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Posts posted by haha

  1. Bad? Look at your lifestyle and think about what energy is required to sustain it. Do you live in an aparment, what floor do you live on? It requires energey for the lift to get you there. Most apartments would be uninhabitable without a fan (energy) air-con (energy). How does the water get up tp an apartment? not capillary action, it has to be pumped (energy). 17% of all energy produced goes into food production, transport, harvesting, pesticides (nearly all pesticides are petroleum based). The list just goes on and on....

    "the danger of exchanging life's necessities for tokens, then becoming bedazzled by the tokens themselves."

    cited @ http://www.unknownnews.net/040712a-fm.html

    what constructive advice do you have to offer?

  2. I don't want to sound alarmist but this planet is about to reach the top, in 5 - 10 years, of the bell shape curve in relation to supply and production of fossil fuels.

    Demand is constantly increasing, this speeds the depletion of our remaining reserves even faster.

    Folks, this is a time for intelligent thought and discussion on changes that will be affecting all of our lives. Better yet, thought about how to use what we have left in a constructive manner. This, instead of consumerism for the sake of consumerism and the myriad of other mindless ways we spunk our natural resources for a short term fix.




    two good pages looking at the current global energy situation.

    the book mentions that we would need about 220,000 kilometers of solar panels to be able to provide enough energy for the whole world as it was in the 1950's.

    to put everything in prospective....

    the size of thailand is about 514,000 kilometers. the state of california is about 250,000 kilometers. the land on this planet consist of about 149,000,000 kilometers, and is about 29% of the surface of the planet earth.

    seems like a lot of solar panels to make. but if need be, don't you think the human race could accomplish it?

    I'm assuming you are basing your calculations on the current technology of solar panels. so, if we look at the new thin solar panels, maybe we wouldn't need 220,000 kilometers. maybe less, right?

    at one time, china with a population of over 1 billion didn't use hardly any oil, and they survived. as did india.

    the situation is not that bad, is it?

  3. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg18424786.000


    the website above talks about a new paper thin solar panel that is flexible and lightweight.

    it just came to me that such a product could be adapted in such a way that it could be installed on the outer structures of buildings.

    imagine the amount of power that could be generated by doing this.

    then, imagine having this stuff put on the walls of all buildings in bangkok.

    what do you think? good idea?

    maybe some students at one of the universities here could look into it for a project.

    just brainstorming....

  4. <snip>

    As for this nonsense it was never said that over 1800cc cars were to be banned. They were talking about stopping future imports of gas guzzlers but even that idea was dropped yesterday.

    The three things that are left on the list for discussion are garages closing at 10pm till 5am excepting those on major routes.

    Billboard lights to be turned off at 9pm.

    Major shopping centres have to be provided with meter taxi parking and the police will have to arrange this.

    So as usual it was a load of &lt;deleted&gt; and please try to get yourselves up to date guys as this sort of posting causes unnecessary worry and grief.

    after doing some research, I realized that solar power may not be applicable for every situation, but for billboards, and airports... check out these following websites.



    I don't know how much this will help out the situation in regards to this energy crisis, but I would think it would be worth a feasibility study.

  5. hmmm..

    I'm not an expert on power sharing. all I basically require in my life is enough money to navigate for food and a roof over my head.

    what do you think they had in mind in the way of power sharing?

    do you think they are willing to live side by side with other people of other beliefs?

    do you think if the thai government built some new factories down there so that the people there could earn a living and have sufficient financial means to not worry about food, to enjoy life, they would be happy?

    it would be nice if they would open up and talk about what's bothering them. instead of killing people.

    the only way these problems can be resolved is if all parties concern understand that we ALL have the right to live here on this planet.

  6. you got me stumped. but then, I don't think the soft approach would work either.

    as I see it, these terrorists cannot be reasoned with. the fact that they are killing people means they are not willing to listen to any compromises.

    so, what to do?

    for a start, maybe do some backgrounds checks of users on the internet. I have this feeling that a lot of these terrorist types are on the internet trying to influence people to their way of thinking.

    in the past whenever the hardline approach or as you call it, the roman approach, was used, the problems that existed usually were resolved instantaneously. wouldn't you agree?

    check out this website. did you know those terrorists have been doing their terrorizing since the early part of the last century? and that this trend is increasing in intensity over the years?


  7. An interesting topic with lots of posters going off in tangents.

    I will add my two cents worth.

    The hardline approach never works and in fact tends to escalate problems over the long run.

