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Posts posted by haha

  1. about a year ago, I wanted to get an electric oven to make my own pizza. I went all over bangkok looking for one. ..found many small personal ones, and even some places selling the professional stuff.

    many of the major department stores have small electric ovens available that can cook pizzas. they range in price from about 1300 baht to one I saw that was about 6000 baht.

    if you want to buy small appliances, the place with the biggest selection in my experience is the power buy at the emporium near sukhumvit soi 24.

    I bought a small electric oven from there for about 1700 baht. the brand name is otto.

    works great for making 12 inch pizzas.

    cheese is expensive here in bangkok. the cheapest mozza that I found was at foodland.

    oh. if you want to buy the professional stuff, I saw some stores selling them in the area around prakanong - sukhumvit soi 71. if you take a bus 115 from silom going towards ramkamheung, you will see the ovens being displayed off the street just before you cross sukhumvit.

  2. when you don't have money, 27 dollars is a lot.

    for a majority of the people in this world, 27 dollars would be enough money to feed themselves for at least a month.

    if you have the money to spare, and want to spend it, that is your choice.

    frankly, I would encourage you to spend it. ..you won't be able to take it with you to the grave. so, it's only logical.

    ...but you shouldn't look down on other people who are not as fortunate as you are.

    when you don't have the money to spend, you are not being a cheapskate. ..you are being practical.

    as for the 5 baht fare in pattaya, I was just there a few days ago, and noticed that most of the baht buses have a new sign in them listing the 5 baht fares. of course, if you want to pay 10 baht, you are most welcome to. it's your money. :o

  3. is it true that to receive a thai marriage certificate from the amphur, you need to be registered to vote in thailand?

    my friend (anonymous) from the usa has been married to a thai lady for about 1 year now. they went through the thai ceremony back in issan, but never bothered to register the marriage in thailand, or usa.

    ..then, having heard that he could stay here in thailand on a 1 year marriage visa instead of the tourist visas he has been on, he wants to get registered.

    400k baht in bank + thai marriage certificate = 1 year marriage visa

    so, he has asked his wife to get the thai marriage certificate.

    ..this morning, he anxiously calls me saying that his wife just told him that because she didn't vote in the recent elections (yesterday), she cannot get a thai marriage certificate.

    can anyone confirm this info?

  4. my thai friend has 2 maids and 1 driver. he pays the live-in maids each 3000 baht a month plus room and board. and he pays his driver 7000 baht a month.

    personally, I lived at a place on sukhumvit soi 12 where there are a lot of maids running around. I asked them how much for a part time maid, many offered to come over for a couple of hours a day for 1500 baht a month.

    I've met many farangs in the same area who paid their maids 5000 baht a month, but that's only because they are generous.

    according to a local newspaper here in bangkok, (www.bangkokpost.com), the average daily salary in bangkok is about 180 baht. this includes construction workers, people who work in fast food places, bank tellers, teachers, etc.

    from thai friends that I have spoken to, 15k baht a month is the salary one gets after working for a while on a good job.

    public officials like the mayor get paid about 40k baht a month.

    if you are willing to pay 15k a month for a maid, I think you will find a line around the block with people willing to work for you. hehehe. don't take my word for it, just post an ad in the newspaper, and see what happens. hehehe.

  5. Forget bluegills and crappies, go native !

    There's more than 700 freshwater fish species in Thailand (probably a lot more), so you won't be spoilt for choice. Some of the catfish get pretty big, are good to eat (not so 'muddy') and very hardy (try pangasius, or the the bottom dwelling eel-tailed catfish pla dook).

    If you want something low-maintenance, tilapia are ubiquitous (though not native), breed rampantly, omnivorous and almost indistructable.  You main problem will be thinning the little bastards out.  If you want carnivores, try some sort of snakehead.

    I'm game. fresh water fish? where? any near bangkok?

    point me the way, and I'll give it a shot. I prefer pond fishing. are there any near bangkok? a reservoir would do if it is stocked with fish.

    hey! I like that crappie website. thanks udon.

