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Posts posted by haha

  1. a few of my friends had their lasik done at the following place. check it out. same price for everybody.


    I had my lasik done back in 1997. I went to a place in san francisco to get them done. I paid $5000 dollars to get both of my eyes done back in 1997. best investment I ever made. before the operation, I was legally blind without my glasses. couldn't see the big E on the eye chart.


  2. the first thing I do to troubleshoot a problem is ask

    1) is this a new system?

    2) if not, has this problem always existed?

    3) if not, what did you do to change it?

    then, I would go to the telephone in question, pick it up, listen to the sounds coming from the receiver. if there is a lot of static, then, I know that your physical wiring has a problem. ...the shielding around the copper may be stripped at different places. the more static you get, the more stripped your copper wiring is.

    try to locate where the wiring problem is - in your room, or outside your room. trace back along your phone cable to see if the cable is exposed. if yes, replace with new copper, and hopefully, you are ok. otherwise, the problem gets more complex.

    on the other hand, if you don't hear any static when you pick up the phone, then, one thing I would do is take my laptop to a friends place, and try to dial into the internet through his phone line. if you experience a different scenario then the one at your place, then, you know it is not the isp.

    just to confirm this, you could have your friend dial into the internet using your isp on his computer to see if he experiences the same problems that you are having with the isp.

    if I find the isp is ok, I would then focus some more on the telephone system at my own apartment. pbx, etc.

    hope this helps...

  3. discussing all these network terms is a course in itself. I won't try to begin.

    there are so many variables to consider. with the limited info you provided, anybody would be hardpressed to resolve your problem.

    my first attempt would be to ask...

    1) have you always had this problem?

    2) if not, what changes have you made?

    just out of the blue, another angle I would ask is, do you have a mac, and a pc both on the same network? if so, then, you might want to check what protocol you are using. appletalk, ethertalk, netbeui, tcpip. protocols do make a difference on a network in regards to speed, and traffic.

    another obvious reason for why one pc works faster than another is because the physical hardware is different. maybe you have more memory on one computer.

    a switch is more advanced than a hub. imagine 1 road that is shared by 8 cars. ..then, imagine 8 cars, each on their own road. which is faster?

  4. health insurance is only good if the company honors your claims. I suggest people "test" their insurance now and then to see if they honor your claims.

    a simple test would be to buy some drugs, and submit a claim for them. then, see how fast they reimburse you.

    if the insurance company gives you a lot of headaches, dump them.

  5. It's been twenty+ years since I last tasted a Frito's Cornchip :o ..... Do they still make them? Anyone seen them in Thailand?

    I saw doritos cheese nachos chips at the villa market on sukhumvit soi 2. but they were expensive. they had some "lookalikes" that went for 49 baht, but didn't try them.

    yeah. frito cornchips. hehehe. I recall eating a bag of frito cornchips within like 10 minutes when I was back in the states last june. boy! are they good. I remember it was $2.50 for a big bag of them.

    I heard they have this new pizza parlor down sukhumvit soi 2 where the pizza is just as good as that made in new york. I heard this from a new yorker too. the cheese 12 inch went for about 190 baht.

    so, when is someone going to open up a taco bell? I'm still waiting.....

  6. I am late to this topic. but here's my 2 cents for what it's worth.

    I never had a maid, but I know of many people who did. I even helped some friends of mine find maids for their places.

    here's the scoop...

    for a full time maid, look at around 3k to 4k a month plus room and board. this is what many thais pay their staff.

    I know some thai friends of mine with university degrees who worked for several years before they got to 15k per month. and this is not for a maid job.

    I remember this one thai girl who had this beaming smile. a recent bangkok u graduate. she just got hired as a tour guide. her starting pay was 10k baht a month. considered good for a new graduate. ..you should have seen the smile on her face. I will never forget it. really pretty girl. I wonder what ever happened to her?....

    anyway, my suggestion for finding a maid is to go to where all the maids are, and talk to them. where do you go to find a maid? to the places where the big apartments are. the apartment complexes with 3+ bedrooms. many big apartments have build-in maid rooms.

    I recommend looking at places in sukhumvit soi 12 where there is more than 5 big apartment complexes.

    better yet, get a copy of that bangkok residences book that comes out every year which lists rental places in bangkok. they sell it at many book stores in bangkok. I get mine at the kinoyiya japanese book store at the emporium mall.

    if you are shy, maybe have someone make a flyer in thai language asking for maids, and post the flyers on the street poles near these big apartment complexes.

    finding a maid is as easy as talking to a maid. I recall going up to maids in this one complex and just asking them quote, "do you know of someone who is looking for a job as a maid?" fulltime, partime?

    I got several offers to work as partime maids for 1500 baht a month. they would come in for 2 hours a day for this price. all negotiable.

    the tendency of many foreigners is to pay more than they need to. why they do this? I don't know. I remember this one guy from the states who told me he needed to pay his newly hired maid 5k baht a month because he felt guilty to pay less.

    oh. one last thing. you don't need to have more than 1 maid unless you really want to. also, maids are people too. so treat them with respect.

    hope this info helps you.