    The Thaksin approach to the south has had the effect of stirring up the hornets nest.

    Who knows where it will all end but dialogue, trust and credibility need to be restored if a satisfactory long term solution is to be reached.

    Arbitary killings, and politically sanctioned executions is not the way forward. Moderate muslims are being pushed into the hands of the radical elements because Thaksins policies have ostensibly left them isolated from the mainly dominated Buddhist majority.

    The scary things is that many 'educated' Thais actually agree with the hardline approach.

    Where will it all end?

    I think it is difficult to say but it seems if current policies are not altered  Thailand is destined for a long period of instability in the south.

    so, in other words, it's ok for the insurgents to take the "hardline" approach, and not ok for the thai's to respond with the same? right?

    remember, it all started with the insurgents or terrorists. however way you want to look at it.

    thaksin wouldn't be down there with troops if the terrorists didn't kill all those innocent people. chopping off their heads like they did.

    as for moderate muslims being pushed into the hands of the radical elements, I think what's happening is the moderate muslims are being intimidated to the point where they fear for their lives. bullied to the point where they will accept anything that the radicals elements say.

    is a soft approach the best approach in this sort of scenario?

    if a mad man is running around killing people for no reason, are you going to stand in front of him pleading for him to not continue with his killing?

    you tell me.

  8. the manner of your existence is predicated by your sense of awareness.

    most people are aware of their 5 physical senses, but there are other senses within the mind that most are not aware of.

    I'm aware of the existence of different levels of awareness, and believe that there are other people more aware than I.

    I believe the level I am at now was due to my education. but I also believe it is fundamentally still a low level form of awareness.

    because of the different levels of awareness that I see expressed around me, I know there must be a way to increase ones level of awareness.

    but because it is a sense with no physical attribute, no one really knows how to train to enhance it.

    some people accidentally find out. but I think they don't let others know aware of the danger that they could put themselves in by acknowleging this.

    have you ever wondered why some people stand in your way when you exit a bus or a train? or why some people are willing to commit suicide for their religion? or why some people work until they die?

    I believe most do it because they are not aware of what they are doing.

    are you aware that I'm making light of this string?

    existence. the pathway to expression.

  9. the value of all material things is based on belief. deflation,and inflation is based on peoples belief.

    so, if there is a problem with the way people are looking at things, what should they do?

    my suggestion is to get to the root of the problem. ..which is in this case, the large debt that has accummulated over the years in america. these large numbers are influencing many people in a very negative way.

    during wwI, germany experienced hyper inflation, people had to pay for things with large volumes of money. the same thing happened in bolivia, and mexico.

    so, what to do? simple, change the paper. and after a few generations, everything is ok again. get it?

    since the united states was first formed in 1776, most countries have implemented changes in their currency either through regime change, or through an agreed implementation by the existing regime.

    since 1776, the united states has yet to do this, so, frankly, it's their turn.

    imagine - instead of a debt of 5 trillion, it would only be 5 million. piece of cake to deal with. and would be acceptable to the population.

    some would argue that this would shatter peoples confidence in the usa.

    hey. germany changed their currency a couple of times in the last century, and look at them now. the same applies to japan.

    granted, germany and japan are currently having some problems, but compared to their status after wwII, there is a world of difference.

    like I said, it's all about BELIEF. FAITH.

    others would argue that the finite supplies of materials will cause inflationery ripples that cannot be avoided. my take on this is - look for alternatives. ok, so alcohol is not as good as oil. big deal. it is plentiful, we can make do. adapt.

    the value of materials are all in the mind. so, let's treat it so.

    frankly, one of the next steps in the evolution of civilization would be the elimination of currency as is illustrated in the science ficition tv series - star trek. but I don't think we are there yet.

    imagine not worrying about money, not worrying about food, enjoying life.

    someday this will happen if the human race is able to survive long enough.

    but it is not time yet.

    we can only dream about it for now.

    civilization started as a little village. now, we are at the threshold of globalization. anyone who has analyzed the trend, can see it happening.

    yeah. I know. you are saying quote, "this guy has been watching too much star trek."

  10. ok, here's the deal. I went to the party. ate a couple of hotdogs, and a hamburger. drank a beer, and a few soft drinks.

    I have this lottery ticket in my hand. it says I can find out if I won anything by checking on www.idaybkk.com.

    so, when will the results be posted? and more importantly, do I need a password to access the data?

    sorry, I tried "budweiser" and it didn't work.

