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Posts posted by haha

  1. drinking enough water each day helped to relieve me of many ailments. and I also exercise on a regular basis.

    another thing to consider is - worm pills.

    check out the website, www.curezone.com. read the section on parasites.

    if you go to any big c, carrefour, or lotus, go to the pharmacy section. I did one time a long time ago, and noticed a huge section of a shelf reserved for a variety of worm pills.

    that stiff neck, or bad back may be the result of some nasty bugs sapping you of your energy.

    I take a worm pill every 3 months....

  2. Mistys,  I will say something to you here.  The collapse of the TWIN TOWERS was caused by FIRE being fueled by JET FUEL, in the thousands of gallons.  Besides that the towers were built to withstand a direct hit from a 707 jet, and todays jets are 3 to 5 times larger and carrying jet fuel in the high 60's in thousands of gallons..  Also the towers were built on steel and glass and some concrete. 

    So when that plane hit the tower it hit just about right.  Took out half of the side of the tower which means the other half was holding about 1/8th of the building above it.  Combined with no structural support on one side and with the intense heat melting those steel beams, something had to give and when the collapsed began all that weight above it made it a perfect domino effect downward to the ground.

    Nothing is rude about this man, it is plain facts and it is you the person who refuses to accept facts.

    These buildings here in Thailand do get their approval, but there is so much cost cutting and material cutting on many areas that itself creates a danger over the span of time and the way it is added it is not added to be stucturally safe for additional weight.  Now this place had a fire, and most buildings here in Thailand are built of concrete and steel mesh inside the concrete itself to give it more strength.  Number two---->  fire cannot destroy concrete.  So technically it means that this concrete was cracking for quite some time and the way they are built which should surprise many of you here they are built crooked.  None of these buildings are built straight and true like in other countries such as in America.  Also the concrete ratio mix is never correct thus reducing its true strength.  The only place you will be seeing true strength concrete is their airport runways, and toll bridges and some roads around Bangkok.

    Since Thailand has plate faults around itself, if those plates move just right, yes an earthquake can happen in Thailand itself, and when it does, I hope to hella I am not inside the city limits itself.  Those buildings will be coming down by the thousands without batting an eye.  Bangkok may be one of the largest cities around the world, but they are also primed to be one of the biggest disasters the world will ever encounter should a quake take place in Thailand around Bangkok.  The death toll will be astonishing high.

    So you owe an apology to one member here for sure without a doubt


    :D  :o  :D

    my 2 cents....

    the 911 incident was inappropriately used as a comparison to the collapsed building in bangkok. why, you ask? because of the number of people "murdered".

    this is the difference between the 2 scenarios...

    the 911 incident was an act of war committed to murder people.

    the collapsed building in bangkok was the result of ignorance. whoever build the building probably just didn't know better. ...who would intentionally build a building that could collapse and kill their family???

    ....many people in the world cannot understand the feelings that americans attach to the 911 incident. and my guess is they never will - unless something similar happens to them.

  3. I have some friend in hawaii who wants to transfer some money from his bank to his girlfriend's bank account at the bangkok bank. his bank in hawaii says he needs to provide them with the "bank routing number" for the bangkok bank branch in bangkok. so, I asked his girlfriend to get the "bank routing number" from her bank. she replies that her bank told her that bank routing numbers are not used in thailand.

    if bank routing numbers are not used in thailand, then, what do they use to transfer money from one bank to another?

    any info would be most appreciated. thank you.

    sorry if the question sounds stupid. but I never did a money transfer via banks. I've always used western union.

  4. for many years, I went to phnom penh to get my routine multiple tourist visas. then, when several cambodians trashed the place, I didn't go for a while. after they rebuilt the place, I made a visa run to continue my routine, but was refused multiple tourist visas. ...they only gave me one.

    I have since changed my routine to malaysia where I have been successful.

    returning to that last trip to phnom pehn which was earlier this year......

