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Everything posted by actonion

  1. In my 23 years living in Thailand I have had 3 long term relationships, one was with a bar lady who wanted for next to nothing, and that was the best one, only her violent temper was the cause of me giving her the elbow, the other 2 office workers, had constant demands for money, cars , bikes, mood swings, family help $$$ etc... nothing wrong with the right bar lady..
  2. Japan is the world leader in this, mainly on public transport, they now have female only carriages on their trains
  3. Roaches and Rice is ok, its the unwashed hands of the vendor after having a dump etc. that concerns me more, public wash rooms are very few throughout Thailand
  4. Not surprised its dead swimming in that filthy water
  5. If you had a problem in the UK they would have to start issue you with medication, that costs money which they like to save, I've had similar experience with NHS, I don't trust their results, in Thailand you can see the Lab results, in UK I have never been shown any
  6. They're too lazy to find a Bin ...
  7. Where did you have this procedure done for 8000b if I may ask,? I have had 2 quotes from Pattaya private hospitals at 18,000b and 32,000b both for same procedure
  8. As you say corruption rampant, so buy the guns illegally as im sure most Thai's do
  9. When i enquired about buying a hand Gun with my Thai brother in law who happens to be a Captain in the Thai Police farce, he said if you buy a Gun you must buy 2, i if you kill the other party make sure you put the Second gun in his hand before you call the police, It may make your case a bit stronger
  10. At many traffic lights in the Pattaya area there is a designated Red area on the road for Bikes only to stop when waiting at the Red light, and other Vehicles seem to obey that rule as many Cars , Trucks, never enter that Red zone, but Cars, and Bikes, never seem to obey that rule when it comes to Pedestrian crossings, especially outside BIG C extra on Pattaya Klang
  11. I watch them in restaurants with the mask on, the communal bowl of rice and other foods arrive at their table, the masks are removed and everyone dives into the communal food with their chopsticks and then into their mouths exchanging Salivas, makes me feel ill
  12. The hygiene in any Thai restaurant kitchen, has been and always will be questionable, nothing is ever done by the so called health department on checks in kitchens , not only restaurants, but department stores that cook food for take away, one in particular in pattaya klang has rats running over the sacks of rice
  13. The issue is probably similar to my experience where a Thai bloke smashes into the rear of my car and says " you stopped too quick" ( in an emergency braking situation), the problem escalates when I called the police, and they agreed with him
  14. I regularly rent a car from Enterprise at Heathrow Airport using my UK driving licence, but the last trip 2023 I did ask if i can use my Thai driving licence, they said yes I can provided the Thai licence is in English language, with Thailands road traffic accident rate i just wonder if they would load the insurance for someone holding a Thai licence
  15. Riding a bicycle at any time of day or night is a deathwish in Thailand
  16. Brake failure, failure to brake, the problem in Thailand is the Police believe all this BS, no doubt because it will save all the paper work, never a follow up inspection, never banned from driving
  17. A member of my Thai Mrs family works at the Airport, she says its very much under staffed because nobody wants to work there due to poor pay, and considering how far each employee has to travel to get to the airport with no lodging nearby, and your own transport needed
  18. My Thai Mrs takes a .shower while watching something from a distance on her phone ..... Sits on the Throne reading from her Phone, , takes numerous photos in Restaurants which is the start to many arguments, Sms's while Driving until i threatened to take the Car away,++++
  19. Happens everyday in our house with 'er indoors
  20. Captain my A$$ , no better than a motorbike taxi driver, if that
  21. Having lived in several Pattaya apartments in my 23 year stay, I must admit the Balcony railings are way too low,.... I'm 6 feet tall and every railing where I've lived has been below waist high, easy enough after a few beers, or not, to be top heavy, and fall over..... a low railing means less stainless steal, and reduced costs when building these condo blocks, is my guess, its not about safety..that's for sure
  22. Misbehaving Monks goes back many years, Raping Tourists at the back of the Temple, Smoking, Drinking, Drugs, you name it ...The head monk in out local temple just purchased at new BMW, with his hand outstretched for donations from the public.. bent as a Nine Bob note most of 'em
  23. Of course its illegal in a country that follows the law, nobody makes any fuss at all including the government, and police, this is why the road traffic accident death rate is so high in Thailand
  24. Good luck,..........Now don't be leaving it on the back seat's of any Bangkok Taxi's
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