  11. I think homophobia is a result of what I call - fear of the unknown.

    having lived in san francisco for about 20 years, I recall when I first moved there. frankly, I was sort of suspicious of black people, and gays because I never had any contacts with them before.

    over the years though, I found that they were just people like me who had feelings and desires.

    the key issue is respect. if you respect one another, then, all is ok. when I was in san francisco, occasionally, I would have gays proposition me, and I would just tell them in a nice way that I was straight, and that would be the end of it.

    I have this good friend who is bi-sexual, and his girlfriend is bi-sexual. can you imagine their love life? hehehe.

  12. some people like big cities, some people like small cities.

    ..personally, I like the variety of places to go to.

    when you think about it, did you know you have access to over 15 shopping malls in bangkok all within a radius of a few miles? in another year, this number will increase to over 20 places.

    there are over 10 starbucks in town. at least 6 bowling alleys. 7/11 on every block. 8+ movie theaters. the list goes on....

    there are so many places to hang out at. if you get tired of one place, there's always another one to go to.

    variety is the spice of life.

    of course, then, there's the women. but to tell you the truth, after you live here a while, it's no big deal.

    unlike in the west where guys are clamoring to get the attention of girls, here, you learn to mellow out, and be at peace with yourself.

    sipping on a cup of java at a coffee shop while reading the local newspaper with nobody complaining around you. now, that is bliss.

  13. the pratunam district in bangkok has many thai dentists that are not too expensive. look for the places with a tooth with thai writing. I think there are around 6 places around that area that cater mostly to thai folks.

    I go to the one near indra regent hotel. I don't know their name because I can't read the writing. hehehe. sorry.

    same side of the street as the hotel along ratchaprarop road between petchaburi road and indra regent. the lady dentist's mom hangs out in front of the door all the time. the first time I saw her, I thought she was a street person. so, be respectful. otherwise, you might find a tooth missing.

    the lady speaks english. she charged me 400 baht for a cleaning. the one across the street charges 500 baht for a cleaning. with kids, you might be able to get a discount. ask.

    I heard of cheaper places. but I don't know where. if you hear of any, let us know.

    there are at least 2 places in pratunam that charge 900 baht for a cleaning. so ask for the price before diving in.

  14. I started a thread on the subject last month. you can do a search on my handle to locate it.

    personally, I would do a google search for "solar energy forums" to ask people who have solar systems installed for their feedback.

    instead of a few responses, why not get a crowd of people who have them installed to provide you with information. right?









  15. something that most people forgot to mention...

    the number of people that were killed by the communist during the last century was to say the least unbelievable.

    do you remember the killing fields where the communist killed over 2 million people so that they could start from scratch?

    in the past, the communist believed that the only way to reach their goal was to kill all who opposed their belief.  and mind you, they did this with no remorse.

    check out the following website.  and note that the usa is not on it.


    This site is full of cr*p. No well-known sources, no reliable data - shortly B*S*. please don't refer to it.

    2Tornado - I agree with every word. Keep on.

    9/11 - who did it, really ? You don't think bunch of dumb guys could pilot two Boeings so smoothly almost at the same time ?

    you sound like terrorists to me.

  16. something that most people forgot to mention...

    the number of people that were killed by the communist during the last century was to say the least unbelievable.

    and you wonder why the usa, and other western countries intervened?

    do you remember the killing fields where the communist killed over 2 million people so that they could start from scratch?

    in the past, the communist believed that the only way to reach their goal was to kill all who opposed their belief. and mind you, they did this with no remorse.

    check out the following website. and note that the usa is not on it.


  17. in every instance where I had to go to the us embassy in the past 12 years, I have been treated with respect and received timely responses to my inquiries.

    mind you, I never had to approach them in a stressful scenario. so, I don't know how they would react to me in that instance.

    last year, there was an open invitation to this gathering of american citizens for the presidential election. I went and only had to present my passport to get admission. the way I was treated there was exceptional.

    not only were we all treated to an all-you-can-eat buffet style luncheon during the television proceedings, any and all questions were answered by embassy staff.

    I was quite impressed by their professionalism.

  18. Can I employ a day time maid to do my laundry, cleaning and washing in Greater Bangkok and where and how to find one?