  6. race does account for differences among people sorry to inform you; it is only the additional connotations that you have added that become 'racist' .... no one mentioned superior or inferior, however, race /ethnic background do make a person who she/he is and then environment add on.... genetic diseases are race/ethnic  identified (tay sachs, sickle cell, etc etc etc)

    no one is being racist when they talk about social/ethnic/religious norms... they become racists when those same norms are used as fuel to say: we are better, superior, more intelligent, more normal, less primitive bla bla bla.....

    no one here is judging any one (at least not me as your token israeli/american /ashkenazi /kibbutznik/non religious jew).... but at least by the labels i give myself, you may get a clue as to my background, norms etc... although i am also , i hope , a unique individual....who also happens to be the 'mia noi' of a thai foreign worker, and i try to see the world thru my eyes, and thai eyes....

    so dont lecture me  or any one else about race, the original question here raised interesting points and all this is now entirely off subject

    'nuff said


    sorry if you think I'm lecturing you. just trying to make you aware of what you are doing.

    supposing someone posted a message on the board saying, "why are all americans axxholes". and then proceeded to say that that seems to be the social norm. and of course, another person says, let's continue this line of discussion because the original poster did post a legitimate topic.

    ...and then, you get all these other people jumping in saying, "yeah. I want to know too. ..why are all americans axxholes."

    for the people who are not americans, the posting may seem legitimate. but for sure, there will be people (americans) out there who are pissed that this question was even discussed.

    ..and you are wondering why few thais are replying to the posting?

    this reply is not intended to be a flame, or a lecture.

  7. you can do a search on google to get info on bluegills.

    the following is one url with some info.


    when I was a kid growing up in oregon, I went fishing often at this pond near my home. it was stocked with bluegills, and crappies.

    boy! not only was it fun, but the fish that you caught were good eating.

    I like thailand a lot, but someday I may go back to the ole pond. very peaceful lifestyle.

    if only they had bluegills here........

    I see people fishing at the canals near makkasan, but they seem to be catching these small fish that don't have much meat on them.

    bangkok is such a big city. yet as far as I can see, except for the deep sea fishing, they don't have many places to go for recreational fishing.

    I think it would be such a positive addition to the city if recreational fishing was available in the city.

    just my humble opinion.

  8. my 2 cents...

    when you make generalizations about people, you are expressing discrimination.

    discrimination is a problem in this world.  in the extreme, it is termed "racist".

    most people who display "racist" attitudes are not aware that they are being "racist".  many when told they are racist will say that there is nothing wrong with being racist.

    awareness is the solution.  reaching the "next level".

    the journey starts with being curious, and asking questions.  understanding the evil inherent in discriminations to the extreme.  and yes.

    ..it is evil.

    Racist is a word you clearly do not understand. :o

    "The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others." ..definition from www.dictionary.com

    when someone who is NOT thai passes judgment on ALL thais without REALLY knowing any thais, what do you call that?

    when someone announces that thai people don't like taking care of other people's children, what are they trying to say?

    ...like I said. people who are racist don't know they are racist. ..even when told they are exhibiting such behavior.

    people should be judged on an individual basis.

    yes, some people whether they be thai, chinese, japanese, american, etc. don't like to take care of other people's children.

    nuff said.

  9. my 2 cents...

    when you make generalizations about people, you are expressing discrimination.

    discrimination is a problem in this world. in the extreme, it is termed "racist".

    most people who display "racist" attitudes are not aware that they are being "racist". many when told they are racist will say that there is nothing wrong with being racist.

    awareness is the solution. reaching the "next level".

    the journey starts with being curious, and asking questions. understanding the evil inherent in discriminations to the extreme. and yes.

    ..it is evil.

  10. I have some thai friends who I want to help out. since I don't have a lot of money, I thought that maybe I could afford to get them into the fruit cart business.

    the fruit carts are those thai guys who go up and down the streets with their mobile fruit stands offering sliced pineapple, watermelon, etc...

    I spoke to one fruit cart guy, and he told me he grosses from 500 to 2k baht a day with his small business. he told me that his best day was about 4k baht.

    I'm thinking that I would only need to help them out by buying the cart for them. and I'm thinking that the cart would cost about 10k baht to purchase.

    can anybody tell me where I can buy a fruit cart for my friends? also, any other details pertaining to the fruit cart business would be most welcome. for example, would they need to get some kind of permit from the city to operate? thanks...

