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Posts posted by nkg

  1. 8 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

    NSH has been already given as a gift to Trump by BS BJ and he is coming to get it before elections !
    Once BS BJ will win election he will give as present US with any company worth a quid and UK will be the biggest financial disaster ever seen in western countries !



    I can see that English isn't your first language, but just like Yinn, every poster has something valuable to contribute ???? Welcome to the forum! Are you from Thailand?

  2. 12 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    What you are claiming makes no sense. Apparently, you think that because the tariffs hurt China's exports to the US that somehow that means it can't be hurting US consumers. Those tariffs are paid for by the importers and those higher prices result in higher prices for consumers. Only in the alternative universe of Donald Trump do American citizens not pay higher prices when things cost more.


    You didn't read what I said.


    Chinese goods have not got more expensive for US customers. Here is why:





    Some China manufacturers are lowering prices to help their American clients pay for their orders now that the cost of doing business with them has gone up. Others are moving lower-skilled, labor-intensive manufacturing to Vietnam, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and India. That's a cost of blue-collar labor for China, a country that wants to move up the value chain and make microchips and develop code for video games. Odds that the stitch-and-sew factory worker can do that are slim.


    Yes, importers have also taken some of the cost, but so far they have been absorbing this rather than passing it on to the customers.


    These importers will be looking at other countries to see if they can supply the same products. South Korea and Taiwan are rubbing their hands their hands with glee. Which is the WHOLE POINT of the tariffs - reduce the US's dependance on China.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    And given that in effect it's a consumption tax  it's the poor and middle class that are disproportionately paying for it.


    The Chinese are paying, not the US.


    Prices of goods from China have not risen since the introduction of the tariffs. Chinese manufacturers are bearing the brunt of the tariffs. If they increase their prices, they know that South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and others will step in and take over.





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  4. On 11/30/2019 at 11:45 AM, simple1 said:

    How about accepting I was providing you and others, if they are interested, factual reporting on the current far right terror threat in the U.K., rather than trying to be argumentative for no reason. Some quotes from the linked report I provided which indicate the level of resourcing that must be applied by HMG security forces rather than on Islamist terrorism.


    A quarter of all terrorism arrests in the past year were linked to far-right violence.


    A third of all terror plots to kill in Britain since 2017 – seven out of 22 – were by those driven by extreme-right causes.


    Factual? More like lying by omission. Let's look at the FULL quote from The Guardian:






    A quarter of all terrorism arrests in the past year were linked to far-right violence.

    The far-right caseload of counter-terrorism police jumped from 6% to 10% in the last two years.

    Referrals to Prevent, the anti-radicalisation programme, had almost doubled between 2016 and 2018 for the far right, from 10% to 18%, and were expected to rise further.

    A third of all terror plots to kill in Britain since 2017 – seven out of 22 – were by those driven by extreme-right causes.



    10% of their caseload, eh? So what do counter-terrorism police spend the other 90% of their time investigating?



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  5. 1 hour ago, katana said:

    On his profile at Doughty Street Chambers, they list his achievements and successes:


    A first-rate silk with in-depth experience across all areas of serious crime, Bennathan is praised as an "eloquent advocate who can grasp the attention of the judge or jury as needed." "He is a ridiculously clever barrister who is very good at putting clients at ease." ...
    In recent years Joel has had convictions for murder and terrorist offences overturned in the Court of Appeal...


    Wonder if they'll remove that last bit as not a particularly great achievement in light of what his client went on to do at the recent London Bridge attack...



    If you click on the "Terrorism" tab, it lists a few of the terrorists he has got off the hook. A couple of days ago, that section mentioned Usman Khan by name. But he seems to have deleted it now for some reason!


    Also, Joel Bennathan made his Twitter account private a couple of days ago. I wonder why?

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  6. 5 hours ago, Credo said:

    There may not be much left of Japan by the time they get a nuclear weapon put together.  It's also not necessarily a sure thing that the US would help them, given that Trump isn't the most reliable of allies and he has a friendship with Kim.   



    NK has 50kg of weapons-grade plutonium. Japan has 10,000kg. I wouldn't bet against Japan in a nuclear exchange.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    The problem with that hypothesis is that it fails at the first hurdle. It's the right wing tabloids in the UK who identifies as a Pakistani Muslim. Everyone else, probably even himself, identifies him as a British Moslem. I haven't yet seen any evidence that even suggests that he's even ever been to Pakistan.


    This is the problem with the rhetoric of the right wing racists who are convinced that Brexit will sort all the problems with the likes of Kahn out.


    1. It won't affect immigration from outside the EU in any way.


    2. The majority of Islamic terrorists that have caused the most death and destruction in the UK are British born and bred. You can't deport a Brit from Britain.


    He is definitely British by birth. However, he had travelled to Pakistan. Here's an article from The Guardian:





    In a July 2013 report the independent reviewer of terrorism wrote that Khan was one of three men from Stoke who had travelled to Pakistan’s federally administered tribal areas (Fata) and planned to fund, construct and take part in a terrorist training camp in Kashmir, with a view to carrying out terrorist acts in the future.


    He had planned to establish a “terrorist military training facility” on land owned by his family in Kashmir, according to sentencing remarks.


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  8. 3 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


    Good thing Mirvis is off the front pages, what an a-hole

    terrible when relig. leaders use their position to skew normal runups to elections

    well, they are free to express their opinions, so are others when the fancy banging jewish leaders on their heads

    that is not anti-semitic by the way




    Religious leaders of other religions are genuinely welcome to make their case.


    As a Norwegian, why are you so excited about the UK's General Election? Some posters might mistake you as being British, so it would be useful for you to explain why the UK General Election means so much to you. Thank you my Norwegian friend.

  9. 1 minute ago, Number 6 said:

    Where is the incident of anti semitism in the article? 


    That's what prompted my initial post. Seems just like scapegoating and propaganda. 


    Alarmist, fake news but not surprised.


    Well, I go on to mention it later on:






    MP Luciana Berger's decision to quit the party over anti-Semitism was Labour's "worst day of shame" in its 120-year history, Tom Watson has said.

    Labour's deputy leader said Ms Berger had been "bullied out of her own party by racist thugs".



    But apparently Luciana Berger and Tom Watson are liars.

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