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Posts posted by haha

  1. I remember hanging out at this bar once just taking in the scene. noticed these 2 guys in the corner, and realized I knew one of them. went over to ask what they were doing. he said quote, "trying to show this guy who is richer."

    didn't quite know what he meant by that - until I looked at the collection of drink bills stuffed in their cup.

    both of these guys had accummulated over the course of the evening so many drink bills, the waitresses couldn't put anymore into them, and so the new ones spilled over onto the little table.

    you meet all kinds in bangkok.

  2. When looking at why this is happening in the South, I always wonder how much is due to historical antagonisms, and how much is due to the incompetent treatment of the south by this present government.

    as I see it, taksin has shown a lot of patience in this matter.

    ultimately, nobody can read another persons mind. and unless they speak their piece, there is no way the differences can be resolved.

    the argument that some people are using that this land in southern thailand used to be in the hands of another power doesn't hold a grain of legitimacy in this matter. ..no one person present now lived in that time period.

    that would be like the british coming over to the usa 300 years after the fact to place claim on america. pure irrationality.

    I side with taksin on this issue. if the terrorists down there continue their murder down there, he has no choice but to go down there, and wipe them out, period.

    show them the same kind of mercy they are showing their victims. right?

    let taksin do his job - protect the nation, and the thai people.

    Yeah right, and have extremeists from all over the world coming to help fight the battle, not wise.

    This isn't about religion as such at the moment, it's more political, they need to be treated fairly, and given finacial assistance before it's too late. Acts of agression will only make things worse.

    Instead of trying to wipe them all out, they need to find the route cause, and solve it, and it needs to be done very quickly before people head from indonesia and further afield to fight the cause.

    Then it'll come to Bangkok!!!!

    first off, you shouldn't assume that they want any help from taksin. if they did, they would be willing to talk about it.

    but as it is, they are keeping silent and murdering people.

    most people would agree that if a peaceful arrangement could be reached, they would go that route. the tsunami contributions is an perfect example of this policy.

    no, what we have here is all-out war by these terrorists. you need to understand that. and treat it accordingly.

    evil is a concept that many people refuse to accept. it exists and as soon as you realize that, you will be able to react appropriately.

    what we have here is evil. pure and simple. deal with it.

    you don't try to negotiate with somebody when they are trying to kill you, right?

    you should defend yourself.

    as for the extremists coming from outside... think about it...

    ...............they are already here.

    do you ever wonder why nobody is bothering china? I'll tell you why. china would crush anybody without hesitation. no discussions. no diplomacy. only action.

    So why have the police or army not caught the murderers yet? This has been happening for over a year and a half, the modus operandi is nearly always the same, 2 guys on a motorbike, no numberplate, the guy on the back gets off and shoots the teacher, rubber planter, civil servant, etc dead.Tell me haha, why they can get away with it?

    I never said I knew all the answers for all the problems in the world. but what I do know is that the current policy of just sitting around is not working.

    that being the case, then, a person needs to try something else. right?

    would you rather that taksin just sit on his butt and let the killing continue?

    remember these people don't want to talk.

  3. When looking at why this is happening in the South, I always wonder how much is due to historical antagonisms, and how much is due to the incompetent treatment of the south by this present government.

    as I see it, taksin has shown a lot of patience in this matter.

    ultimately, nobody can read another persons mind. and unless they speak their piece, there is no way the differences can be resolved.

    the argument that some people are using that this land in southern thailand used to be in the hands of another power doesn't hold a grain of legitimacy in this matter. ..no one person present now lived in that time period.

    that would be like the british coming over to the usa 300 years after the fact to place claim on america. pure irrationality.

    I side with taksin on this issue. if the terrorists down there continue their murder down there, he has no choice but to go down there, and wipe them out, period.

    show them the same kind of mercy they are showing their victims. right?

    let taksin do his job - protect the nation, and the thai people.

    Yeah right, and have extremeists from all over the world coming to help fight the battle, not wise.

    This isn't about religion as such at the moment, it's more political, they need to be treated fairly, and given finacial assistance before it's too late. Acts of agression will only make things worse.

    Instead of trying to wipe them all out, they need to find the route cause, and solve it, and it needs to be done very quickly before people head from indonesia and further afield to fight the cause.