  7. I do my internet banking wherever i am at that moment. I have no problems if somebody is looking over my shoulder making notes of whatever i type. All the keyloggers can't stop me.


    Because i use a bank that gives me a nice little machine that generates codes. I just type my number, use the calculator look-alike and punch in a few numbers. I get my code enter it and away i go.

    Typing in a few transactions and pressing the "go" button. And yep i have to us my little machine again.

    Now if i at this moment i walk away with an open session the only thing people are able to do is look how much or litle money i have. Every transaction needs a new code.

    My bank also uses very short sessions. Sometimes it is a nuisance but it is just an extra security measure.

    Any bank who is not working with this procedure is not safe!

    Just as safe as giving someone your credit card, like when you are in a restaurant. They can just write down your numbers and start ordering stuff on the internet.

    These things are not safe, so don't use them. If you use it you accept that they are not safe and you can have problems. Try profing it wasn't you who took the money and tried to steal from them.

    Always be aware. And find out for yourself if things are as safe as they tell you. The internet is a great source for that. Use it.

    I'm sold. so, what banks offer this service?

  8. I have a hard plastic fan in my a/c which seems to work better than a metal fan.

    also, my place charges 4 baht per unit versus 5 or 6 baht unit that a lot of other studio apartment complexes charge.

    if you are like many of us on budgets, and living in studio apartment units, select a studio that is in a lower part of the building away from the roof or the sides of the building. it makes a big difference in the amount of electricity you use for your a/c.

    I will never live on the top floor of a building here in bangkok. just to do that will increase your electricity bill at least 2x.

    and yes, do check from time to time to see if your meter is moving when you have everything turned off.

    I use about 200-300 units of electricity a month depending on time of the year.

  9. How can I use free spot of adsl?

    How can i get logon ID and password?

    I met a friend at starbucks yesterday. he was using his notebook. noticed several other people doing the same thing. so, I asked him how he connected to the wifi. get dtac account. they provide you the login ID and password. allows for 1 hour access at a time.

  10. before you get married with someone, while you are still single, go out with over 1000 girls. if you do this, the chances are, you will be ready for marriage with someone.

    after 1000 girls, you will start to look for things in the other person other than sex.

    some guys reach this state earlier, some later. you need to reach that saturation point before you are truly ready for the commitment.

    this applies to girls and guys.

    to the guy laughing in the back - no, you don't need to make love with every girl.

    I'm ready to make the commitment now. but I'm sort of old. after going out with over a thousand girls, maybe nobody will want me now.

    just an observation...

  11. I've "seen" and things in my life that I can't explain. whether they are ghosts, I don't know.

    sometimes, I think it was me from another time looking at myself during a happier, more carefree time of my life.

    if I had the ability to travel through time, I think I would like to travel back to my college days to just sit and watch myself then. the carefree times, no headaches, no problems, just being able to enjoy yourself.

    ahhh. the memories... cruising down I-5 in my bright red trans-am. with my girlfriend at the time smiling at me with this great big smile. good memories..

    life is great now. but there is something about first time experiences, first loves...

    life is short. get those happy memories before it's too late....

    ghosts from the past.

    ..sounds like a dickens novel.

  12. Here's another one and its personal!

    I joined the local gym three months ago but because I have not been well recently with back and hip problems I have not been able to go once since I joined.

    Now if I were them I would not compalin at this, they have had my money and  I have not been. I have not asked for it back, its just bad luck.

    My Wife joined at the same time and she has been able to go, but last week as she was leaving they enquired as to why I ad not been yet?

    My Wife explained the situation but the Manager said that it was their policy (and they have only been open 4 months- so its probably the first policy decision they have made) to CANCEL the memberships of anybody  that does not attend during a three month period with, of course, NO REFUND :o


    can't figure it - anyone else care for a stab at a guess?

    So I am going for a Sauna tomorrow just to piss em off :D

    if you paid your membership fees up front, then, there should be no reason why they should care whether or not you attend on a regular basis.

    maybe they are trying to tell you something "indirectly".

    like maybe they think your girlfriend is a "bg", and they don't want bg in their place. maybe one of the other gym members in the gym thinks your girlfriend is a bg and complained about it - threatens to quit the gym if she is not gone.

    discrimination exists everywhere.

    by the way, what is the name of the gym?

  13. back when I was in college, I met this guy. can't remember his name. but he lived in the same quad that I stayed in. one night he came up to me screaming out loud that he discovered something that will change the course of history. he said he found a way to decrease the loss of electricity as it traveled from point a to point b.

    showed me charts, and all kinds of graphs which I didn't really understand. something about resistance. reducing it to close to zero by using some kind of white porcelain looking stuff that he made. ..I still remember him putting a piece of the stuff in my hand to look at.

    now I am not a scientist, but he was so excited. within a week of his outburst, he told me he was hired by some company named rohm - I think that was the company. ..long time ago.

    never heard from him again.