    I remember while waiting patiently for my visa application to be processed, somebody ahead of me in the line tossed their cambodian passport at the clerk. I was shocked at this behavior.

    ..if I were working as the clerk, and somebody did that to me, I think I would get pretty mad. what would you do?

    I have this feeling that the people at the thai embassy in phnom penh are experiencing extensive abuse by foreigners whoever they might be, and their way of retaliating is by way of refusing visas.

    ...all these visa problems started occurring after the cambodians raided and trashed the thai embassy about a year ago. do you remember?

  5. my 2 cents....

    the usa is one of the most stable countries in the world.

    how can I say this, you ask?

    1) the usa has been blessed with many resources, more than most other countries in the world.

    2) the usa is has only 2 neighbors.  namely canada and mexico.

    what does this all mean?

    1) america can survive on it's own resources.  ..not many other countries can do that.

    2) america doesn't have to worry as much about somebody invading them.  ..unlike other countries.

    now, which currency would you feel more safe with?  ..the euro where countries have a history of fighting one another, or the dollar where 2 oceans are natural barriers to foreign invasions?

    would you rather have your currency in a country that can't survive on food supplied by it's own farms, or a country that can supply the whole world with food if it wanted to?

    in a case of emergency like a war, I will put my bet on america any day.

    yes, america is having some tough times right now.  but you know what?  the next harvest is just a year away.  another paycheck is just a year away.

    worse comes to worse, the usa could do what many other small countries have done in the past, screw the foreigner, and not pay them back. 

    ..not that it would, but let's face it,  the debt can be taken care of - in one way or another.


    Keep on dreaming, haha, keep on dreaming..the 'Old' American Dream.

    The world has changed..don't you realize that?....America can survive...without Oil?

    'The debt can be taken care of'..sure......by scr.wing the foreigner?

    Of course, the US did it many times before, but you know what? 'the foreigners' are learning quickly!

    Dream on.

    America can survive...without Oil.

    they have all the tools to make alternative energy sources.

    if they wanted to, they could have done this a long time ago. ...it's just not the right time to change.

    ...more so for foreign countries than for the usa. (can you imagine what would happen to the middle east if they did.)

    ugh! the oil debate again.

    hey! did you know that at one time, the usa could have conquered the world, and if they did, they would have had control of ALL the oil in the world? yes, it's true.

    how can I say this, you ask?

    simple, when the usa invented the atom bomb, they were the only ones to have it for over 3 years.

    do you wonder why they didn't conquer the world? ..simple, because they are not evil. now, if hitler invented the bomb first, what do you think he would have done?

    check out these websites...



    last, but not least...

    if you want to match the generosity of america with other countries, I think you will find that america has done more to help other countries than MOST other countries in this world. fact of the matter, compared to many other countries, the usa is a saint.

    check out the following websites.




    no, I don't think so.

    the american dream is real. and growing....

    you say the world is changing, and I'm not aware of it??? perhaps you should read the papers more.... it seems to me there are more democracies out there than existed 50 years ago.


  6. my 2 cents....

    the usa is one of the most stable countries in the world.

    how can I say this, you ask?

    1) the usa has been blessed with many resources, more than most other countries in the world.

    2) the usa is has only 2 neighbors. namely canada and mexico.

    what does this all mean?

    1) america can survive on it's own resources. ..not many other countries can do that.

    2) america doesn't have to worry as much about somebody invading them. ..unlike other countries.

    now, which currency would you feel more safe with? ..the euro where countries have a history of fighting one another, or the dollar where 2 oceans are natural barriers to foreign invasions?

    would you rather have your currency in a country that can't survive on food supplied by it's own farms, or a country that can supply the whole world with food if it wanted to?

    in a case of emergency like a war, I will put my bet on america any day.

    yes, america is having some tough times right now. but you know what? the next harvest is just a year away. another paycheck is just a year away.

    worse comes to worse, the usa could do what many other small countries have done in the past, screw the foreigner, and not pay them back.

    ..not that it would, but let's face it, the debt can be taken care of - in one way or another.