    Then it'll come to Bangkok!!!!

    first off, you shouldn't assume that they want any help from taksin. if they did, they would be willing to talk about it.

    but as it is, they are keeping silent and murdering people.

    most people would agree that if a peaceful arrangement could be reached, they would go that route. the tsunami contributions is an perfect example of this policy.

    no, what we have here is all-out war by these terrorists. you need to understand that. and treat it accordingly.

    evil is a concept that many people refuse to accept. it exists and as soon as you realize that, you will be able to react appropriately.

    what we have here is evil. pure and simple. deal with it.

    you don't try to negotiate with somebody when they are trying to kill you, right?

    you should defend yourself.

    as for the extremists coming from outside... think about it...

    ...............they are already here.

    do you ever wonder why nobody is bothering china? I'll tell you why. china would crush anybody without hesitation. no discussions. no diplomacy. only action.

  4. my 2 cents..

    freedom of speech is so important I don't know how explain it to put it in context.

    propaganda is when you only hear one side of the story.

    that is why it is crucial to hear both sides.  only thru discussion is there any possibility of the truth coming out.

    all through history, confusion (propaganda) has been used as a instrument of war.  ..sun tzu.

    as I see it, this is now happening via the internet.

    have you heard of the word, brainwashing?

    on the 4 suicide bombers, has anyone ever considered that they may not have went "willingly"?  that they thought they were just transporting some "stuff" to another place, and that the mastermind used them as mules?  sacrificing their lifes via remote control at HIS discretion?

    You don't get it, do ya?

    I'm the first to admit I'm not a genius. so, what is it that I don't get?

    I'm all ears.

    but don't expect me to be easily brainwashed.

  5. When looking at why this is happening in the South, I always wonder how much is due to historical antagonisms, and how much is due to the incompetent treatment of the south by this present government.

    as I see it, taksin has shown a lot of patience in this matter.

    ultimately, nobody can read another persons mind. and unless they speak their piece, there is no way the differences can be resolved.

    the argument that some people are using that this land in southern thailand used to be in the hands of another power doesn't hold a grain of legitimacy in this matter. ..no one person present now lived in that time period.

    that would be like the british coming over to the usa 300 years after the fact to place claim on america. pure irrationality.

    I side with taksin on this issue. if the terrorists down there continue their murder down there, he has no choice but to go down there, and wipe them out, period.

    show them the same kind of mercy they are showing their victims. right?

    let taksin do his job - protect the nation, and the thai people.

  6. my 2 cents..

    freedom of speech is so important I don't know how explain it to put it in context.

    propaganda is when you only hear one side of the story.

    that is why it is crucial to hear both sides. only thru discussion is there any possibility of the truth coming out.

    all through history, confusion (propaganda) has been used as a instrument of war. ..sun tzu.

    as I see it, this is now happening via the internet.

    have you heard of the word, brainwashing?

    on the 4 suicide bombers, has anyone ever considered that they may not have went "willingly"? that they thought they were just transporting some "stuff" to another place, and that the mastermind used them as mules? sacrificing their lifes via remote control at HIS discretion?

  7. if you have a membership with the 24-hour fitness chain in the usa, you can use the california fitness facilities for free.  just present your card to the counter.

    I think yr right...I have California Fitness membership and I used my card to get into 24 Hour Fitness in San Francisco for free :o

    many gyms all over the world have affliliations with other gyms. if you look at their websites, you might be able to see who will honor your membership.

    last year, I went to the states, and was able to workout at several gyms in the bay area and las vegas with no more than "can I see your card?".

  8. not complaining. just an observation....

    I've taken the VIP 24-seat, and 32-seat buses fairly often in my travels here in thailand.

    noticed that they always have the air/con on almost to freezing. ...you can actually see the fog from your breath.

    and at night, they give you this wool blanket to keep you warm. ????

  9. a long time ago, when I first started coming to thailand, I got arrested for gambling.

    I was playing thai poker for 20 baht a hand. I remember feeling both shocked (to find that it was illegal in thailand), and stupid (that I got myself in such a situation).

    I wish that there was some source on the internet which I could have read before traveling over here that informed me of the laws that I needed to be aware of.

    ....it would have helped so much.