    What is the salary going to be? Are there maid agencies online?

    what you pay is up to you. it's your money.

    some food for thought....

    according to recent bangkok post (thai newspaper), doctors working in public hospitals get paid 8k baht a month.

    most thai teachers get paid around 5k to 7k a month. of course, there are exceptions to this rule. I know one thai person who has a Phd who gets paid about 50k baht a month at this one university.

    in an issue of the bangkok post last year, only 20% of the people in thailand have a high school education or above. the average salary of those in the 80% is from 3k to 6k a month. and this is for working 6 days a week. in some places, I have heard thais telling me they work about 12 hours a day.

    according to the bangkok post, the average daily salary of a thai person working in bangkok is 189 baht.

    the bangkok post talks about these things often. whether they are true or not, I don't know. but then, it's one of the most read newspapers here. there must be some truth to the information, right?

    on a personal note, I had a friend who built a 3 story house in pattaya. he told me his thai wife hired a crew of construction guys to build the house for them. the agreed salary was 172 baht per person per day. and this is for hard labor.

    I heard that the people who work at the fast food places in bangkok get paid about 23-26 baht an hour. some guy who owns one of the subway restaurants here in bangkok posted on TV that he pays his workers 25 baht an hour.

    I know this one rich thai guy who employs 2 live-in maids and a chauffeur. he pays the 2 maids each 3k baht a month plus room and board. he pays his chauffeur 7k baht a month. if I recall right, he mentioned that he gives them a yearly bonus. but I don't recall how much.

    I had this one friend who had a 3 bedroom apartment on sukhumvit. he didn't know what to pay a day-time maid. so he just told her he would pay her 200 baht each time she came to do the laundry, and clean up the premises. they agreed for her to come every 3 days. she came in each time for about 2 to 3 hours max.

    personally, a few years ago, I went around looking for a day-time maid, and was quoted by several maids that they would be a part-time maid for 1500 baht a month.

    hey! if this information is somewhat illuminating. get this. in the philippines, many people work for a dollar a day. which is about 40 baht in thai currency.

    I agree with another poster, online maid agencies will charge you at a premium. do what he says, find someone who has a maid to help you out.

    as a foreigner, you are at a disadvantage because you don't know the system. my guess is you will have to pay what the chinese call a "learner's fee" in the beginning before you can reap the going rate.

    live and learn.

  19. if you can live on about 20k baht a month, check out this website for individual bonds.


    100k usa dollars at 6% will get you 6k dollars a year in interest.

    Yes ... but ...

    over time bonds only can be a problem because of inflation.

    6 K every year, but ten years down the line 6 K is not worth as much.

    Which means a good portion of the assets would need to be in investments that have a prospect of growing at a faster rate to have a chance to even stay even in real return.

    That won't be easy with that amount of money if those are the only assets.

    true. inflation is a concern. ..but only for those who have many years to go.

    ..get the picture?

    in my opinion, more important is trying to figure out when to retire rather than worrying about the effects of inflation.

    you know, you only have so many years on this planet. for most folks, at best maybe 70 years. for some, far less.

    if you are over 50 years old with 100k dollars, and social security coming when age 62, are you going to worry about inflation, or trying to accummulate some happy memories?

    does working another year or two so that you can get maybe 50 dollars more per month in interest really make sense for an older person?

    get this, when you reach age 60 your libido may not work anymore. for sure, you will not be as strong as when you were young. at best, if you do anything physically tiring, it will take you 2 or 3 days to recouperate.

    hey. check the following website out. very interesting reading... I think the author had the right idea with the original report. the altered information is misleading (for good reason if you can read between the lines.)


    yes, with these facts staring you in the face, do you think inflation is really a concern?

    happy memories...

  20. Hi,

    This topic has probably been done to death, I quick search didn't turn up much in the one place, so I would like to enquire:

    What are the approx costs for someone living in Thailand? Probably Bangkok for starters.

    My estimates.

    Rent      6,000 - 10,000 

    Food      5,000

    Bus etc  5,000

    Etc        10,000

    Total      27,000 - 31,000 per month

    Would this be a reasonable figure to expect?

    The reason I ask is that I am studying a course (via distance education) and figured I may as well live somewhere cheap and therefore possibly not have to work and can concentrate on my course for a while. I will need a good internet connection, so I assume up country wouldn't be too good.


    if you don't drink alcohol much, take drugs, gamble, or smoke, you can do it on less.

    but you will have to be disciplined.

    getting a girlfriend could cost you an arm and a leg. so you would have to be careful there. ..find someone who will go dutch with you. otherwise, don't bother.

    with a 30k baht a month budget, you will be able to see all the latest movies, afford to workout at a gym, hangout at starbucks, and do a little shopping now and then.

    luxuries will be limited.

    good luck in your studies.

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