  7. my 2 cents...

    1) in general, rent, don't buy. if you have so much money that you can afford to lose your investment in a condo here, go for it. it doesn't really matter, then, does it?

    2) the real estate market here in thailand is based on the expectations of foreigners and not the earning power of local thai people. most thai people in this country cannot afford the prices of condos advertised to foreigners. how can I say this? simple, most thais make less than 10k baht a month, or about 250 usa dollars.

    3) there has been a boom in construction recently. ...especially with commercial property. many of the big hi-rises are almost complete. if the developers aren't able to fill up all the rental spaces, what do you think will happen to the real estate market here?

    4) thai people in general don't want foreigners to own anything in their country. most thai people who I have discussed property issues with have told me this. of course, you can do your own survey if you don't believe me. so, what has this got to do if you want to own a condo here? ..everything. basically, if you encounter any problems with the condo, the chances are, no thai person will help you resolve it. ...yes, do your own survey. talk to other foreigners. get educated.

    5) before 1992, every 4 years, the political power in thailand changed by way of a coup. the last one didn't occur because the king intervened. the thai people love the king so much that they listen to him. ..but someday, the king won't be here anymore. so, what do you think will happen then? this is not to say anything bad will happen. but if another coup occurs, do you think those people will honor your claim to your condo?

    6) during the 70's, malaysia went thru this very scenario. the real estate market skyrocketed bigtime because of foreign investors. so much so that the local people were locked out of the market for their own land. imagine that.... the malaysians came to hate the foreigners (mainly singaporeans) for the way the property market was. they resented the fact that they couldn't buy homes in their own country.

    ..anyway, guess what malaysia did? they made it a law that foreigners could not own property. and as a result, foreigners lost all the gains that they made. many foreigners lost everything. ..the funny thing to this whole tale is that malaysia is now opening up to foreign investors again. and many are flocking in to spend their money buying condos again.

    ..just shows you how long people remember the past.

    7) last, but not least. in the last year, twice, foreigners have lost their businesses to some "unknown" person(s). what happened was that the premises of the foreigners businesses were demolished. these foreigners had licenses from the government supposely making their business legitimate. ..did any thai person come to their aid? not that I know of.

    ..in fact, one of the perpetrators got away with doing this injustice. in fact, this same person is now running for political office.

    in summary, it's your money. you can do anything you want with it. just remember, this is not america.

    thailand is a great place to live your life. but be careful. and don't EVER forget, we are just guests here.

  8. I get from Bang Na to Don Muang for 39 Baht!

    Thats expensive!!

    Take a 20B minibus from the Victory monument instead!

    the yellow bus number 510 or 513 takes you pass the airport from the Victory monument for only 14 baht. if you don't have much luggage, it's great.

    ..oh. you will need to know where to get off. otherwise the bus will just keep on going....

    I heard taking the train is only 5 baht but I haven't tried that route before.

  9. I saw a dental clinic at mbk where the dentist speaks english. if I recall right, they are on the 6th floor. ..same floor as the food court. but on the opposite side of the mall.

    I don't know how much they charge for doing crowns. I noticed that they charge 600 baht to clean your teeth.

    along the patunam district near pantip plaza, I see many dental clinics. but I don't know how good they are, or whether they speak english or not. I did see that they charge about 400 baht for a cleaning.

    on the other hand, if you want to know of a good barber, I could help you there. I go to this one place in patunam that charges 60 baht for a haircut. not only do they cut your hair, included is a shave, and a short 2 minute shoulder massage. great deal.

  10. Interesting that more people with university educations and higher voted for Kerry, while more people that never made even received their high school diploma voted for Bush.

    Wonder which category IamMaiC and Boon Mee fall into?

    It could mean many things... it could mean that the privileged wanted Kerry and the underprivileged wanted Bush.