    ....does anybody know of such a place on the internet that provides information to travelers on the laws that they will encounter in the countries that they will be traveling to?

    some source which summarizes this info in a centralized database format for all countries in the world, and that is easily readable?

    as I see it, such a source would be most welcome. and I would think that the person setting up such a website up could find it monetarily rewarding.

    maybe somebody could get a grant from the government to set it up. maybe some students could do this. and get their masters degree at the same time.

    hint. hint.

    format could be something like the following:

    name of country

    drinking age?

    gambling allowed?

    age of consent?

    smoking allowed?

    crime statistics?

    safe to travel to?



  10. I met this indian guy who says he knows people in the families who own a lot of the property on sukhumvit.

    he mentioned that most of the bars in nana plaza only have 1 year leases now. something about the bars not being around much longer.

    has anyone heard of this rumor?

    not trying to cause trouble. just curious...

  11. Interesting, as the baht has been going down a couple times i have mentioned

    this to a fewThai friends, just as general conversation, nothing demeaning.  Then last time i

    I mentioned it with my wife there. After she pulls me aside and says "Dont talk

    about this with Thais" and would not give me a reason why. Whats up with this?

    Do they lose face?  When the dollar was down it didnt offend me.


    different worlds. my take is - your celebrating the woes of the thai baht is the same as wishing for the demise of thailand.

    if the roles were switched, I think I would feel the same way.

    ..but then, that's me.

  12. parasites are everywhere. check this website out...


    there could be other things causing your problems too. like the pollution, for example.

    a couple of things I learned to do over the years.

    1) take a worm pill every 2 months.

    2) wash my hands often.

    bangkok is a big city, and as such, there are a lot of people that you will come in contact with everyday. maybe not directly, but indirectly. touching the rails in the buses, or opening doors (restrooms) are examples of this indirect contact occurring.

    this contact usually exposes you to germs that you are not aware of. so, whenever you have the chance, wash your hands. especially if you just get off a bus, or use the restroom.

    once, I got a serious case of pinkeye because I used this towel hanging in a public restroom to dry my hands.

  13. People of all religons need to unite against this uniquely evil, antagonistic & murderous religion.

    Your attitude is indeed frightening, and shows how easy it is for the media to brainwash people. Even in the absence of facts, you choose to hysterically spout vicious hatered.

    Tell me, what has any of this go to do with religion?

    This is what our politicians would like us to believe, as they discourage examination of the real causes of these acts. To even discuss why these violent, cruel acts are happening, is deemed heresy, or unpatriotic. Just apply the label "islamic" and everything falls into place for the idiot citizen, who obediently starts foaming at the mouth, and willingly breaks into the recital of "they hate our freedom" mantra, and limits their view of history and events to the previous week.

    Throughout history, these scare tactics have been used to mobilise the american public agains imaginary bogeymen, remember McCarthyism and Communists?

    Regardless of who is behind these acts, it is political not religious, and you need to get that through your thick head. And please dont quote me anything from the american media, as they have attributed actions and ideologies to figures like Saddam, OBL and Zarquawi to frighten people into supporting their own twisted plans for control of land and resources of the middle east, as well as the enaction of domestic laws designed to extend the power of the state to control the lives of citizens

    I ask you one again to consider that this is nothing to do with religion, and everthing to do with politics, and I also ask you try and educate yourself to the truth of whats going on.

    you should listen to what you are saying.

    there are so many sources of information depicting the evils commited by totalitarian communism in the last century, your claim that it did not happen is hard to believe.

    imaginery bogeyman? I don't think so.


    brainwash us? ...what are you trying to do? tell us that the terrorists are our friends?


    actually, I think the media in your country has brainwashed you into believing it's all about oil. that's why you guys keep talking about it all the time.

  14. or look at Bush and Blairs lies and spin for a perfect example of what Im taking about.

    Yeah sure, B&B spin flew those planes into the buildings. B&B spin blew up the trains in Madrid & London. B&B spin murdered 100s on innocent tourists in Bali. That's a bit too big of a pill to swallow.

    and good ol' osama bin laden is still leading the life of a riley :o

    soon, the world will not rely on fossil fuels like they do now. when this occurs, do you think the western world will forget what the terrorists have done? will they forget that muslims were behind these attacks?

    I don't think so.

    when this happens, when the world doesn't depend on oil anymore, what will the middle east do? their main resource was oil.

    if the muslims in the middle east want help from the rest of the world when this time arrives, they had better start cleaning up their act now.