  11. The way the OP worded his post. he was trying to find out how to get from the penang airport to Georgetown. I was considering using the haha bus plan but it's a bit on the expensive side

    if you do the nickel and dime route, you are only paying 1500 baht total for 4 days - 3 nights in a hotel plus transportation, and food. that's about 400 baht a day.

    the tourist visas will cost you the same price no matter where you go.

    I once heard of a guy telling me he hitchhiked all the way down. but he had to provide the "entertainment" all the way down. if you are interested in trying this route, post an ad in the www.bahtsold.com website, and you might get a bite.

  12. my parents migrated from china to the usa in 1938. I was born in the usa.

    ..in america, my home, most people don't look at me as an american. I'm chinese american.

    in china, I am not chinese. I'm overseas chinese.

    in thailand, people can't believe I'm american. they say quote, "I look like chinese, so, I must be chinese."

    I had this thai policeman interrogate me one time on the street. when I told him I was american, he asked me for my passport, when I showed it to him. he still couldn't believe I was american. didn't know what to say, so, I kept my mouth shut.

    in the early years, I remember thais not knowing what to call me. farang, or khon jing.

    last week, I heard these people behind me discussing what I was. finally, the bus conductor said out loud in thai, quote, "he's chinese."

    what can I say? nothing.

    the way I look at it. life is short, not enough time to dread on it.

    I know, I know.... you are asking. "so, what are you?" ...my answer is "alien".

    happy memories....

  13. I've done the bangkok to penang visa run many times.

    you can do it by train or by bus.

    the trip takes about 18 hours by bus, about 21 hours by train.

    by bus....

    go to the southern bus terminal and buy ticket to hatyai. buses run every 30 minutes. I board a bus leaving sometime around 6pm at night so that I can arrive in hatyai before 7am the next day. ..be sure to check the schedules for your bus. this leg of the trip takes about 13 hours.

    I usually take the VIP 24 seat bus because it allows you to recline and sleep. very comfortable. has seat vibrator. cost is about 850 baht one way. they have cheaper buses. the VIP 32 seat bus - about 650 baht. and the regular 38 seat bus which is about 450 baht. take your pick.

    the VIP 24 seat has the seats arranged 3 to a row. one seat on one side, 2 on the other. try to get the 1 seat side. or a seat in the front. the back 2 seats side are uncomfortable. when the guys in front of you recline, their seats crush into your legs.

    adjacent to the hatyai bus terminal, there are several minibus agencies that can take you directly from hatyai to penang. some of the more expensive minibus agencies have buses leaving at 7am. but I usually wait for the one called "jimitra travel" to open up to take their bus. they have an early bus leaving at 9am. jimitra charges only 200 baht for their bus. the other guys charge 350 baht. this leg of the trip takes about 5 hours. the bus guy will ask you where you want to get dropped off when you get to penang. I usually tell him chulia street where there are many inexpensive places to stay at.

    you will spend some time at the border to go through immigration. be sure to have a pen readily available to fill out the form. better yet, get the form before you arrive at the border so that you will have it filled out before you get there.

    you will get to penang sometime around 2pm. once there, you can look around for lodging. they have many places going for from 10 ringgit to 40 ringgit. I recommend oriental house, travelers, a and e budget. travelers has dorm rooms for about 9 ringgit. a and e from 12 to 38 ringgit. oriental house is next to travelers. it is about the same price.

    the exchange rate is about 91 ringgit to 1000 baht.

    ..across the street from a and e are 2 currency exchange places. they provide visa services for 20 ringgit. ..express one day service for 60 ringgit. the guy there will do all the foot work for you. so you can spend all day being tourist.

    the visa routine usually takes 4 days because you spend one day getting there, one day to process the visa, and one day to get the visa back, then, the journey back.

    I haven't tried the 60 ringgit one day service yet, but I think you can save at least half a day using this service. the visa service guy told me that with the one day service, you will get your passport back the same day at around 4pm.

    the thai consulate in penang accepts visa applications between the hours 9am to noon. you usually receive the visa/passport back the next day after 2pm.

    if you want, you can go to the thai consulate yourself to submit the visa application, transportation to the consulate by taxi costs about 10 ringgit. by 137 bus, it costs about 2 ringgit, but you have to know where to get off. the conductors are nice, you can ask them to tell you. I did this the first 2 times I went to penang. it takes about 3 hours transportation and all. ..ever since, I go the visa service route so that I can wake up late, and enjoy being the tourist more.