    I too believe that many oil lobbyist have prevented more efficient means of energy to be introduced into the world because of their greed.

    hopefully, that will now change. hopefully, our president will be strong enough to help this change come about.

    with globalization occurring at a faster rate, oil will for sure increase in demand.

    for the longest time, the usa with about 300 million people consumed most of the oil out there. now, we have china, and india both with over a billion people each progressing to the same level of oil consumption as the usa. imagine when other countries start to progress too.

    it's time to wake up and make the gradual switch.

  14. I have nothing against casinos. I think if you prepare properly for one, then, go for it.

    ..would you jump out of a plane without a parachute? or, walk across the street before looking both ways? of course not.

    PM thaksin has the right thinking. the people need to think the whole process out before diving in.

    people need to be trained to deal with addicted gamblers, and there will be those who become addicted. what are you going to do with them? just shoot them if they appear?

    I was in las vegas last july. I never been there before. I out of random picked a hotel in the center town. not knowing the territory, I didn't think it would matter where I stayed. the next day, one of my friends who lives in vegas told me to get out of that area as soon as possible. ..he called it the war zone. packed with drug addicts, and addicted gamblers. supposely, people get killed there frequently.

    I didn't believe him so I stayed.

    during the next 2 weeks, I saw some strange events. in the mornings, I would see dozens of people walking around in a daze like zombies. not more than 50 feet from my hotel room, there were junkies selling drugs as if they were at the supermarket. they had these beady looking eyes that burged out at you when they looked your way.

    there were even times when strangers would knock on my door in the middle of the night. when I would call out who it was, they would not say anything. did I ever open the door?

    no way, jose!

    I left that hotel shortly after all these strangers started knocking at my door.

    yes, there are positives to opening casinos. but I believe you need to prepare yourself properly to deal with all the negatives before going forward.

    don't you agree?

    las vegas seems to be doing well with all the casinos in town, but they still have a major problem with drugs. ...and las vegas has had casinos for over 50 years!!!

    frankly, I don't think they can control the problem. actually, I don't think they care enough to fix this drug problem. they are too busy counting their money.

    ..most probably all these people became drug addicts because they couldn't deal with life after they lost all their money.

    these kind of problems need to be thought out before going forward so that they won't be a problem later.


  15. I don't really gamble, so, I don't know.

    some observations....

    in the states, in all my years, I've only seen 1 addicted gambler, and he was one of my cousins from china.

    addicted gamblers are scary people. I believe they will kill you to get money for their gambling habits.

    in the beginning, my cousin worked in my family business. in the beginning, he would get his monthly paycheck every month like everybody else. then, when he became addicted to gambling, he would force us to pay him in advance. it got to the point where he wanted his paycheck 4 months in advance. we realized that he was sick. but didn't know what to do. he threaten my family with physical harm because of his addiction. we had to finally let him go because of his violent behavior due to his gambling addiction.

    during my stay here in thailand, I have seen several addicted gamblers. here and there, I hear of someone losing from 10k to 20k baht during a single gambling binge. when I ask them what the attraction was, they reply quote, they don't know. from what I know, except for the lottery, gambling is illegal here in thailand. so, that makes me wonder about their mindset even more.

    before thailand seriously thinks of getting into gambling, I think they should ask themselves, "are we ready to deal with the addicted gamblers that will emerge from this industry?" do they have the medical faciities to accommodate the sick ones?

    if they can answer yes, then go for it. even though I'm not a gambler, I enjoy the atmosphere now and then.

  16. I too had to make some 1-800 phone calls to restart a credit card. to do this, I set up a net2phone account. after setup, it cost me about 4 cents a minute for a regular phone call. 1-800 numbers were also charged at 4 cents a minute.

    there was a echo when I spoke to someone but at least you could communicate with the people on the other side.

    a net2phone requires an initial 25 us dollars to startup. and you need to make at least one call per 120 days or your balance disappears.

    there may be other pc-to-phone services out there that provide 800 numbers for free. so, you may want to check using a google search.

  17. since everybody is trying to save money, why do they use a metal fan component?

    I always thought a plastic fan component would use less electricity. right?

    In the process of buying a new air conditioning, what would be the reason a plastic fan using less energy?

    I thought if the fan was more heavy it would act more like a 'fly-wheel' (sp). And the speed would be more even. Using the same or even less energy. The ball-bearing part would be the most important i think. I want that to be of metal as it has a longer live span.

    I'm not an expert on the subject. but I think it has to do with weight. the more weight you have to move, the more energy you exert.

    maybe someone here in thailand can do a study comparing the use of metal vs. plastic fans to confirm the energy savings. it shouldn't cost much money. but if it saved even 5%, that would be a substantial savings in electricity if you look at the whole country doing it.

    same with toilets.. in america, they talk of saving water by alternating the use of toilets. putting a brick in the toilet will save water per flush. sounds silly, but evidently, if you are having a drought, you need to think of ways to save water. everybody can contribute to the cause.

    just brainstorming for the common cause.

  18. my avatar reminds me of where I came from, and where I am now. it reminds me of the kid that I once was, and that still exists in me. remembering how your mind worked when you were a kid helps you to be patient with people around you when you are older.

    comic books, frogs, tree houses, bb guns, beef jerky, etc.

    ...sometimes, I wonder how I survived for so long?????

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