  15. or look at Bush and Blairs lies and spin for a perfect example of what Im taking about.

    Yeah sure, B&B spin flew those planes into the buildings. B&B spin blew up the trains in Madrid & London. B&B spin murdered 100s on innocent tourists in Bali. That's a bit too big of a pill to swallow.

    Did i say that? I think not.

    However, B&B spin on Iraq has killed over 150,000 people and has stoked the furnace of global terrorism for generations to come.

    Or are you one of the americans that believe that Saddam was behind 911

    not too long ago, people were saying that saddam and bin laden were not allies with one another.

    even when zaqawi was actively fighting with the iraqi rebels, they said this.

    I don't know if saddam was behind the 911 attack, but I would have to say it's possible.

    when the world kicked him out of kuwait, he was pissed. and as we all know, revenge is a big thing in the middle east.

  16. I know a forum such as this must reflect the whole spectrum of opinion, but we seem to have some seriously warped views flying around.

    No wonder when in LOS you see ill mannered louts mouthing off in bars and clubs it seems some of them are here as well.Some people have realy shown themselves up in their true colours.

    Personally I'm very disappointed.

    being human is everybody's problem. I know how you feel. when people you know get murdered, let's see how you feel.

  17. for every 1,000 muslims killed only one non-muslim dies, that's why they have so many volunteers that lost complete families and are looking for revenge :D

    and yes oil got's a lot to do with that, in iraq first russia, then france, china and now the yanks have a go at it, the stirring-up in iran about nuclear weapons is all about finding a reason to atack them and their oil :D

    and yet, its okay for the g8 group to have their nuclear arsenal, it doesn't make sense to me :o

    what most of the people seem to forget, that we all have ben at war since civilisation started, the war on terrorism is just an old one being going on for a thousands of years, so yes there is more to come :D

    the reason why the western world has the nuclear bomb is because of something called ww2.

    if you recall, there was an evil of great immensity who was trying to conquer the world at the time. nazi germany and samuri japan. they were working on the atom bomb then. so, we were forced to do the same.

    thank god, we discovered it before they did.

    check out these websites...



    and as to your remark that "it is all about oil". well, let me remind you, since we invented the atom bomb, and were the only ones to have it for 3 years, we could have conquered the world. ...conquering the world would have meant that we would have control over ALL the oil wells, right?

    but as history shows, we didn't go this route. why, you ask? simple, we didn't want to take anything that is not ours.

    there are so many instances of this policy in the last century, it is mind boggling to me that so many people don't realize this.

    kuwait, the philippines, okinawa, even japan, and germany. and let's not forget france. the list goes on.... all these places could have been part of america.

    on your argument that survivors of previous conflicts are just trying to get revenge... the survivors are there because we didn't kill them.

    what do you think the communist of the past would have done? or for that matter, the nazis, or the ww2 japanese?

    remember nanjing, the concentration camps, or how about tianmen square?

    maybe we SHOULD have killed them instead of letting them come back at us like this.

    maybe america is TOO weak like they say. this shock and awe stuff doesn't make sense sometimes.

    maybe america is too naive.

  18. have you studied the war tactics presented by sun tzu?


    what you are entailing is a perfect example of his philosophy.

    "use confusion as a weapon in war."

    granted, there is always a possibility that the media is controlled by the government to be used as propaganda. but in this case, I do not believe this is the case.

    remember, the media including the internet who is presenting this information is in the middle east. home of the terrorist.

    this is also why "we do know" where the terrorist are. the fact that the media in the middle east are telling us this.

    so, do you really want us to believe that we control the media in the middle east?

    let me remind you, the media in the middle east is part of the problem. they are spreading around hate to all the people over there. and as a result, they are coming at us.

    also, you really have to be dense to believe that the people in iraq who are killing americans and even iraqis are people from within.

    no, it is time to bring this conflict to them. they have declared war on us. now, it is time to reply in return.

    these attacks have been going on for decades. check this website out.


    last but not least, I'm getting tired of people putting the blame on bystanders. the blame should be placed on the people who are pulling the triggers. namely the terrorists.

    this "bush and blair should have known" BS is just that.

    I'm pretty convinced that there is no conspiracy occuring here.

    bring it on.

  19. you need to get off this conspiracy idea...