    cost per tourist visa is 99 ringgit. I usually get 2 or 3. if you go with the visa service guys, you need to remember to give them the money for the visas plus their 20 ringgit visa service fee. they will give you a receipt. don't lose it.

    you can confirm all the above by asking people at the place where you plan on staying.

    on the day that you get your passport back, if you can get back to chulia street before 2:30pm, you may be able to get a minibus going back to hatyai at 3pm. the currency exchange guys provide the minibus. cost is 20 ringgit one way.

    if you can do this, you can reach the hatyai bus terminal before 6pm (malaysia and thailand are on a different time zone.) and get a VIP 24 seat bus back to bangkok the same day. I've been lucky and been able to do this the last few times. but it will only work if there are available seats on the bus.

    another option to my routine....

    if you do the one day service, and get your passport/visa back at around 4pm, you could take a regular 38 seat bus from penang directly to bangkok that leaves at around 8pm. I heard the cost is from 70 to 90 ringgit. depending on where you buy the ticket. I think the visa service guys sell it for 90 ringgit. down the street, there is a travel agency on lover lane street that sells it for 70 ringgit.

    not having done it this way before, I have some concerns. ...like will I still be able to cross the border that late at night?

    I know there other ways to do this trip. I've heard of people who went to khao san road and got bus tickets taking them all the way from bangkok to kl for only 600 baht. but where they got the tickets, I don't know.

    the first time I did the bus route, I boarded a 38 seat bus, and arrived into hatyai with an aching back. khao san guys advertise a 42 seat bus. ugh! if you are tiny, it may be ok.

    total cost for 2 tourist visas, transportation, accommodations, food = about 5000 baht. 4 days of your time.

    if you nickel and dime it, I think you could do it for about 3500 baht. but that would mean taking the regular 38 seat buses.. ugh!

    by train...

    same routine as above except you board train at hualompong train station. cost for 2nd class sleeper is about 1300 baht one way. I've seen cheaper train tickets going for about 350 baht one way, but you can't lie down. ugh!

    some of the trains have a dining section that opens until about 8pm at night.

    all the way from bangkok to butterworth. but you spend more time traveling. did this route 2 times in the past. 21 to 25 hours on the train depending on delays.

    keep in mind that the last train leaving butterworth to bangkok on the return trip leaves at 2pm in the afternoon. if you pick up your passport at 2pm, there is no way you can get the train at butterworth the same day. ...unless of course, you get to hatyai by minibus before 6pm. possible. but haven't done it before.

    if you have company, the train route may be the route to go. clackity, clack, clackity clack, clackity clack. if you are not too big, the lower bunk can be cozy for 2 people.

    oh. one last tip. be sure to bring a sweater or a jacket with you when you travel on bus or by train. sometimes they jack up the air con big time.

    another tip.... there is a malaysia tourist office on silom road where you can get all the maps and tourist info on penang for free. if I recall, it is on the 19th floor in the liberty building where california fitness is located.

    ANOTHER tip... be sure to check that the time you go for the visa run does not fall on any malaysian or thai holidays. otherwise, your stay will get extended because the thai consulate is closed. ..this happened to me once.

    hope this helps... enjoy!

  14. Guys, is there any bowling place in BKK??? :o

    Dusit Bowl, 424 Soi Prayadsap, Phahonyothin, Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400, 02-271-3687

    OK Bowl, Din Daeng, Bangkok, 10400, 02-641-0801-4

    Ploenchit Bowl, 1037/1-2-4 Ploenchit, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330, 02-251-2852

    Sukhumvit Bowl, 320 Soi Panichanan, Sukhumvit 71, Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110, 02-391-2148

    Brunswick Bowling RCA Bowl 3rd Floor, RCA Plaza Off Petchburi Rd

    love bowling, but haven't bowled in a while. ..just curious. do you know of any bowling alley in the city that currently has offers like 100 baht for 3 games, or 100 baht for 1 hour?

    about a year ago, I found a bowling alley out in sukhumvit soi 101 or thereabouts which offered 30 baht a game. and one out in rama 3 which offered 25 baht a game. ..but both were too far out for me to get excited.

    I like bowling, but I'm not going to travel 2 hours to bowl.

    .....bowling. :D

  15. when I first came to bangkok, I remember waking up in the middle of the night experiencing bouts of not being able to breath. after much experimentation, I came to the conclusion that it was due to the smog in the air.