    Instead of slagging other people... better start thinking... or asking those ejukated people, how you are gonna survive WWIII :o:D:D

    Educated people know that there will never BE a World War III unless a US headed by a war-mongering, moronic president starts it.

    did you know that bin laden already declared war on the usa? ..and he along with all the other terrorists have been killing people for over 30 years now?

    important information that came out of this election is:

    1) bin laden confessed to being behind 911,

    2) zaqawi (a bin laden associate) is in iraq leading terrorists activities there.

    so, in summary....

    ...there is a connection between bin laden and saddam like everybody in the past was speculating.

    bush was right in going in to stop saddam before he got the bomb.

  11. I think all the support being given to many dictators in the past was due to the old communists back in the past. I'm not sure about all the details since I didn't experience it first hand.

    in the last century, communism was a big thing. nations were killing their own to promote it.

    did you know that the "old" communists killed over 120 million people in their quest for power back in the last century?

    the usa was scared and worked to stop the bloodshed, and the communist movement back then.

    that is why they acted the way they did supporting dictators here and there. in the hopes of stopping the spread of communism, and the bloodshed that came with it.

    I'm just glad that the present day communists are not the same as those guys in the past. those guys in the past were truly evil.









    sorry if too much information to absorb. I just think that knowledge is power. people need to know what happened, and why to make good decisions.

  12. to strongview.... for some reason, I keep thinking you work for california fitness and posted this topic for some free advertising.

    ..anyway, yes, spinning classes are available at california fitness. their website is www.californiafitness.co.th

    I purchased a diamond membership a few years ago. special promotion at the time. the diamond plan is for 8 years and is paid up front. monthly cost averages out to be about 400 baht. at the end of 8 years, I have the option to renew annually for 5000 baht.

    there is talk that california fitness is planning on opening up 6 new locations in thailand within a year. ..but then, you never know. it's all talk right now.

  13. oh. someone reading my post just mentioned something to me. ..maybe the most important ingrediant for inventions to occur.

    acceptance by society, by the people who would be the ones to benefit from the invention.

    if people don't want something new in their world, it will not succeed.

    ..have you ever seen a computer installed in an office, but never used for whatever reason?

  14. my 2 cents....

    regarding the many technological advances that have originated from the usa in the past 100 years....

    I believe they occurred in the usa because of:

    1) educational is highly regarded, and available,

    2) information is readily available and shared, and,

    3) the promise of monetary rewards.

    -1) if you don't have the proper educational background, you will be lacking in the basic stepping stones to invention.

    -2) in my lifetime, I've met many people from the old generation who kept secrets pertaining to their trades as a means to ensure future earning power.

    I understand the logic, but frankly, this type of behavior stifles progress.

    when people are not worried about their livihood, when they are ensured of a supply of food, shelter, and civil stability, that is when their minds can explore new things, to try new ideas, to work together for mutual benefit.

    ...more people also means more ideas.

    -3) last, but not least, money is a factor too. in the usa, if you invent something, you can get a patent on it which will allow you exclusive use of your invention for a period of time. this guarantee is a major reason for why many people are willing to sacrifice major portions of their life in the attempt to invent something.

    if the patent system is not honored in the usa, for sure, the number of inventions will decrease.

    ..who in the right mind would work so hard, and spend so much money to invent something if someone else is allowed to copy the fruits of your labor?

    in summary, inventions can happened anywhere in the world given the right circumstances, the right incentives.

  15. in san francisco, I had this one landlord who refused to give me back my $500 us dollar deposit for no reason at all. and I couldn't get it back.

    here in bangkok, out of 5+ places that I lived at, I only had one landlord who gave me problems.

    it happens everywhere in the world.

    in the one place where I had problems, I remember what happened...

    I lived there for about 2 years. in the beginning, everything was cool. I made friends with everybody from the manager, the guards, to the street vendors. everyday, we greeted each other. ...then, one day it started, everybody would ask me where I was going. and everyday, I would reply in thai, either the gym to workout, or visit friends. suddenly one day after about a year of doing this, everybody, and I mean everybody started looking at me differently. they weren't friendly anymore.

    to this day, I'm still not sure what happened to cause the change in their attitudes. sometimes I think people just got jealous of me because I didn't work. other times, I think it may have been some cultural differences in opinions that I'm not aware of. who knows....

