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Everything posted by actonion

  1. And they charge nearly double for a Debit card UK to Thailand, & quoted 1 day longer than DHL
  2. How do you know this ?
  3. Buffet meals, what does'nt get eaten at this sitting, gets put under the counter until the next sitting, be it that evening, or next morning, if you are feeling constipated go have a buffet breakfast
  4. Crashing, Banging, and broken limbs, its just another normal day on the roads in Thailand
  5. Drive time is 90 minutes, keeping within the speed limits, and no hold up's
  6. Less than a week ago a Chinese delegate from their Embassy was give re assurance from a Thai minister that Chinese citizens are safe in Pattaya, but did'nt say safe from what!!
  7. Just like all Thai labor working in public areas, once they've finished the job they just walk away, and leave their mess, be it electrical, water pipes, or road works, nothing is ever put back the way they found it, or worse
  8. You must be one of these "Concerned Citizens" we often read about..
  9. At the many Farang Mini-Supermarkets dotted around Thailand, especially in Pattaya
  10. I "thought" with this ASEAN thing that Thailand is a member of, any Asian person can travel visa free within Asia, and also they can work in any Asian country, but I'm told that is not so...(in Thailand)..
  11. Farang's kicking Thai women is becoming as popular as bags of cash being forgotten on back seats of Bangkok taxi's....
  12. Or put a few behind the desks in city hall, they cant do any worse
  13. Better or worse than them?... A Thai lady school teacher I once knew told me that Thai kids are taught in school that Thai's are a superior race, superior to whom I did'nt ask, but she was not pleased when I laughed...
  14. This has to be the 6th case in less than a year, if u can believe it ...always involving very large sums of money and always on the back seats of Bangkok taxi's ... New P.R stunts needed
  15. How about Pattaya Traffic Police learn the Highway Code and then do the same.,.
  16. No, the problem is Thais at the wheel
  17. Prostitution is what keeps Pattaya alive,.... what else is there
  18. Read a post on Thai Visa today RE ;Valium,.. A Foreigner sitting in the back seat of a Phuket Taxi, looking suspicious the Police said, was searched, a Valium pill was found in his pocket, so he was arrested
  19. Diazepam, AKA Valium, highly addictive Medicine used for Anxiety, Alcohol Withdrawl, Seizures, and a few others, being arrested he's going to suffer some more Anxiety now courtesy of local plod... ..Low season coming soon not so much tea money about
  20. Like I've said many times, Thailand needs more hospitals for the Mentally sick...
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