    ....I know it is the smog because when I go to pattaya, I don't have the breathing problems.

    with further experimentation, I found that if I lived near the traffic, then, I needed to live above the 8th floor to avoid getting problems with breathing.

    to do your own experiment using yourself as a guinea pig, go to a hotel near the traffic, rent rooms at different floors, and just be aware of breathing problems while you sleep. get a cheap hotel to do the experiment because the rooms won't be air tight.

    after much observation, I also found out that there are certain areas in the city where the smog doesn't collect. in these places, you can live on any floor of the building. ...sukhumvit soi 12 is one of those neighborhoods.

    everybody is different, so you need to find out how sensitive you are to the smog. instead of the 8th floor, you may need to live in a place higher than that. some people are so strong, they can tolerate any amount of smog. they are lucky.

    nowadays, before I go to sleep, I look out my window to see how the smog condition is. ...when the air looks "red", expect the worst. when it is clear, I know I will breath easy that night.

    I know. you are asking, "knowing what you know, why do you live in bangkok?" to which I answer, "I like big cities, and the variety of things to do that they offer."

    hope this helps...

  16. Thanks for reminding me that after 16 years of living in Thailand I am only a guest with no right to an opinion.  :o

    Give me a break. I get so sick of this "if you don't like it go home" or "you are just a guest in this country" attitude it makes me feel ill. I am a human being with the right to my own opinion. And you know what? By sharing it with Thai people I know (like littering is wrong) I may change a few attitudes.  Certainly everyone in my husband's immediate family is alot cleaner and more aware of their rubbish since learning about pollution. My sister-in-law no longer dumps her rubbish in the khlong next to her house because I spoke up and talked to her about how dirty it was, how it breeds disease.  Are you suggesting this is wrong?

    constructive criticism is always welcome if it does not turn into whining.

    as for my opinion on being a guest, I already said my piece.

  17. All true, especially what the knowledgeable Professor stated -- but we can't do a ###### thing about any of it -- the bigger picture?  yeah, all these complaints, and it still is the best place to live, bar none.   Place the focus there amigos. 

    Want to go back to England and have your soul just say "<deleted>  it?"

    Or back to the States and crawl on the San Diego  freeway in total misery and ask yourself frequently, "what the ###### am I doing here in this slow-death purgatory?"

    God do I love it so!

    Harmonica, couldn't agree more. Wouldn't live anywhere else on the planet. Don't understand these guys. Do they believe Thai's actually read this farang thread and are going to "shape up" because a few whiney foreigners say they should? If I do recall, we had our share of pollution, filth, crime, etc. back in the good ole USofA. And if some foreign d**khead were to come over to the US and complain about our way of life, I certainly would tell him to go the heck back to where he came from (after telling him to go piss up a rope). So it wouldn't surprise me if the average Thai would respond in pretty much the same way.

    Interesting quote,have the USofA signed up to the Kyoto Protocol yet ? Or are they still pissed that some foreign d**kheads (i.e. the international community) are trying to do something about climate change.I understand your point veiw, because America never went over somewhere and complained aout how others did things did they ?

    We are allowed an opinion ,sometimes we may simply be raging against the machine , however just because it's not our country doesn't mean we have to agree with all that happens.

    my 2 cents....

    it is impolite for "guests" to complain when they are staying in someone else's home.

    imagine for one moment the following scenario...

    ..you invite someone over to your house for dinner. as soon as he/she enters your house, they start complaining about the way the furniture is arranged, how messy it is, or maybe you didn't serve meat for dinner. etc.

    what would you do?

    frankly, I would kick the person out of my house. ..wouldn't you?

    people who complain too much are not sensitive to other people's feelings. they are usually not aware of the pain and hurt they cause other people because of their critical remarks.

    thai people have feelings just like everybody else.

    here they are... they invite you into their home, and then, you complain about everything????

    entitled to your opinion? if you are a guest in my home... no, you are not.

    this applies to the in-laws, the kids, and anyone else who is a "guest" in my house.

    if you want to express your opinion while in my house, you better have the same opinion as me. otherwise, I'm going to walk you to the door. and tell you where you can "take your opinion". comprendi?

    if you are in thailand on a visa, you are a guest. remember that. or else, you may not be welcome anymore.

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