all these electric vehicles ?


    I know the article stated ‘new cars’ - but that means in 20 years time most of the cars will be electric. So what is providing the energy?


    The UK is already in an extremely vulnerable position with regards to meeting its energy / electricity demand. 


    A solar panel on every roof of every building, in any free space, an incredible development in battery technology which doesn’t rely on mining rare earth minerals from underdeveloped nations. 


    Or, nuclear power !!... Better still, create a stable tiny fusion reactors which fit inside a car !!! just don’t crash and blow up the neighbourhood !




    You make an interesting point about battery technology. Every electric car has a battery with huge capacity. Hook a million cars up to the grid and you effectively have one huge battery. Perfect for absorbing unpredictable renewable energy.


    Obviously participation would be voluntary, and car owners who agreed would get a nice financial incentive from the power companies.




  8. 13 hours ago, quake said:

    smart phone apps are very good now days for tuning.

    using a tuning fork requires some skill, you don't have that when you first start. :jap:





    Oh, I agree that smart phone apps are the easiest way to do it. Learning to tune a guitar by ear is a nice skill to have though, and teaches you about your instrument.


    In an emergency (middle of a gig), you don't want to be relying on your smartphone ????

  9. 17 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Type into Google search something like "elite visa thaivisa" 

    Make sure you include "thaivisa"

    All the threads from thaivisa forum will appear and you can work your way through them to gather the info your after.


    Even more efficient if you type this into Google:


    site:thaivisa.com elite


    All the searches will be from thaivisa.com, instead of other different sites.

    • Like 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, samsensam said:




    re the guitar, have you taught your daugher how to tune it, or bought a tuner? an out of tune guitar is not particularly motivating to play, or pleasant to listen to.




    I always use a tuning fork with my guitar, simple and gets the job done. No batteries to run out ????

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