    I spoke to another foreigner who lived there. he told me that the mistake that I made was to get friendly with everyone. he had lived there for much longer than I had, and he had no problems. stay low key, and you'll be ok was his advice.

    I told him that I prefer to take my chances to try to make friends, and if it didn't work out, I would leave. ...my choice whereever I go.

    shortly after my neighbors started treating me differently, my apartment was broken into. ..but nothing was stolen. (????) and I left after that.

    ...it was a small place which cost me 3000 baht a month to rent. this place had cable tv included, and allowed you to install a dedicated phone line. it was a good deal.

    anyway, moving on..... my current landlord is great. this is the second time I stayed here. after my first tenure here, they gave me back my whole deposit minus utilities with no questions asked. this time around, he even allowed me to install a dedicated phone line.

    I still greet everybody. and so far, everybody respects my privacy.

  16. to khunpadthai:

    where should I begin...

    first off, I am the first to admit that the usa is not perfect. but as I said in my earlier listing, compared to most nations in the world, the usa is a saint.

    do please review the info on the websites that I listed on my previous listing.

    your claim that quote, "the usa is the most active and consistent practitioner of terror in the modern era" might hold some truth if:

    1) hitler didn't murder 20 million people (including 6 million jewish folks).

    2) stalin didn't murder 90 million people.

    3) china didn't murder 60 million people.

    4) japan didn't murder 8 million people.

    5) cambodia didn't massacred 2 million people.

    oh. and let's not forget the hundreds of thousands of people who died needlessly while saddam hussein was the ruler of iraq.

    or the terrorists who are beheading innocent people as early as of last month.


    khunpadthai, if the usa is so bad, why didn't they conquer the world when they invented the atom bomb? did you know that when the usa first invented the atom bomb, they were the only ones to have it for over 3 years?

    if the usa is so bad, why did they spend billions of dollars helping rebuild all those countries right after world war II? did you know most of those countries never ever paid the usa back all the money that was spent on rebuilding their countries?

    if the usa is so bad, why didn't the usa keep japan, germany, and a host of other nations (including some in the middle east) after world war II? they could of, you know.

    more recently, why didn't the usa keep kuwait after they kicked saddam out? ..why didn't they just bomb the ###### out of iraq instead of using precision bombing?

    ...the list goes on and on.

    the usa is a good country.

  17. I am an american. it is my first home. ..and I'm not afraid to say that I like bush. his intentions are honorable.

    when 9/11 occurred, the fear that was going around was - if the terrorists had the nuclear bomb, would they have used it on new york? ..from there, the question was, if saddam had the nuclear bomb - would he have given it to the terrorists?

    my belief is yes - saddam would have given the bomb to the terrorists. this was a man with delusions of grandeur who attacked iran and kuwait. america with the help of the coalition of nations intervened to stop him. and there is no doubt in my mind that he wanted revenge. especially with the way he acted for over 12 years after he was kicked out of kuwait.

    ..I believe that saddam would have given the bomb to terrorists to use on america once he found out how to make them.

    bush did the right thing to go in before saddam was finally able to make the atom bomb.

    as it turns out now, not only was iraq looking to make atom bombs, then, we find out that many other countries in the middle east are pursuing this route too.

    I know. you are asking - how do I know that saddam was trying to make the atom bomb? hey! remember that guy from pakistan who confessed to providing black market nuclear technology to everybody at a price?

    ..HE is why we all know what is going on.

    sorry for the change in topic. but it needed to be said.

    hey. america is not perfect, but then, is anybody? compared to many other countries, america is a saint. check out the following websites...