    You need to get rid of that naivety.

    if the usa is so bad, why did they invest all that money in japan and europe shortly after ww2 with the marshall plan?
    It may not be a case of USA taking over but a mixture of continents ruling the world in the future. I imagine Europe is quite a large part of the grand scheme as well.
    from reports in the news, it seems that iran is sheltering terrorists, it is only logical to confront iran with this issue, and tell them to give up the terrorists. if they don't, then, go in with force. otherwise, these scenarios will occur again and again, and again. it won't end.

    Ah, so its Iran to attack next time is it? Yeah, lets GET 'EM!!! After all we will be supplied with hard honest evidence from our governments that it's their fault, which will be handling beamed into everybodys homes via the unbiased news channels and other back by other forms of unbiased media.

    have you been watching the television these past 2 days?

    what do you suggest we do. sit on our butts and do nothing? maybe serve out some food? waiting for these terrorists to come at us one more time?

    we know that this is al qaeda doing this because they themselves declared on the internet, and in the media that they did. what more proof do you need to know who did this? these guys confessed to it.

    now, as I see it, if we have absolute proof that the al qaeda are in iran. then, LET'S GET THEM!!!!

    if iran doesn't like it, that's too bad. when they tell us that they won't give the terrorists to us, they are telling us to f##k off.

    this being the case, then, I say they are just as guilty as the terrorists.

    what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

    take it to them.

    if you are concerned about our justification in entering another country, consider this, THEY are entering our countries.

    if iran is sheltering the terrorists, and they got the bomb, we are in big danger. it is only a matter of time before they work together to use it on us.

    are we going to wait for them to explode a nuclear bomb in our homeland before we react?

    yes, it may be true that only a minority of the people are terrorists, and that there are a lot of innocent people. but does that mean we can do nothing? if the innocent people are too scared to do anything, then, we need to take actions in our own hands.

    and if innocents are in the way, it's unfortunate, but we need to take out the terrorists.

    otherwise, this murdering will continue.

    we know where these terrorists organizations reside. I think it is time to take them out. every single one of them.

    if the "innocent" people are not willing to stand up and stop their "fellow" man from murdering others, then, what other option do we have?

    as I see it, none.

    bring it on.

  20. It's too far fetched for Boon Mee to believe for sure. I think he actually believes the US government gave a sh.it about those people in 9/11.

    Like those 3000 odd people were of actual importance in the grand scheme of things to the American government and its future plans. Just a drop in the ocean to them, 'a sacrifice for the better good'.

    A little harsh there perhaps, bkkmadness.

    I have to disagree, I don't think it's harsh at all. These are governments that plan there future far ahead, they look at the great scheme of things, not how will tax be next year, but how will America/Europe/China stand in the next hundred or so years.

    If the death of 3000 citizens means they can get more power at a later date and keep and increase their superpower status then its hardly a decision for them. Its an enormous game of chess, pawns need to be sacrificed and that precisely how the American government would view 9/11. Lets be honest about it people, it gave them a great excuse to go into Afghanistan and Iraq, it worked out very well for them, the troops dying there everyday and the initial victims of the tragedy means nothing to them. :D

    Don't tell me the real powers that be in the American government didn't hear this news today and think to themselves "Well this will help us get some more backing for our war on terror, this will give us more excuses to perform illegal invasions and treatment of prisoners" :D

    Or do you think they all had a good cry and felt really bad that 33 people they didn't know died. :D:o

    They couldn't give a shit, we are all being led down the garden path with propaganda, cover ups and b.ullshit from the governments of the world, and its a shame that we have little power to do anything about it. Sad fact is that most people are sheep. :D

    if the usa wanted to conquer the world, they could have done this a long time ago. when the usa first invented the nuclear bomb, they were the only ones to have it for over 3 years.

    if hitler had the atom bomb, he would have conquered the world. but because the usa has the good guy mentality, they didn't go this route.

    they would rather have friends around them then slaves.

    you need to get off this conspiracy idea...

    if the usa is so bad, why did they invest all that money in japan and europe shortly after ww2 with the marshall plan?

    from reports in the news, it seems that iran is sheltering terrorists, it is only logical to confront iran with this issue, and tell them to give up the terrorists. if they don't, then, go in with force. otherwise, these scenarios will occur again and again, and again. it won't end.

    as I see it, the ones sheltering the terrorists are just as guilty as the terrorist.

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