  18. I used to get sore throats all the time. then, one day while discussing my problem with some friends, one guy said to me that he used to have sore throats all the time too. ..he went to his doctor to ask what could be causing it.

    the doctor told him to dry his ears after taking showers. or better yet, don't let water from the shower go into your ear.

    so, not knowing what to expect, but hoping that my sore throats would stop, I followed his advice.

    get this. ....I don't have sore throats anymore.

    not being a doctor, I can't explain why it works. ..my guess is that the water has bacteria in it, and when it goes into your ear, it can work it's way into your throat via some ducts.

    on another note.... somebody mentioned that they got pink eye somehow. and they speculated that it was due to some close up work during sex.

    well, I once got pink eye really bad. so bad that I almost went blind. since I didn't have sex for a while at the time, I wondered what could have caused it. again I spoke to some friends about it. and one person asked if I had used the towels that they hang in the public restrooms here to dry my hands.

    I replied yes. his reply is that many people get pink eye that way. the germs get passed via the towels. pink eye is contagious.

    moral of the story - don't use any cloth towels that you might happen to see in the public restrooms to dry your hands. also, always wash your hands as soon as you can after taking a public bus. especially if it happens to be the 4 baht red bus.

    regarding pollution.... being hypersensitive to smoke, whenever the pollution level is high here in bangkok, I can't sleep at night. I would constantly cough through the night. after suffering a couple of nights, I decided to see if there was some way I could alleviate my problem. I tried many simple things. and discovered that if I was steeping in a room that is above the 8th floor, I didn't cough. also, if I didn't clean the air filter in the air conditioner at least every 2 weeks, I also observed an increase in my coughing at night.

    hope this helps someone...

  19. are you sure the proposed fares with the new buses are going to be 30 bht per trip? I think this bit of info needs to be confirmed.

    according to the bangkok post, the average daily salary of a thai person is about 180 baht for someone living in bangkok, and about 140 for someone outside of bangkok.

    ..so, how is a thai person going to be able to afford this expense? ...how are they going to have enough money to eat?

    that 30 baht fee per trip sounds incorrect. it must be a misprint.

    ..if for some reason, the 30 baht fee is true, I think I would just buy a bicycle to get around. pattaya from one end to the other end is only about 2 miles. piece of cake with a bicycle.

    hey! that's an idea for a local thai person. ...open up a bicycle shop along beach road, and rent bicycles for like 30 baht a day. then, everybody will be happy. no gasoline bills to worry about, less pollution, people making money, people saving money. no traffic.

    the only people who might be upset with this idea is the bus drivers. some sort of job retraining will need to be implemented to help them.

    ..just trying to be constructive.

    my 2 cents.

  20. about 3 years ago before they allowed retirement visas at age 50, I was thinking of ways to get a one year visa.

    I mentioned my desire to get a one year visa to several of my friends. one of them told me that he was getting ready to get his retirement visa because he had just reached age 55. and that he was going to stop his business here in thailand.

    when he told me that, I asked him if he would transfer ownership of his business to me. he said yes. in fact, he agreed to give his business to me free. ..I couldn't believe my ears. this was one nice guy.

    with a established business here in thailand, I thought to myself that I should be able to get a one year visa with no problems.

    so, off we went to SMC at the pacific park plaza near the landmark hotel. ..this is where my friend originally paid 15k baht to setup his business.

    anyway, we asked the people there that we wanted to transfer the business from my friend to me, or to just add me onto the list of directors whichever was cheaper.

    the lady there replied that to do either of the above would cost us another 15k baht.

    we then said 15k baht is the cost of setting up a new business, so shouldn't the cost of transferring one be cheaper?

    she replied that 15k baht is the price of transferring. the cost for setting up a new business is now 45k baht.

    I then said quote, "your ad in the newspaper says you charge 15k baht for opening up a new business."

    she replied that the ad needed to be updated to reflect the new pricing scheme that her company (SMC) was planning on implementing.

    upon hearing the new pricing scheme of SMC, we decided to not continue with the transfer.

    it's been about 3 years now since the scenario occurred. and the last time I bothered to look at their ad in the newspaper, I still see the price of setting up a business listed as being 15k baht.

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